Fund Kids

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Dawn dragged but finally it was morning. The sun rays penetrated through horizons as weaver birds chirped over and back the twigs and over maize plantation as their voices amplified the echoes of other birds over the hilltops and lowlands. The whispers and noises of fisherfolk could be heard from shallow to deep ends of the lake as sardine fishermen oared their boats violently to the shores to catch up with promising sun.

All pointed to a brighter and better day in Okuro and Mu Empire. Like any other girl-child, Del had done everything within her powers in readiness for school. She had been very busy since she spearheaded the founding of Lake Stewardship Club.

However she had a feeling that she was forgetting something which she suddenly remembered. It was a brochure that was dropped by the officers from The Constituency Legislator's office showing Funding Products For Youth Enterprise.

The club was considering funding options from both public and private sectors. They were mooting many projects for pupils and Mu stakeholders, particularly the fishing community. They had explored on cost-cutting measures but still they would incur some cost, it was just a matter of when, where and how much.

Del was also struggling to manage rebellion among students especially lower classes that felt  they were consciously elbowed out of club leadership. Led by OJ and  his brother O'king, the duo presented their complaints to Matar who would make a formal statement before making a formal petition to the office of the principal. According to the sources, Matar denounced the election terming it a sham and a betrayal of trust.

Del had gone to the headteacher's office to talk about available support ranging from facilities to funds from school for their project.

Del: Good afternoon sir?

Tiacha: Good afternoon. How're you. What's your full name?

Del: My name is Del Danilo?

Tiacha:  I remember your name. Which grade are you?

Del: I'm in grade five sir?

Tiacha: Welcome Del. Congratulations for starting Lake Stewardship Club. It's a good idea.

Del: Thank you sir.

Tiacha: Welcome. How may I be of help. You seem distraught?

Del: How do you mean sir. What's distraught?

Tiacha:(amused! giving her the dictionary) ooh I understand. Can you look it up in the dictionary?

Del: (Opening pages) okay. Yes I have found it. Distraught: very worried and upset.

Tiacha: Very good. What worries and upsets you?

Del: (Humourous) Sir I'm not sure about upset. But I'm worried.

Tiacha: (Smiling) Ok. What's the worry about?

Del: Sir you applauded our Lake Stewardship Club. Haven't you?

Tiacha: Yes.

Del: And you think it can aid conservation efforts. Don't you?

Tiacha: I do. To a larger it's a timely idea.

Del: Sir how many clubs are in this school. Approximately?

Tiacha: More than thirty. Why do you ask?

Del: Because it should concern you and I that we have clubs that don't serve students, leave alone the community. What might be the problem sir?

Tiacha: The problem might be class work. What do you think?

Del: Class work is the main activity of a school that can never be a problem. Can you think of another problem sir?

Tiacha: I meant lack of balance between class and clubs.

Del: Are you confirming that teachers haven't been able to balance their time to take care of Clubs?

Tiacha: Yes. Most of teachers give weight to what is examined.

Del: What if you start giving clubs scores and grading them every end of the term to attract creativity and innovation. Will that add them some value?

Tiacha: That's a good idea. I will discuss with Mr. Bradley.

Del: Teacher I think there is a bigger problem and you know it but you don't want to talk about it?

Tiacha: I agree problems are many unless you tell me what's in your mind!

Del: How much of School activities fees go to Clubs and Projects like Lake Stewardship?

Tiacha: That is nearly zero.

Del: What have you done about it sir. Maybe you think it is not necessary ?

Tiacha: Money has never been unnecessary Del. It is only that it not uniformly available. The best thing would be balancing between where it is needed most and where it can be postponed or totally cutoff the budget. That is what we do as teachers: We prioritize things to balance with available but limited Financial resources.

Del: Can you cut part of activity fees for clubs?

Tiacha: Where will you cut it from if it's not available?

Del:What alternative source of funding can you propose for Sports Activities, STEM and Art Projects, Kidz Innovations and clubs?

Tiacha: That needs broader consultations Del. What do you think?

Del: What about County, National , Legislators and NGOs?

Tiacha: Currently they don't have. But in the future through same legislators it can be possible.

Del: How do we go about it because we need money to rollout Lake Stewardship Club Project?

Tiacha: I will give my little donation, maybe talk to other teachers to do the same. Unless you have an ideal Strategy?

