The date was set. Y/n was going to move in with him and he'll have the lodge back to its former glory. His escape.
The dinner table was ready with a soft red table cloth, candles glowed in the centre and Josh was just adding the finishing touches to their food.
Y/n wandered in, eyes widening as she took the scene in. Josh couldn't help but smile at the mystified expression on her face. He always loved that no matter what, she would never lose that look. Even the times she knew they were going on dates.
"Hey, when did you plan all this?" She questioned, walking over. He tilted his head, pecking her on the cheek.
"I just wanted to have a spontaneous date night." He mused, eyes trailing over her. He turned off the hob and pulled her tighter, she laughed the same intoxicating way as always.
"What have you broken this time?"
"I have broken the cycle of no date nights. Can you believe we haven't done this in like a month?" He questioned, kissing her head.
"Feels like you're buttering me up for something, Washington."
"Maybe I am."
"Oh?" She turned in his arms to face him.
I want you to move out with me. I want this to go back to the way it was.
" you're just going to have to enjoy the food with me and find out over dessert. Sound good?" She smiled at the soft expression on his face, her heart fluttered.
"Okay. What is for dessert?"
"Ooh, I bought one of those wedding cake sampler things from the bakery in town. Couldn't decide what was best."
"Dont worry, this isnt what I'm hinting. No proposals here....not yet anyway." He whispered the last part before guiding his girlfriend to the table and pulling out the chair, sliding it in gently.
"And what beverage would my love like tonight?"
"Hm... surprise me."
"One margarita coming right up." Josh stated, swinging the towel onto his shoulder and shuffling into the kitchen.
He returned with a fake mustache slightly hanging from his lip.
"You're so ridiculous." She laughed, he winked.
"Jour handsome boyfriend vill be vid you shortly." He responded with probably the worst imitation of a french accent that anyone has ever heard.
Soon, he returned as himself and placed two plates down before taking his seat and raising his glass.
"To me for having the most beautiful date in the room." Y/n rolled her eyes with a smile but clicked her glass against his.
They ate in a comfortable silence, all of the tension left josh as he watched her, hiding his smile behind his glass.
"I was thinking...I always thought our first date was at the ice rink." Y/n blinked at josh.
"I thought it was when we went gift shopping together for Christmas that year. We were together all day and I even slept over."
"Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Yeah, I veto what I said before. That was definitely our first date."
"Did you...really not ask me out as a date?"
"I mean...I had a crush on you but didn't really know what to say. And I invited you back to my place... I....didn't think you'd say yes." He mused, suddenly remembering how the butterflies had felt as they'd flown from his stomach and gotten caught in his throat when she'd said yes.
His mind wandered to the countless other moments where she made him feel as though he could fly himself. His eyes focused on her now, in all of her glory.
She was as beautiful as the day they met. The day she'd been invited to his familys annual Christmas party.
"I want you to move out." He blurted. Her fork clattered as bewilderment settled on her face.
"No! God ...I mean...I mean I want us to move out! Together." She calmed, though still seemed confused as she sipped her drink.
"I...the lodge is great. Its nice but...feels more like a vacation house rather than a home. That and we're so far from family and I just thought...I remember your list from high-school. Boyfriend, home, wedding, happily ever after and I just think we're ready for that home now." Y/n smiled and set the glass down before reaching across the table.
Josh laced his fingers with hers, awaiting a responce.
"My home is wherever you are. If you want to move, I won't argue." His heart panged as he looked around before looking into his girlfriends eyes.
"Do you like it here?"
"I...I really love it here. We can have so many guests in the rooms when people visit. And I love the space we have. The memories we've made since moving in on top of the ones we already had here. " Josh nodded.
"You don't feel like it's weird?"
"Well, it fits us perfectly."
"...okay. boyfriend, check, home, check." Josh responded before winking. He delighted in the blush that dusted y/ns face as she hastily turned all attention to the plate in front of her.
Josh smiled to himself and glanced around at the home they'd made of the old vacation spot. Pride filled his chest as his attention returned to his partner in crime.
"Then let's stay." He mused, smiling as he began eating.
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