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Chief Bula was more determined to make his debut into politics a decision that was scorned by his wives and senior family members who brushed him off or rather remained silent to save themselves from wanton rebuke and outburst. They regarded Chief Bula as a personification of the worst family head with no moral authority to sit in traditional authority power sanctum but they had no better idea to smoke him out. They had been overbearing but they were being overwhelmed by his latest adventure. The elder son, whom he didn't take to school for fear of losing colossal sums grew so inpatient with him during that meeting.

Moderator and guardian of conscience to Maxima and AB Major, Hon. Pope major had his eyes on the County executive pinnacle. After extinguishing fire during the melee that ensued during the summon at the cathedral, he gave Saldana a surprise call that let to an immediate release of an appointment date.

Whichever way they would navigate it, they were destined to myriads of systems of dominant ideas and beliefs affecting every sphere of human, social interactions and organisations, be they political, economic, scientific, educational and cultural beliefs that have evolved over decades. Among those fundamental ideas are anarchism, authoritarianism, kratocracy, ochlocracy, plutocracy, communalism, corporatism, conservatism, liberalism, libertarianism, progressivism, syndicalism, socialism, capitalism, communitarianism, conservatism, environmentalism just to mention a few.

The belief that a society should have no government, laws , police or any other authority is called anarchism. The core concept of anarchists is that all material phenomenon have agency, that there exists no categorical distinction between the spiritual and physical world and that soul, spirit or sentience exist not only in humans but also in other animals, plants, rocks and other geographical features.

Where they'll decide to adopt highly concentrated and centralized power maintained by political representatives and the exclusion of political challenger, that would be termed authoritarianism which relate to or forming blind submission to authority.

Communism type of government as well as economic system away of creating and sharing wealth. Individuals do not own land, factories or machinery instead the government or the whole community own these things. Everyone is supposed to share the wealth they create. Community entails the absence of private property and social classes and ultimately money and the state (nation State) . Communist often seek voluntary state of self governance but disagree on the means to this end.  The main difference between socialism and communism. In socialism all citizens share equally in economic resources as allocated by democratically elected government whereas in communism most property and economic resources are owned and controlled by the state.

Communitarianism is the belief in the connection between individuals and the community. Its overriding philosophy is based on the belief that a person's social identity and personality are largely moulded by Community. The focus of communitarianism is prioritizing the needs of the whole rather than the needs of the individuals, the opposite of individualism. It also believes moral and ethical values stem from communities and individuals belong to community rather than the other way round. Communism perspective emphasizes these communal values. However, where individual rights and activity are concerned, communities dictate. Importance of community in the functioning of political life in the final analysis and evaluation of political institutions and in understanding human identity and wellbeing. Communities provide context through which community members define their lives and create unique identities. Communities are valued by countries because they facilitate social relationships rather than serving simply as a means for meeting individual needs.

Conservatism is commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation and relies on individuals to maintain power. Conversationists hold political views such as free Enterprise, private ownership and socially traditional ideas— cultural , social and political philosophy and ideology which seeks to promote and preserve traditional institutions, customs and values. The central tenets of conservation may vary in relation to the culture and civilization in which it appears.

Environmentalism is the concern for environment and particularly activities or advocacy to limit negative human impacts on the environment. It aims to reduce the impact of human activity on earth and its various inhabitants. The principle of environmentalism is to seek to improve and protect the quality of natural environment through changes to environmentally human activities through adoption of forms of political, economic and social organizations that are thought to be necessary for atleast conducive. Concerns of conservatism are preservation and pollution with more contemporary concerns with environmental consequences of ozone depletion on cities, rural and impact on trade, Financial investment and the conduct of war.

Fascism is a far-right , authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement characterized by dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition and media under one party totalitarian or authoritarian state.

Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on the rights of individual, liberty, consent of the government, political equality, right to private property abd equality before the the law. The main features of liberalism are freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion, separation of church and state, the right to due process and equality before the law. The basic assumption of liberation are rejection of power politics as the only outcome of international relations, it questions security/ warfare principles of realism; mutual benefits and international cooperation, the role of international organizations and nongovernmental actors on shaping state progress and policy choices. United Nations provide spring board for conflict resolution in a nonviolent way, international trade with firm belief trading partner states cannot go to war and spread of democracy and belief established democracy don't wage war.

Libertarianism is a political philosophy that upholds liberty as a core value. Libertarians seek to maximize autonomy and political freedom, emphasizing equity before the law and rights to freedom of association, freedom of speech.  Ideas of individual liberties, responsibility or self ownership and free choice. It argues that the government should have less control over the lives of its citizens and should let them be responsible for themselves without the involvement of government. Any political position that advocates a radical redistributions of power from the coercive state to voluntary association of free individuals whether voluntary association takes the form of the free market or of communal cooperation.  Proponents of libertarians argue they're neither rights nor leftists but aren't statist but are at right angles to it. It holds onto concept of free will that requires the agent to be able to take more than one possible cause of action under a given set of circumstances.

Progressivism believes that progress is stifled by economic inequality, inadequately regulated monopolistic or privatism and conflict between working and elites, arguing that corrective measures were needed. Establishing a more transparent and accountable government which would work to improve societies, key policies are civil service reforms,food safety laws and interested in increased political rights for women were needed. Progressivism began in the age of enlightenment out of the belief that civility in Europe was improving due to application of new empirical knowledge. It is associated with social liberalism, a left leaning type of liberalism, however there are progressives that show center- right in-law on cultural issues like Conservative movement such as Christian Democracy.

Populism is a political approach that strives to be applied to appeal to people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups. There are radical left-wing, radical right-wing, illiberal and anti-establishment or empty populism populists. A populist therefore puts ordinary people's rights above those of the wealthy and powerful.

Political action therefore is an action in the polis— that is paradigmatically speech, speech made in the open air. Second, it was speech that mattered and mattered because others could be convinced. Even if the action doesn't noticeably affect the distribution of power but only of other good things it would be termed political if it is oriented to the division of the people into friends and enemies. Fundamentally when one's life politics only to the service of own self that is corruption. When when channeled to the pocket of those close that is called.

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