I smiled as I met up with Josh and everyone at the lodge.
"Sorry I'm late" I said with a shiver.
He wrapped an arm around my waist and brought me inside.
Hannah and Beth pulled me into a huge hug making me laugh and return it.
"You're sharing the room with us!" Beth said excitedly before parting for everyone else to greet me.
"my gosh it feels like forever!" sam exclaimed pulling me into a hug. i laughed.
"yeah...I've been a little busy."I replied with a smile before getting dragged by the twins to our room.
i sighed as they helped me un pack. they then handed me a wax sealed envelope.
"what's this for?" I asked and they smiled.
"see for yourself." they replied before leaving. i carefully opened it and read the note.
You are the best person I think I've ever met. I wish I didn't like you this much for.....friendzone reasons lol.
I guess what i'm trying to say is i didn't want to feel this way until I realized. I'll never know the answer if I never ask. Plus there's no avoiding my feelings for you.
Will you be my girlfriend?
-JW 😘'
the door then opened and I turned to see a red faced Josh get pushed into the room. he looked at the opened letter and my red face before grinning.
"I'm not really good with this kinda thing." I pulled him into a hug.
"of course I'll be your girlfriend!"
we all grinned like kids as (bro name) drove us all to the ice rink as a treat for graduating high school. I sat beside him in the passenger seat.
"I haven't been ice skating in so long." Hannah smiled behind us.
"yeah, remember when Josh fell and hit his head on the wall and got sent to hospital?" beth replied and the two chuckled.
"hey! I cracked my head open and had five stitches! I was a brave kid. you were both more upset than I was."
"whatever makes you feel better." Beth replied.
"jeez they remind me of when we were kids." (bro name) said glancing at me in the corner of his eye.
"yeah? the story of the skate park was the bes-"
"i told you never to talk about that." he replied with a blush making me laugh.
*time skip to the ice rink*
my brother groaned and fell flat on his ass causing me, Chris and all of our friends to laugh at him. hell, even his girlfriend Crystal laughed!
Chris took my arm to steady himself.
"you're getting the hang of it." i said smiling at his wobbly figure.
"easy for you to say. you're a natural." he pouted making me giggle as I took his big hands in mine. I skated backwards and he copied my foot movements around until half way around the rink before falling forward knocking us to the floor.
he lay on top of me with his hands either side of my head to prevent himself from hurting me.
"w-well, this is new." i joked and he blushed before scrambling off of me and helping me up.
"yeah, accidentally falling on your crush is weird." he remarked and my eyes widened.
"what?" i asked in surprise.
"w-while i'm at it with th-this I might as well ask...will you be my girlfriend?" i smiled and nodded before kissing his cheek.
"Oh hell no!" I laughed at (brothers name) as he attempted to skate angrily across the ice rink.
I groaned at the noise coming from outside my room and opened the curtains after groggily climbing out of bed.
i rubbed the drool from my chin ant saw Mike with rocks in his hands. I opened the window quickly.
"are you crazy?" I hissed and he smiled up at me a smile that would make my knees buckle.
"I need you. please come out?" I sighed.
"be out in a sec." i said before moving out of view and putting on some leggings and a baggy shirt with some convers. i then brushed my hair into a ponytail and climbed out of the window.
"i didn't mean climb out the window!" he exclaimed and i rolled my eyes before crossing my arms.
"maybe i could think straight if you waited until tomorrow." i said lightly.
"I-It couldn't wait. I can't sleep, I can't eat. I'm just so confused and needed your help."
"what's happened?" i asked in concern.
"I like this girl but i feel like she's in a relationship with one of my best friends and I should've thought sooner and-"
"woah, calm down." i put my hand on his shoulder and felt a tug at my heartstrings.
"who is she?"
"you." he paused and pulled back "i know you're probably dating Matt but i-"
"i like you too...why would you think I'm dating matt?" i asked and he blushed before hugging me and muttering 'its not imortant now'
I coughed and wheezed in my bed. Typical, I get a cold in the heat of summer. I sniffed and spluttered as I reached for another tissue.
"y/n, you have a visitor. It's Matt." my eyes widened and i pulled the blanket over my head.
"don't let him in! i don't want him to catch it." I said but the door creaked open anyway and a weight was added to my bed.
"I won't catch anything. Besides, your mom called me to cheer you up." hesitantly pulled the blanket down and sat up. he then moved to the chair beside my bed.
"can't believe they called you." i muttered with red cheeks and he chuckled before moving my hair out of my face.
"I'm glad they did." he said with a worried expression "you're burning up."
he then went to the en suite and wet a hand towel before putting it on my head. he then opened the windows and sat back down beside me.
"seriously, you need to start taking care of yourself y/n." he sighed at me and I reached to my table for my water and took a sip before putting it back.
"I don't like people worrying about me. I feel pathetic and weak when they do." I replied honestly and he took my hand.
"you'll never be pathetic or weak for asking for help. it's what we're here for. you mean so much to all of us." he said and I smiled weakly.
"thanks. Being bed bound is depressing. I guess you being here isn't so bad, you're good company." I said and he smiled lightly.
"you're good company to me too. and there's something that i need to say. I've been aiting for so long and I don't really know what to do about it and-"
"just-say what's on your mind,Matt." I said as i felt my face heat.
"well-i like you-i mean not like because in all truth i-i don't like you i like like you? i mean i'm interested in having a relationship with you which is what i guess would mean i love you-but it's too early to tell I mean i do want to-in a way i do love you but it's too extreme yet and i-"
"I like like you too." i replied with a chuckle at his uncharacteristic stammering.
"you do?" he asked flushing red.
"of course i do." I replied with a smile.
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