Walking Home

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"Well if you would've put gas in your car like I told you to, we wouldn't be walking home." I say to Matt.

"I thought we would have enough gas, just calm down."

"No, because walking 23 blocks is not going to work our for me."

"My feet hurt." Bailey whines.

"We've only been walking for 10 minutes girls, stop complaining."

"Well it's your fault."

We are walking on the street and the breeze of the wind is making me colder than I already was, especially because I was still drenched with water from the park. All of our hand were full of toys from the water park along with souvenirs, since Matt and I have agreed we might not be going there again anytime soon. 20 dollars per person, yeah still a total waste of my time, but I can't complain too much because I must admit, it was kind of fun. But to ruin my mood is that we didn't have a car to ride home in and we had to walk 23 miles, great the highlight of my life, I gave Matt money to put gas in the car and what does he spend it on, well only him and god know what. I can still hear the squishing sound in my converse from the stupid bucket tipper thing. All sound that surrounds me are cars beeping in the long traffic I'm front of us.

"Can someone carry me?" Bailey whines.

Matt exhales, "Come here." He stops and bends down lifting her up onto his shoulders.

I shake my head, "Spoiled, just spoiled." I whisper to myself.

Matt must've heard me because he lets out a little chuckle and looks at me. I raise my eyebrows and mouth to him, "Well she is."

He shakes his head and says, "She's just tired." I roll my eyes at him and turn away.

"How many more minutes until we get home?" Bailey asks laying his head on Matt's shoulder.

"I don't know, how ever long it takes us." Matt answers.

Bailey lets out a big exhale and leaves a voice behind it.

"Chill out Bailey, it's not like you are walking."

"So what I'm tired."

Matt and I look at each other and smile 'Mission Accomplished.'

"Well just go to sleep then." I suggest playing with my fingers and looking at her red tired eyes.

"I can't." She whispers.

"Why not?" I ask.

"There is too much noise."

"Okay." My smile disappears.

I look ahead of me again. How long is this going to take?

"Hey watch it!"

Some guy starts yelling at the car in front of him when he came to an immediate stop.

"Jeez." I whisper, "Sometimes I just hate it here."

I feel something drop on my head and I instantly look up. The clouds were dark blue and grey. I feel another drop on my forehead. GREAT!!! the drops kept coming down second by second faster and faster they come, it's raining, and not just raining but stormy rain. Matt put Bailey down off of his shoulders, grabs her hand, and starts running, I follow behind them. Then lightening strikes and following behind thunder. Bailey screams I'm fright. The day is dark and tornado like winds hit us hard. The sun was completely gone but the moon wasn't out either. I wipe water out of my face constantly and we are drenched. We get closer to our house and I feel the speed of my running going faster until we finally hit the door. Matt grabs the house keys out of his soaked back pocket and unlocks the door and of course Bailey is the first in. We all enter and Matt shuts the door behind us.

"Next time let's check the weather before we go out. Oh and the gas tank!" I suggested.

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