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"Jeff stop!" I cried as he heavily kicked my stomach again.

He had un tied me from the rail just so he could throw me around, tears fell down my already mascara stained face, he taunted me every morning by washing me up and fixing my makeup, getting me ready for the show. Sending film after film to the office but no one tried to save me. McKinney abandoned me, Jamie couldn't help me, I couldn't do it anymore, I just wanted to give up and die, but it wasn't that easy.

Hit, after hit, kick after kick, I took it all, praying that someone might help me, but I knew nobody would. After a half an hour more he stopped and shut down the camera. Tying me up loosely enough so I could move my hands freely, he put a plate with some pizza on it in front of me.

"Eat. I don't have leverage if you fucking starve to death." He said agitated with my lack of cooperation. "Fucking eat!"

"Just kill me."

"The point is that your alive." He shoved the pizza in my face

"No ones coming for me Jeff!" I cried once again. "Mckinneys going to let me die! Jamie can't help me! I'm going to die after you realize it's not going your way and you know it!"

"I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" He yelled into my face throwing the pizza to the floor. "I CAN'T!"

"You are killing me Jeff! RIGHT NOW!" I yelled right back. "I can't take this anymore!"

"Don't you understand why I can't kill you?!"

He stormed out of the cabin, locking the door behind him.


Jamie's POV

For the third time I begged him to just stop the cases, I couldn't live without her, everything I ever did to hurt her made me cringe. I needed her.

"McKinney, please. It's been two weeks, you've seen what he's doing to her!" I followed him through the parking lot since he had me kicked out if the office. "McKinney!"

"You've seen what HE'S doing to her?! You did the same thing!" He put his finger to my face. "Don't act like you wouldn't be putting her through that if she was staying with you!"

"I loved her McKinney."

"It didn't look like that to me" he said making a face.

I was silent for a moment

"I was going to ask her to marry me."

McKinney looked down, as if thinking then returned eye contact and frowned.

"There was someone in town, Matthew lawerence." He put his hands into his pockets. " He called in a robbery at they're store, a camera like the one Jeff's been using. However.. By the new car in front of his store and his cheap pay, I wouldn't be so sure it was actually stolen."

"You think Jeff paid him off to get the equipment?"

"I don't think Jeff would of known what equipment he needed to steal let alone usin' it."

"You son of a bitch! You didn't check the lead out!?" Anger flowed through me. "If you even thought there was a chance to find him you should of taken it!"

"There was no cause for suspicion since he reported a theft, and he has rich relatives so I couldn't pull leverage with the car."

"You knew.. You still fucking knew." I spit in his face, and without anything else left him there. I knew exactly where to go.

I stormed up the make shift trailer deck and flung the door open without invitation, Matthew was sitting on the couch eating chips in front of a TV set, startled, he dropped the bag and stood up.

"You can't just barge in-"

before he could finish his sentence I pushed him against the wall holding him in place with my hand to his throat.

"You listen to me you sick fuck, your going to tell me where Jeff is or I swear to God I'm going to kill you" I tightened my grip on his neck. "You have ten seconds."

"I don't know where he is!"

"Seven... Six." I counted down slowly.

"I even reported that some of the equipment was missing!"

"Three, two"

"Alright! I'll tell you what I know!" He gasped for air as I un gripped him

"Where the hell is he."

"I don't know where he is, we meet up somewhere near there though!" He put his hands up in a surrender gesture and walked into the small kitchen, taking a sticky note from the drawer he walked back. "He pays me to put the videos on the camera onto the CDs."

I took the small grease stained paper from his hand and looked it over, a crude map with a address above it was drawn onto it.

"How far in the woods did you meet?" I asked walking back towards the door.

"About twenty minutes in after you get to the address." Relief filled his face as I turned from him and left. I was going to find her, then I was going to kill Jeff.

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