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"Hey Tae." Jimin said anxiously.

"Are you gonna tell your story or not?" Tae said rudely.

"Ok well fine. A month before I came back in town Pacifica dmed me. She said I needed to 'break some people up'. Over course I originally said no but then she blackmailed me. She said she would ask my ex for my nudes then once I moved here she would send them to everyone. So I had to say yes. Then she told me it was you then I really didn't want to do it. I hated how things happened between us and this wouldn't make it any better. Then to make matters worse she wanted us to pretend we were dating. But honestly I never wanted to do and that night at the party, I was drunk. I had drunk my problems away and I didn't know what I was doing and I'm so sorry for messing up your realasionship. Please forgive me Tae." Jimin said having both of them in tears.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry Jimin. I didn't realize you were being manipulated anf blackmailed. I'm not mad at you but I am mad you didn't tell me. I would've tried to help. Nonetheless I'm glad you're ok." Tae said and embraced him in a hug.

"So how's things with you and Jungkook?" Jimin said.

"Well I'm gonna meet up with him tomorrow and hopefully he doesn't hate me." Tae sighed.

"If there's someone he needs to hate it's me." Jimin said.

"No, if there's someone he needs to hate it's Pacifica." Tae said.

"Well I hope you guys get back together."

"Yeah I do too."

don't forget to vote! Love y'all and thanks for 21k💜

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