(VERY OLD)The New Student/Nominations

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Sometimes being the school president wasn't easy for Oj..

In some ways, you gotta record everything the students were doing, helping the teacher with one of the activities that the other students will do, and many more to remember.

It was stressing for him to say the least..

"Hey Oj~" A girl called.

He turned around to see.. Salt.

Oj despised Salt for being too clingy and too spoiled for him.

"Oh.. hey Salt." He said as he turned his back to her and went to class.

"Hey! Like, where are you going~?" Salt said as she started to cling into Oj's arms.

Oj was uncomfortable about this, even though he said to Salt that it was uncomfortable yet Salt never listened.

"Hey, I told you not to cling onto me! It's uncomfortable.." He said as he walked faster to get away with Salt.

Yet, Salt still chased him until they've reached their classroom.

But until Salt was there, she met eyes with Pepper and quickly sat next to her to tell how much she 'loved' Oj.

Oj was relieved that she was gone and sat to an empty chair with no one next to him.

It was very lonesome of Oj to be quite honest, no one never even dared to sit next to hom since that he's the class president.

Even Salt for that matter.

Not until someone new has come to their class.

"Alrighty students! Ya have a new classmate enrolling todayy!" Toilet announced the others.

"Why Indeed! We'll be having a new student joining us today! He's from all the was to ildotic Island." Mepad also announced. (lol idiotic island refere-)

And by that, Mepad signed the kid who was just standing at the entrance to come infront of class.

Suddenly, a boy with white hair with blue and red highlights came in. It caught Oj's eye, or maybe his heart perhaps.

Oj kept thinking;

'Who is he?'

'Where and what school did he go, back then?'

He'd never seen him before yet he felt something in his chest that caused him to get butterflies in his stomach.

His thoughts dissappeared when the white haired boy started to greeted the whole class, he was stuttering at first but he still managed to introduce himself.

"Hi.. M-My name is Paper..." he said in a whispering tone, stopping mid sentence as he looked down on his feet. "Oh! Sorry.." Mepad leaned to the kid and whispered. "Sorry about that Paper.. I forgot you have social anxiety.." Mepad cleared his throat. "I-It's ok, I think I'll get used to this when I get to know them longer..." Paper said.

Mepad then cleared his throat. "His name is Paper Rodriguez everyone, and I hope you all could make him feel welcome! Now, how about you sit next to Oj 'since that he's the only one who doesn't have a seatmate'. Oj may you raise your hand?"

Mepad says mumbling mid sentence as Oj raised his hand and signaled Paper to sit with him.

"You know I kinda heard that, right?" Oj said to Mepad. Yep, he heard what Mepad was mumbling about since that Mepad's literally infront of Oj.

But the other students didn't heard it.

But it made Paper giggle a bit since that he heard that too.

Oj looked at him, his face is red and so was Paper as he noticed that Oj was starring at him.


--Days later.--

The School Bell rings, and it's time for them to go home. But before the students go home, the announcement speaker alarmed the whole school.

"Attention students from grade 10, please head to the teachers faculty room to vote for Secretary for the nominations. I repeat, please head to the teachers faculty room to vote for the nominations. Thank you."

Now you might be wondering why is Oj already the President if the nominations for Secretary were about to start even though that they should be electing roles at the same date? Well, the elections of every role is by 1 week each.

Why is it though? Well because some of the teachers are having a hard time reading the votes when every role in elections are stated in the same time.

And the Secretary was the last role for the nominations.

(A: I have no Idea how elections work at this rate since that it's been years since the elections of our school in f2f. I've forgotten everything lol)

The students went to the Teacher's Faculty Room to vote or nominate a student as the Secretary, this includes Oj and the others.

As they got there, students have taken their seats as the nomination starts.

"Alright students, we'll be leaving the President as the one who gets to nominate a student as Secretary." One of the Teachers said as they left the room for nominations.

"Alright then, nomination of Secretary starts now. Raise your hands on who'll you nominate." Oj said as he sat on one of the Teacher's seats.

Salt raised her hand.

"Yes, Salt..?"

"I like, nominate Myself as the Secretary. Since like, I'm very smart and all." Salt said as she then went back to her seat, the othere didn't agree on her because they already knew how many times Salt failed her exams and being irresponsible to everything she does.

"Oh.. kay..? Any others?" Oj spoke and wrote Salt's name on the board.

Fan raised his hand and stood up before Oj could signal him.

"I nominate Test Tube as the Secretary! She's really smart and knows what it means to be Secretary!" Fan spoke then he went back to his seat.

The others quite agree on this but unsure if the intelligence really matters as Secretary, just the responsibility that's important to it they say.

"Alright then, last one?" Oj spoke then wrote Test Tube's name on the board.

Test Tube then raised her hands and Oj signaled her to stand.

"I nominate the new guy as the new secretary, I've heard that they were very good at it in his old school. And he has more responsibility than I am. And besides, I've been secretary for a few years and I'm quite tired of it." Test tube says as she went back to her seat, this time the students fully agree on this decision.

"Alright Paper, Is that okay with you..?" Oj asked to Paper, "I.. guess I'm okay with it." Paper said shyly.

Oj nodded and wrote Paper's name on the board.

"Alright then, any votes for Salt?"

No one raised their hand.

"Ooohhkkaayyy... 0 votes for Salt it is." Oj then wrote '0' next to Salt's name. Everyone knew what Salt was doing so they didn't vote.

"Any votes for Test Tube next?"

Other half of the students raised their hands including Fan and Paper since that Paper was still new to this school yet he was voted as Secretary, but he still has experience.

"Okay, 31 students vote for Test Tube. Now, any votes for Paper?"

Then most of the students raised their hands including Test Tube and Pepper. Well that was very concerning for Pepper to be quite honest.

"What the? Pepper!" Salt whined.

"Sorry Salty-Salt. But I had Paper as my old classmate back then and he was responsible for it." Pepper then looked back at the board, ignoring Salt's pouting.

Oj counted the votes and Oj was shocked by how many students agree on this.

"44 students vote for Paper, which means Paper is now the Secretary in our Classroom."

Many people clapped as a celebration for Paper's win.

Oj then signaled the students to go home and erased one of the names on the board.

As he was about to exit, he saw that Paper's about to exit so he followed him.

"Congrats on being the Secretary, Paper!" Oj said as he walked beside Paper.

"O-Oh! Thank you.. I was very nervous at first, but I guess I could get used to this once again.." Paper then walked closely to Oj so that he can hear him clearly despite his voice is very soft.

"Well you don't have to worry, cause you're now my friend! And besides, we're seatmates afterall." Oj then smiled at Paper.

Paper blushed at what Oj had said and it made him feel relieved.

He then smiled softly and giggled.

"Thank you.. friend."


A: Yipeeeee🎉

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