Searching For a Home

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Matt and I sat on the couch in the living room searching on my laptop for a house to move into, wanting to get out of this dump knowing that my mom would know were we are.

"What about this one, it's a three bedroom and one of them is a master. There's one for us, for Bailey, and another could be a play room or a spare." Matt says looking down at me. 

"Is it by any schools for Bailey?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's just a few blocks away from her school, we could walk her there then walk to school after."

"It's by our school too?" I ask.

"Yeah, it would take a little longer, but we can still walk there." He answers.

 I take a deep breath, "Are you sure you want this house, Matt?"

"Well if you don't want it then we'll find another one." 

"No, I want it but are you sure that you want it?" I ask.

"Yeah I want it." He replies.

"Okay then, this is the house." I smile.

"Are you nervous?" He asks looking at me.

"Why would I be nervous?" I ask looking back to him.

"About our new life, living together, getting married, having Bailey be our pretend kid." He smiles.

"A little, but I'm mainly worried about my mom."

"Kara, she's in prison, she's not going to get you or Bailey, just forget about her."

"Well it's not exactly easy Matt, she could still escape. And what happens when she gets out from her sentence? What will she do then, Matt?"

"She won't do anything, we're moving she'll have no clue where we will live."

"She'll find out somehow, she always does." I explain.

"Well, it's going to be harder for her to find out when we live on our own." He persuades.

"She could search the internet." I suggest.

"She won't even think of that, Kara, just think about the positive side. Bailey is safe until shes an adult, your getting married, and we are leaving this place full of bad memories from the past."

I take a deep breathe knowing that what he is saying is true.

"Am I right?" He asks.

"I guess so." I mumble looking back at my laptop revealing a picture of the normal gray house with a white picket fence and a cement stairway to the front door.

"Do you think Bailey will like it?" He asks.

"Yeah." I answer.

"Do you like it?" He looks at me.


"What's up with the 'yeahs' why not a full sentence?"

"I just don't feel like talking right now, Matt." I whisper loud enough for him to hear. 

"Okay," He says pulling me closer to him, I lay my head on his shoulder, "Just promise me that you will feel better about this later on, Kara."

I get comfortable on him, "Yeah, I promise."

The house filled with silence for about five minutes.

"I'm going to go get Bailey from school." Matt says.

"OK, and get her a happy meal on your way back, because hew teacher called saying how good she was doing."

"For a reward?" He asks.


"OK, wish me good luck." He laughs exiting the door.

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