Trying to remember

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I ran to my bedroom slamming the door behind me.

"I HATE MY LIFE!" I screamed in tears.

Next thing I know I hear my phone ring, it was Matt.

"Hello?" I answered trying to sound as if I weren't crying.

"Hey Kara what's wrong, did Bailey get hurt again?"

He knows me to well, I don't even have to tell him what's wrong, he already knows.

"Listen Kara, calm down it's alright, you know it's not your fault."

"Yes it is Matt, you don't understand how it feels to have your younger sister take the blame for everything you do to upset your mom." I pouted, "Its not fair."

" I know it's not." he answers, "But we can only do so much to stop it."

"Why do I have to have such a bad life, why can't I be like other kids, with normal families?" I ask while wiping my tears.

"You can only pray that things will get better."

His sweet voice warms my heart to hear, cheering me up a little.

"Listen Kara, if things don't work out soon then come talk to me again, I'll help you, but I have to go, alright?"

"Yeah." I replied clearing my throat.

"Okay bye."

He made sure I said bye back before he hung up.

For the rest of the night I laid on my bed thinking of what Matt said.

Trying to keep the memories of Bailey getting hurt by mom away, and trying to remember the fun my mom, dad and I used to have together.

Trying to remember when I had a normal life and everything was fine.

Trying to remember when there was love in my family, and everyone was nice and peaceful towards each other.

While I laid there staring at my ceiling I fell asleep and dreamt about how good life used to be.

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