Hero : Josh Washington x reader

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I gasped as i saw Hannah, I ran with Beth to see the others crowding the front door.

'YOU ARE JERKS! HANNAH?!' Beth called running out into the storm as i put my coat on.

'I hope you are all proud of yourselves. you went too far.' I growled before running out in nothing but fabric shorts, a tank top converse and my winter coat. i shook as i ran fast through the trees and jumped over a tree trunk.

i heard breathing.

'BETH?! HANNAH?!' i yelled and two screams and ran in their direction. tears and snow made my vision blurry and i stood on a cliff.I noticed the sight of beth and Hannah dangling fearfully.

'oh my gosh! i've got you, grab my hands.' i said holding out one hand to Beth and the other to Hannah.

'you won't be able to pull us both up. find a root. hurry, she's slipping!' i nodded and thanked the heavens i had a climbing rope on me from this mornings climbing trip with josh.

I flung it down and the two grabbed it. i hauled them both up and walked over to them. they ran into my arms sobbing.

'oh my gosh, we almost fell. thank you.' Hannah cried and Beth just silently sobbed. 

'it's what friends are for. now come on, lets go back before it gets too dark.' I announced with a smile as we all headed back together. the lodge came into view and we all broke out into a sprint.

that's when a bear appeared angry and clawed into my side leaving a deep gash. I ran faster and pushed the girls to run faster as I clutched my side. 

we panted as i closed the door behind us. Matt,Mike, Jess, Emily and Ashley stood with rosy  tear stained faces and hugged Hannah.

'we're so sorry Han! we didn't know it would hurt you like that. we thought it was an innocent prank but we were wrong. we didn't think about your feelings.' Ashley spoke up and i hobbled to the sofa groaning.

that's when everyone noticed my side. the twins didn't know since they were too busy running.

everyone rushed over and helped me down. They made me lay across the couch and i took off my shirt before realizing the gash went from my waist to my thigh. I pulled my shorts lower down.

'oh my gosh what do we do?!' Jess panicked and i smiled.

'i need wet towels and a bucket of water mixed with salt and some pain killers. i also need bandages. someone needs to check Josh and Chris too.' everyone branched off whilst Hannah sat beside me. 

'I'm sorry for running out. If i didn't run out then-' i shook my head with a smile.

'it wasn't your fault. none of this was. they took their prank too far. besides, it gave them time to think over what they did.' i replied and Sam came over with a small wet towel for my forehead and the salt water. Jess brought a bigger towel whilst Ashley brought over a cup of water and painkillers.

I then heard a yell and smack along with Beth's laughter.

'you shouldn't have woken me up then.'

'but y/n was attacked by an animal!' Mike yelled back. rapid footsteps were then heard as hungover Josh turned the corner and locked eyes with me.

'oh my god?! why did you go outside? why would you even get close to an -ack my head.' i giggled before glaring at those involved in the prank. 

'ask them why i was outside.' i said before taking my painkillers and getting to work on my gash.

'y/n, that's too deep to just cover with bandages.' Sam spoke softly and i nodded.

'i know but we'll have to call meds in the morning for it. i doubt they'll come now.' I said and she nodded ruffling my hair with a sigh.

'honey, you're burning up.' she said taking the towel from my head. Beth helped me to bandage my side as i wrapped it around my thigh. 

'WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? i thought you all knew better than this. it's insensitive and spiteful. i hope you gave her a good goddamned apology otherwise, i'll leave you all outside.' Josh yelled before re entering the room and sitting on the floor beside me.

'hey hot stuff.' he said and i rolled my eyes. he chuckled and took my hand in his with a sigh. 'what attacked you?' 

'bear.' i shrugged and he kissed my cheek making my face go red 'what's that for?' i asked and he smiled.

'for saving my sisters. they said they were dangling from a cliff and you pulled them up. hell, you went after them. without that, i wouldn't have my sisters. I wouldn't have any sanity left. so it means a lot that you went after them.' i ruffled his hair. 

'it's nothing i wouldn't do again.' 

'just kiss already' a hungover Chris slurred behind us. I laughed. 'you've had a crush on 'er since Hannah and Beths birthday.you said her ass looked pretty-' he continued and josh went beaming red.

'okay buddy, let's get you to bed. i'll be right back.' he said softly cutting him off before taking chris out.

'coachise, you need the bone zone...heh that's why you so drulk all the time.' I laughed and Hannah took the towel off of my head and replaced it with a different one. 

'i'm off to bed but if you need anything, holler.' I nodded and she left. 

I was alone until josh came back in shortly after. he dragged a bean bag over and sat beside me.

'Chris wasn't lying when he said that i like you.' he said calmly though his posture showed his nerves. I smiled softly at him before taking his hand.

'i like you too.' his eyes widened at my reply and i giggled before feeling a shooting pain up my side. i winced.

'are you alright? do you need more painkillers?' he asked and i shook my head gently.

'it just hurts to laugh. i'll be fine when i get to the hospital tomorrow though.' i said and he smiled rubbing his thumb across my knuckles before pecking my lips.

'don't worry, you'll get a proper kiss tomorrow when i can hold you.' i hit his arm gently.

'wow you're corny.'

'and you're a hero that deserves all of the corniness i can muster.' i smiled and we spent the night talking and comforting each other.

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