My Love, My Life|Mike x reader

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Request: could you do a one shot where reader tells Mike she's pregnant as the helicopter arrives but do a cut scene to nine months later when he's holding the baby. 

Sorry it has taken me so long, I had a mental break so had to take some time away.

Warning: preganante reader

The sound of the helicopter was like music to our ears. I glanced around at everyone.

"Y/n!we made it!" He exclaimed, spinning me around before pulling me in for a kiss.

My stomach filled with warmth as I passionately returned his embrace.

"Alright, you guys. We've been through enough trauma." I smiled and pulled away.

It's now or never.

I took Mike's hand and placed it gently on my only slightly pregnant stomach.

"Mike, the reason I've been pretty sick lately..." He stared at me for a moment, his brows raised and then fell, a grin stretched across his face.

"You''re serious?" He cried as he squeezed my hand in his

"I mean...the tests to prove it were in the lodge but th-" his lips slammed into mine for a brief moment before the search light hit us. We pulled away and ran to the helicopter, my heart leapt as he let me go ahead before climbing himself.

Once we were in the chopper, he turned to the others, all traumatised yet ecstatic with our narrow escape.

"Guys, one more thing to celebrate. Y/n's pregnant."


"Bitch you're going to be the first one in that hospital! All of that stress..."

"wait didn't you also fall through the grate? Girl! You should have stayed in the shed!" Emily and Jess argued with me as I looked to Mike for help.

"Guys, let's just be glad we're all in one piece. We can yell at her after the hospital."

"Jerk." I muttered.

*nine months later*

I sighed as I held my beautiful child in my arms. Her fine hair was a beautiful chestnut brown and eyes an extraordinary blue.

I looked at Mike as he eagerly watched the tiny child from beside me. I looked to the baby with a proud smile as Mike kissed my temple.

"You're incredible love. Do you want me to take her? Youre exhausted." He whispered, stroking my hair out of my face.

"Okay. Time to go to papa." I cooed, passing our daughter over to Mike. My heart grew as he stiffly took the newborn. After a moment, his arms relaxed and an easy smile played on his lips.

"Hey princess. Aw, you sleepy? Hey, y/n did you see that little yawn? Her little dimples are so cute. And that nose...can we-"

"No." I groaned out almost immediately. He pouted overdramatically before looking at our little girl with such love that my heart began to flutter.

"I've got a name idea." He said softly, glancing at me.

"What about Annabeth?" I smiled and moved to respond when the door squeaked open.

"I heard there's a baby in here~" Chris sang, bringing the car seat and clothes for Annabeth.

"Thanks, we didn't have chance to grab anything before..."

"Yeah we can always trust you to go into labour in the middle of the carnival." Chris mused, I shrugged mostly in agreement. I've never been the luckiest, that's for sure.

Ashley moved to get a look of our little girl, her eyes grew big as she looked at Chris.

He sauntered over and smiled at annabeths little face.

"Cute potato." Mike's shoulders tensed and he glared at Chris.

"Don't call my daughter a potato." I bit my lip, trying not to laugh.

"What? She's got a chunky little face. Chubby cheeks."

"She does..."

"I think Annabeth might wanna be held by her godfather." Chris' eyes became misty as he looked at me.

"Really?" I nodded, he looked to Mike with a smile.

"It wasn't my idea!"

"Of course it wasn't~ now hand over the child!" Mike reluctantly passed the tiny tot over, Chris stiffly held her.

"Chris, support her head. Other hand! Oh my god." Mike exclaimed as he helped Chris properly hold our little girl. Ashley took a seat beside my bed and smiled.

"So, how was it?"

"It was my own personal hell. But...seeing her face, I wouldn't change it. But I'm never doing this again. If Mike wants another one, we'll adopt." I mused quietly as I looked to Mike's beaming face as he looked to me, eyes filled with tears.

"Look at you with the afterbirth glow." He smiled before taking Annabeth back from the excitable geek, allowing him out to find Emily and Jess.

"I'm going to give you guys some privacy before the cavalry comes." Ashley whispered with a wink and hurrying out, closing the door softly behind her.

Mike set the newborn down in the small glass crib and fluffed my pillows and helped me to sit up. His soft, careful touch southed me as I leaned back.

"I was so scared back there." He whispered, sitting beside me and taking hold of my hand.

"I know. But I'm fine now and she's perfect."

"she gets it from her mom. Perfect and beautiful in every-"

"Okay, what do you want?"

"Does every compliment I give my girlfriend mean-" I gave him a pointed look, he sighed, running a hand through his hair.

"I want you to marry me." I startled and he took my hand in his good one.

"We've been through so much together, we survived Blackwood, therapy, you saved my life. I'm not saying let's do if right away but... I can't wait for the three of us to share a last name. Whether that's yours or mine or a weird combination of the two. I want to shout about my love for you for the rest of our lives."

"Mike..." I gasped as he pulled out a red velvet ring box and opened it with a charming smile.

"It was my grandma's. She would have adored you but if you're uncomfortable with it we could find another ring. But if this marriage thing isn't for you then that's fine. I'd be blessed to be by your side as long as I can get. So, y/n l/n, love of my life, mother of our stunning daughter, will you marry me?"

"Yes. Yes! Oh my god." He kissed me instantly and held me tighter.

"I love you." I whispered as he slid the ring onto my finger. Just in time for Chris to burst into the room wearing a cheap priest outfit.

"Mawaige is what brings us togeva today." I snorted out a hideous laugh as everyone else entered flushed and embarassed to be seen near Chris.

"Dude, you didn't even know this was happening. Where'd you even get that?" Chris smirked.

"Saw the ring box in your pocket, ran to the costume store, grabbed Jess and Emily from Starbucks and...tada!"

"Oh my god. Y/n can we please choose someone else as godfather."

"Sorry, that spot is perfect for Chris." I mused, causing my fiancé to pout as we all laughed and enjoyed the moment.

I stared at my husband to be as a warmth spread through me.

We have been through so much and yet I'd do it all again just to have this moment. To see his face glowing and his hand clasped in mine.

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