Del: Thank you sir for the good gesture. That's inspiring.

Tiacha: You've inspired me too. Nature has shaped very many people in the world. You remember Wangari Maathai?

Del: Yes. I also read about Gretna Thunberg, the young environmental activist. Do you know her?

Tiacha: Yes. I know her she attends world forums talking about environment. That passion she didn't develop through classwork alone but through connection with nature. Maybe one day you'll be like her. Are we together?

Del: Yes sir. I would like also to be like Leonardo DiCaprio, Inger Andersen, William Nordhaus, Stella McCartney, Elon musk, Jane Fonda and Sebastiano Salgado

Tiacha: That is the main reason you should suggest how I should help?

Del: What can we do to add gasoline into fire to make legislators to act?

Tiacha: What my office can do is do a letter for you to visit any office to mobilize funds. Can that help?

Del: Sir are you saying that with that letter I can visit any office for a fundraiser?

Tiacha: That is exactly what I have said. If you care about conservation the way I do, and you've demonstrated you do. Make it a reality by going round. Get the letter tomorrow

Del: (humor) Thank you very much for your time. I'm inspired, not distraught anymore. See you tomorrow sir

Tiacha :(laughing) Goodbye

The flashbacks of her conversation with headteacher and brochure from the office of the Legislator kept fogging her mind as she crisscrossed huts forming homes in the neighborhood. We was finally in the gate when Val and her brothers ran into to her in her deeper reflections.

Val: (Been walking behind her for a while) Goodmorning Del?

Del: (Scared) aah you scared me Val. Goodmorning. How're you?

Val: I'm fine. Can we talk briefly?

Del: Yeah  , we can it's still hygiene time. What is it?

Val: Imagine I talked to our Mum about our project and guess what ?

Del: I can't guess, I going through emotional rollercoaster Val. Did she forbid you associating with me?

Val: Not really. Guess again. Try something positive?

Del: I can't , my mind is flushed. Tell me?

Val: She wants to know more about our club and the level of support we need.

Del: (laughers and hagg) Waaw ! seriously! Your mum is that cool!

Val: None believed it. She amazed all of us. For the first in our family we had a business talk as children.

Del: How do you mean?

Val: She asked us to name business ideas and gave her a long list each.

Del: Waaaw. That's like what you would like to sell given opportunity?

Val: You are very precise!

Del: And she accepted it that?

Val: Yes and I used the occasion to canvas our golden egg?

Del: (emotional) You're amazing. Thank you for being mindful. I owe you alot.

Val: Easy Del. This is Team work, you know?

Del: But you know it weighs on us heavily as leaders?

Val: I do but it should add fun into our life, not the other way round.

Del: What do you mean?

Val: Yes, I have learnt alot from my mama. Despite all odds upon her and our family she has never allowed anything to disrupt her happiness when she is with us.

Del: I see. Happiness they say is an empty cheque, they say!

Val: Exactly. That's why we should make Lake Stewardship Club more adventurous and fun-filled. What do you think?

Del: Now I can picture why I talked to headteacher for that long. It was way of enjoying through our project. Don't you think?

Val: So you went to headteacher as you promised?

Del:  I did. You know what?

Val: No. Tell me. Please!

Del: Guess!

Val:  Please I can't.

Del: (laughs) So we've a draw after all?

Val: (laughs back) I accept.

Del: HT accepted to contribute and mobilize other teachers to do them

Del and Val shouted at the top of their voices as they hagged while others watched

OJ  saw the two and marched towards them immediately. Everything showered that all wasn't not well with OJ from his look. He bore the pain all that time Del and Val were talking but couldn't take it longer. Del had removed the brochure from Legislator's office showing Funding Products For Youth.

Del: (showing Val) You see this?

Val: what's it. Where did you get it?

OJ grabbed the paper from Val and ran away with it towards O'king. Val and Del were giving him a chase but OJ dodged them by passing it to O'king.

O'king: Tell us what you're planning or I tear it?

Val: (Pleadingly) Please don't tear it please.

OJ grabbed it again from O'king who was looking at Val expectantly.

OJ: Talk or you forget about it.

Del: Ok....

Omwa grabbed the brochure from OJ and stood with it in the direction of Val and Del to show team work.

Omwa: This is from office of Legislator. We're fundraising for our Lake Stewardship Club. Join before it is late

O'king: I see. You are collecting money before you educate people about the Club?

