Curious Faces

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The preparations didn't take long, but the sun had set long before we could set out.

"Perhaps tomorrow is the day, then." I joked.

"Sounds good to me. See you in the morning?" Link started back towards his room.

"See you in the morning."

When he left, I looked back at my journal.

It's been a while since I updated it...

After about an hour of catching up to current events, I couldn't help but notice how far along Link and I had come.

I was absolutely opposed to him when we were first put together, but after spending time with him and discovering what an amazing character he was, it was almost funny that I'd ever disliked him in the first place.

I quickly realized that I would do almost anything for him, but that it probably wasn't a good thing going into the potential battle we were going to have to fight. Hopefully by the time Ganon comes around, my powers will have come to me and it wouldn't be a problem.

I glanced out my windows to find the stars shone brightly outside. I could make out the constellations that I'd learned about since I was young, my mother and I would always watch for them. She taught me everything she could about everything.

How I missed her dearly.

I wanted to tell her about the Shekiah Slate, about the shrines, about our progress with the guardians...

About Link.

I'll have to settle for writing it all down in my journal, I guess.

After studying the skies for a while longer, I looked around my room. Perhaps I should wear my white dress for praying at the monuments. It was another of my mother's old dresses, I had three. One was purple and white, which had been passed down many generations, the white one with a golden belt across the center, and royal blue dress I wore quite often.

Carefully taking out the white dress, I laid it on my bed and carefully folded it neatly into my bag. My mother was such a sweet and courageous queen, I could only hope to follow in her footsteps.


I woke up on top on my travel bag, sunlight streaming through the window.

I missed sunrise!

I shot up and ran toward the door, opening it wide to find Link just on the other side.

"Link! I'm so very sorry, I overslept!"

Link chuckled. "That's alright princess, I'm just here to wake you for our trip."

That must be why I woke up.

"Of course! Let me just grab this and we can be on our way." I grabbed my travel bag off my bed and met Link outside the door. "Ready?"

"Of course. The horses have been fed and packed up already. There's plenty of food and water packed for us to get every place and back, along with lots of fruitcake and ingredients to make it should we eat all that I brought."

He thought of everything.

"Wow, that's impressive." I exclaimed.

"Well I had the time and this isn't our first trip. I also brought flint so we wouldn't have to find some again."

We had run out of flint the last time we were out, causing Link to have to find some out in the wild.

"I'm still sorry about that," I laughed.

"Oh it's alright, though we should be set to go now."

"Thank you, Link."

Link nodded and smiled. When we reached the stables, he helped me onto Storm.

"You know Link, I think Storm should wear the royal armor like we talked about. It's about time that he did."

Link agreed and asked the stable hand to fetch it and help us put it on. Once Storm returned wearing the gear, he looked stunning.

"Wow Storm, you clean up well." I said jokingly.

I handed him an apple and he made it disappear without a trace.

"Ready, Link?"

Link helped me unto Storm once again and we were off to the Spring of Power. The spring was far away from the castle in the Akkala region, meaning it would take us a while to get there. Thankfully we had plenty of supplies and there were plenty of stables in between. 



After about a day of travel time, we finally made it to the stable just north of the Spring of Power. The time didn't seem slow however, because Zelda talked of her childhood and what it was like to grow up as royalty.

I didn't envy her. She had to grow up in the eyes of the entire kingdom and have the pressure of her sealing powers put on her by entire said kingdom. She rarely could be herself and simply do what she wanted to do.

We dismounted the horses and checked them into the stable. Zelda arranged for our beds, while I set out cooking supplies for dinner next to the cooking pot. Many of the other stable hands joined us, which wasn't usual but welcome.

"Would you all like to join us for dinner?" Zelda offered them.

"You want have dinner with you guys?" One of the women exclaimed.

"Only if you want, I won't force you-" Before Zelda could finish, all three of the stable hands sat down around the cooking pot.

"Link, would you mind making dinner for us?" she asked.

"Of course." I pulled out more ingredients and made honey glazed fish skewers, as requested. Everyone loved them, most of all Zelda. She raved about them as I got out the fruitcake.

"I'm glad everyone enjoyed them," I said.

The entire group cheered. "They were great!" Said one of the stable hands.

Zelda asked each of them their stories and what they liked most about living out here. I could tell she cared deeply for her people and that the people loved her dearly in return.

