Bailey Sadden

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"Where am I?" Bailey asks.

"You're in the hospital." I answer while staring into her eyes.

They had her attached all sorts of cords helping her breathe.

She looks up at the ceiling.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Where's mommy?"

"I don't know, Bailey."

Still staring at the ceiling her face freezes and her mouth drops open.

Her heart beat starts slowing down.

"HELP!" I screamed getting up and walking out of Bailey's room.

"Someone help! she's not breathing! HELP!!!" I scream in tears. "Someone help!"

Five doctors come rushing in.


The heart rate machine stops, I'm in the corner crying. one of the doctors start rubbing two medal things together. He yells,


My sister gets shocked.

He started again,


He shocked my sister again.

"We're sorry ma'am, but she."

I couldn't hear the rest I'm to busy crying, I start dropping down to the floor. Next thing I know I'm on the floor curled up crying my eyes out.

"Why." I whisper to myself.

But something happened.

I start hearing noises.

Coughs, I was hearing coughs.

I look up.

"Bailey!" I yell.

She was alive, she was really alive.

I couldn't believe my eyes, my sister was alive!

I ran to my sister giving her a hug still crying.

"What happened?" She whispers.

"Nothing." I answer I'm relief.

She raps her arm around me giving me a hug.

"What happened here?" a voice asked.

I turn around to see Matt.

"Matt!" I run to him jumping into his arms.

"I'll tell you later."

I see my mom walk in, and I stop hugging Matt.

"I see you've been in my room Kara."

"You've poisoned Bailey!" I scream.

My mom comes charging at me. We're fighting, my mom grabs a needle and tries. Stabbing me with it. Matt tries getting my mom off of me.

"Help!" Bailey screams.

Two doctors come rushing in, trying to pull my mom off of me.

"Security!" I hear one of the doctors yell.

A security guard comes in pulling my mom off of me. He puts hand cuffs on my mom and drags her back, my mom still fighting, kicking her feet.

" You alright?" Matt asks.

"Yeah." I answer while nodding my head.

I turn back to Bailey, she's in tears.

"Why was mommy doing that?" She asked.

"Because... mommy needs help Bailey."

A cop walks in telling us that our mother was going to jail and they were going to give her the help she needed.


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