Val: We need money to go round educating people. What do you think?

O'king: That's impossible with those imposed leaders. Who elected you?

Del: It is already passed by HT and he even pledged his support.

OJ: There is no need for money for Civic Education in this project. What we need is active students in the group to educate the neighbouring community at their own time and cost.

Omwa: Bro that still needs money and time. How do you expect them to go round without refreshments?

OJ: Mobilize from within first. Build capacity of every child first. Give them the club through club clinics.

Val: That's ongoing. We're also projecting a bigger involvement that will need Cash, vehicles, computers, bikes, just to name a few. Don't you see the need for resource Mobilization?

O'king: Either you include us in the leadership we move forward or we stall the process. It's that simple. No organization with fund a group with a short life span.

Omwa: Don't try. This project has been blessed by everyone including Sponsor Bradley.

Oj: That's another problem. Mr. Bradley is antisocial. We need Mr. GJ for us to move with required pace. We've registered our disgust to the HT. We Hope he'll serve you with a notice.

Val: Please OJ don't cause this thing to stall . There is massive support.

Omwa: You see this . We're going to get money from Legislators.

Del: HT is already doing a letter for me to that effect.

OJ: We know. We saw you. I was with O'king. We followed everything you two were discussing.

O'king: That's the main thing everything must be done right. You can't appoint all candidates into executive of the Club. That Club is going to die in Third teri due to lack of continuity. We need majority from Early Year Education section to form executive .

OJ: Meet you at the HT office. No surrender!

Omwa: Don't get a head of train brother. We'll clear you. You can't stop us. Consuming Fire CF!

The bell rang. Matar and Pa had been dropped by the security vehicle. They joined and greeted the dispersing crowd before heading to class with Pa. The rest acknowledged their greetings before heading to their respective classrooms.

OJ: (Louder) No Progress Without Inclusivity. NPWI

Del: (Retorting Back Louder) No funding. No club.

During the break , Matar and his team made true their threat. They petitioned Del and her team alleging discrimination of EYE classes whom he felt are the cornerstone of continuity and authentic conservation effort. Headteacher called the deputy, Mr. Bora, Senior Teacher Mr. Pachwa, Patron , Madam Rosela and sponsor Bradley.

Tiacha :Good morning everyone. Without wasting your time allow me to give Matar and one, just on of his team members.

Matar: (Clears his throat) Thank you sir. We are honestly honoured. First let me give OJ the floor.

Before OJ could make his presentation , the school President, Plato , his Deputy,

Ilan, Secretary General Clara arrived at the Headteacher's office with another petition. Mr. Bradley received it and sought the permission of Headteacher before presenting the request.

Tiacha: Mr. Bradley do you have something from school governing council, OJ kindly wait. Go ahead.

Bradley: (Passing it to HT) Thank you sir. I have just received petition from PGC. You can go through it before we proceed sir.

Tiacha: (Reading Through) Plato and your team, get seated. This is the prayer of PGC: To be part and parcel of Lake Stewardship Club Leadership. I'll not allow any reaction at this point. OJ, you can now proceed.

OJ: Thank you Sir. The LSC objectives are well stated: Promote Lake and Environmental Conservation and Provide resources. The two are key to the success. We need inclusive leadership to promote and Provide. We seek inclusion of Early Year Education classes to guarantee sustainable leadership. The team we've is a graduating class. The club will die next year unless we put safeguards today. About resources, let's exploit internal options & home grown solutions before seeking to solicit funds. This is time for Building from within.Thank you Sir

Tiacha: Applause to OJ

Everyone: Clap! Clap!

Tiacha: Let me begin from where OJ stopped. Del, kindly present before us the list of leaders and their respective classes. Is that okay?

Del: Yes sir. We've myself as the chair, Grade 5. My Deputy Omwa, Grade 6. Secretary General Che, Grade 6. Organizing Secretary Val, Grade 6 assisted by Bon, Grade 5. Group Editor is Cumo, Grade 6 and lastly Auditor General Tom, Grade 6. Madam Rosela and Bradley Patron and Sponsor respectively. Madam is incharge of grade 3 while sponsor is Grade 6. That is the list sir and they're all here.

Plato, school President raised his hand to put up his hands to deepen PSG bargain. Omwa also raised his hand to reinforce what Del read before the tribunal. O'king also raised his hand and was nearly upstanding.

