Last name:Minecraft
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Last name:Minecraft
Hair color:Blonde
Eye color:Light blue
Father:Philza Minecraft(Alive)
Mother:Kristen Minecraft(dead)
Big brothers:Wilbur and Technoblade (Alive)
Soon to be adopted family:
Y/n likes and dislikes
Likes:Tommy,Friends,Soon to be adopted family,Cuddling,Hugs,Animals,Stuffed toys,Food,sweets.
Dislikes:Biological family,Sour things,Yelling,Mean people,Bullies,Scary things,Creepy things.
Tommyinnit likes and dislikes
Likes:Y/n,Adopted Soon family,Friends, Cuddling,Stuffed toys,Raccoons,Candy, Animals,Food.
Dislikes:Biological family,Sour things,Bullies,Mean people,Creepy things,Yelling.
Y/n personality:Sweet,kind,kinda innocent,Understanding,gets scared sometimes.
Tommyinnit personality:Loud,Sweet, Protective,Stubborn,gets scared a little.
Description: When philza wife Kristen gives birth to y/n and tommy she dies from childbirth it's really upseted philza along with his other kids Wilbur and Technoblade they let they're upset and depression get the better of them. They also let anger also take a hold and that the twins didn't have a good life at home but when they go out in public they act nice and kind to the twins also they have to call philza dad out in public but not in public you have to call him sir or Phil if not they get a punishment. If philza not home mostly both Wilbur and techno are in charge they make the twins do their chores and the house work if the twins try not do what they say they won't let the twins eat anything or they might hit the twins oh back to Philza punishments he would lock,the twins in the basement or in their room without food just water also he would hit them with a belt they all three try not to hit the twins in the face so no one can see that they abuse the twins. Other then,that philza and Wilbur also Techno would just ignore the twins like their not there anyway when the twins go to school the teachers were getting suspicious cause the twins would have bandages on,there cheek or eye and always wearing really baggie clothes even in the heat the one most teacher who is the most suspicious is their teacher Mr, quackity who is more absorbent of the twins along with being worried for them. One time,during recess quackity was watching the kids play making sure no of them hurt themselves when he looked to the twins who,were playing in the sandbox y/n shirt lift up a little when y/n went to grab something to see a bruise on y/n side along with how,skinny his side look that got quackity really worried even on another day the twins who knows was waiting for Phil to pick them up but didn't that got quackity even more worried,and suspicious so quackity decides to,try and get evidence that the twins are being abused along with his husband and older child dream to help get evidence his youngest child can't help cause his to young. Also dream is kinda friends with wilbur and Techno cause they go to the,same high school dream always been suspicious of both brothers dream did meet the twins couple of times when he did meet,the twins when he some times he goes over to their,house to do homework or school projects with both brothers he ran into the twins when came out of the bathroom he could see the fear in their eyes when they looked at him like he was going to hurt them after they looked at him they both hurried to their room that they share with one bed. When dream told his momma(aka quackity) about it then quackity told him about the twins so he agreed to help get evidence,of abuse and neglect when he goes to their house we would try and get them evidence along with setting some small cameras around their house as well when the,brothers are not looking or when he goes to the bathroom.
The Minecraft family ⬇️
The Innit twins⬇️
The friends of the twins⬇️
The Wastaken family ⬇️
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