The king was wrong, I thought. There's no way these people think she will fail. They are simply waiting with expectation, one that will be met one day soon.

I couldn't help but smile as she talked with them. After about an hour, it was time for bed. I fell into the mattress, and the next thing I knew I was waking up to Zelda pushing my arm.

Understanding why, I quickly rose and got my things together. "I think I know a good spot. Follow me."

Zelda led the way up to the top of a cliffside, where it overlooked the ocean. "Wow, this is beautiful Zelda."

"Isn't it? And it faces the sunrise!" she exclaimed excitedly.

It wasn't long before the sky turned every kind of color. "How they are so different, but all so beautiful, I'll never know," Zelda breathed.

I could only nod and continued to take in the sky. The sun peeked over the horizon, and the land woke up to bright light.

I turned to look at Zelda, who continued to watch the sight.

There is still one thing more beautiful than this sunrise, and the fact that she's here with me over anywhere else is something I can't completely fathom.

I tried to stop staring, so I looked out to find the sun was already up and Zelda was getting ready to leave.


"Sure," I said starting to follow her. Her golden hair flowed with the breeze, flowing over a beautiful white ceremonial dress. She was wearing gold bracelets and brown sandals, all accenting her elegance.

When we made it back to the stable, the stable hands already had our horses ready for us.

"Thank you all!" Zelda seemed very touched.

The king was surely wrong about what everyone else thinks. The kingdom loves her and always will.

"Yes, thank you," I added. We all said our goodbyes as we headed off for the Spring of Power.

As we approached, a lynel and moblins started running toward us, blocking the way to the spring.

"Zelda, go back to the stable. They can keep an eye on you there." I ordered.

Zelda seemed to hesitate over leaving, but I couldn't let her get hurt here. I took ahold of Storm's lead and turned him the other way to set him off running with Zelda back towards the stable.

"Link, wait!" She shouted, though Storm was already bolting the other way.

I turned to find the lynel almost on top of us, barely allowing Storm to run away. I leaped off Epona and sent her after the direction Zelda went, as there was no need for more bloodshed.

I faced the lynel but suddenly felt a moblin club strike me from behind. The breath knocked out of my lungs; barely breathing I narrowly dodged a blow from the lynel.

I tried to think of ways to combat them both, though it would be easier to pick them off individually. I lead the lynel away from the moblins, enticing the monster with faces. It only got more enraged and started running full speed at me until it almost hit me.

I rushed him by narrowly missing a swing and unleashed a flurry of attacks from the Master Sword. The creature cried out in pain, staggering slightly. I used this to my advantage, by attacking him a couple more times. I continued to lead the lynel away from the moblins and rushed him twice more. I could feel the sword almost hit me every time, but it didn't. After one more rush, the lynel fell dead. I gathered the materials from the body and turned to see the moblins questioning if they should come after me still.

I ran after them and sliced them both into the dust. I gathered those materials as well and headed back towards the stables where the stable hands were guarding Zelda inside.

"Thank you to all of you, for protecting her."

The stable hands all nodded. "Of course, thank you for protecting her too. She's lucky to have you."

I nodded back to them, when Zelda came running from behind them and hugged me.

"Are you alright?!" She wouldn't let go for a long moment, though that was fine with me.

"I'm alright, thank you princess."

She pulled apart and assessed me. "You've got some blood on your shirt, though. Is that yours of the lynel's?" She insisted.

"Oh one of the moblins got me, but that was all. They are all dead now and they shouldn't pose a threat to this stable anymore either."

The stable hands were still watching us, now with curious looks on their faces.

"Thank you, Link. If you ever need anything, just let us know." One of them said.

I nodded my thanks and helped Zelda onto Storm once more. Epona greeted me as I hoped on. For the second time, we headed towards the spring.

It was already getting dark when we reached the spring. I couldn't help but wonder how long it took to defeat the beasts, as the day seemed to go by in the blink of an eye.

We left the horses at the entrance and walked through the doorway of the spring.

"I'll let you do what you need to, and I'll stand at the entrance should anymore Lynels get any ideas."

"You think the goddess would let something like a Lynel in here?!" Zelda seemed worried.

Well, after all your hard work and dedication to them after all these years, and they still refuse to hear you regarding your power, so I wouldn't put it past them, no.

"I'm sure we'll be just fine. It's only in case, I promise." I insisted.

"Alright," she said, turning towards the water. She stepped into the spring and I turned to watch the doorway.

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