Tiacha: O'king, what's the matter?

O'king: Teacher that list is outrageous affront of the spirit of conservation.

Tiacha: Kindly wait for your turn. You'll be given time. Plato, what's your concern?

Plato: Sir we request for automatic incorporation of top PGS management into LSC. That will strengthen leadership.

OJ: What idlers threaten in LSC. What have you achieved with other clubs?

Tiacha: Order OJ. Withdraw that statement and sit down.

OJ: I withdraw sir. But....

Tiacha: No buts. Omwa, it's your turn.

Omwa: Teacher we considered passion and experience. We can't add people to won't help the Club.

Tiacha: Mr. Pachwa, kindly give direction on PGC inclusion.

Pachwa: Thanks you Sir. With regards to PGC I'm of the opinion that they've automatic membership as suggested by Top organ of PGC . Thank you.

Matar: Objection sir.

Tiacha: Objection substained. Proceed Matar.

Matar: Sir we can't have an top executive in a small organ. That managerial laziness. It's like have President in school Board.

Cumo, Che and Tom raised their hands. Madam Rosela, Deputy also had their hands up. Before they could they could say anything Shi rose up.

Shi: (without seeking the chair) I suggest the school President to nominate one person into LSC, and that person shall be veted by Assembly of Leaders, and he or she should not be part of executive, nor assembly member.

Bora: I second her sentiments chair.

Tiacha: What is your name young lady?

Shi: I'm Shi Ali. Thank you sir!

Tiacha: I forgive you. Your point stands.

O'king: Confirmed!

Tiacha: Order O'king. Mr. Bora has seconded her proposal. Who else is seconding?

Team Del and Team Matar had all their hands up. Plato felt they lost their request to control LSC activities from within. Cumo raised his hand.

Cumo: I second her too .

Matar: Me too!

O'king: I second her!

Tiacha: Thank you everyone.  Her proposal sails through.  Mr. Bora you're next. Welcome.

Bora: I suggest that we seek amendment of the constitution to have office bearers with their deputies, except for Deputy president and President. Thank you.

Che: Seconded!

Bradley: Seconded.

Rosela: Seconded

Lin:  Seconded.

Tiacha: The proposal sails through. Let us have the leaders to occupy those new positions immediately.

Bradley raised his hand. Del and Omwa also raised their hands. The chance was given to Omwa.

Tiacha: Omwa

Omwa: I suggest we've the Chair as it's Del. Matar, OJ, O'king, Pa, Lin Shi to take the newly created portfolio: Deputy SG-OJ, Finance-OJ, 2nd Deputy-O'king, Special Interest -Pa, Deputy Editor-Lin and Deputy Auditor General-Shi  in that order.

Matar: Sir I request I be Deputy SG instead of 2nd Deputy President.

Del: I have adjusted it accordingly

Tiacha: May those of the same opinion say Hi

Team Matar & majority Team Del: Hiiiiiiii

Tiacha: Those with contrary opinion say Nay

Team Plato and some Team Del: Nay

Tiacha: The Hays have it. Del. Give us the new list of leaders.

Mr. Bradley raised his hand and it seemed very urgent.

Tiacha: Mr. Bradley, Del is on the floor. What is the matter, may you proceed.

Bradley: Sir because of the desire to nurture EYE classes I would like to stepdown for Mr. GJ who is not here. I trust he's the right man die this assignment.

Bora: I second his sentiments.

Rosela: seconded

Team Matar rose in jubilations , songs and dance shouting GJ! GJ! GJ! After they settled Matar raised his hand. Mr. Tiacha gave him permission.

Matar: (amidst cheers) thank you everyone, thanks our HT and teachers present. With this Fund The Child Movement is on! When I say LSC! You say Fund Child! FK!
Are we together?

Everyone: FK! FK! FK!

Matar: LSC! LSC!

Everyone: FK! FK!

Del read the list of the new officials. However, it was event the school official body lost the battle for the resources in the launched club. The team discussed the Legislator's office funding options and termed it discriminative and insensitive to children agenda.

They dropped their petition to her office and the offices of assembly units, women Legislator, senator and governor. During their March and FK! FK ! FK! chants they invited Publilus who gave them the coverage in both mainstream and social media outlets.

The whole pupils body, teachers and other stakeholders echoed FK!  chants a cross Okuro and Mu Empire!

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