> enemies to lovers
> pet names
> his friends all love you. They always steal you away and leave Mike in the dust.
> stealing his shirts
> he bakes you cakes/desserts as a way to let you know that he is sorry after an argument.
> long walks through the woods
> he has a folder on his laptop full of candid photos he took of you.
> massages your shoulders or plays with your hair when he's stressed.
> late nights watching TV with microwave pop corn and endless cuddles.
> sarcastic banter
> goodbye kisses and ending up late to work because the kissing doesn't stop.
> water fights
>he cooks you breakfast in bed randomly to make sure you still know that he loves you
> his family adoring you and inviting you to family events. Sometimes they invite you before Mike.
> Mike randomly dancing with you in the kitchen after hiding his phone to capture the moment
> Mike was the last one you would expect to enjoy musicals, but he does
> he calls you sickly sweet nicknames in public just to embarass you
> late night texts, sometimes it's a simple late night love you text, other times it's a deep conversation that keeps you both up till the early hours talking.
> wherever you go, he goes. Spa day? He's down, mani pedis? Fine. As long as he gets to spend time with you ( plus he secretly enjoys these activities too)
> bear hugs that leave you swaying side to side trying not to fall over
> neck and cheek kisses
>Road trips
> he grabs your hand when crossing roads
> first person he introduced you to was Matt who almost instantly said you could do better. You agreed, joking and left Mike pouting behind you as matt laughed.
> he makes you origami paper rings and 'proposes' to you in public areas to humiliate you. He found it funny until you 'proposed' to him at a crowded restaurant.
> he's repulsed by how he acted when he was a jock in high-school. Even Now, he refuses to talk about it.
>Mike sliding letters under the door when you're mad at him.
> heated debates over what you think the best movies are
> karaoke sessions when your favourite songs come on
> Mike actually proposed at Sweetheart Abbey at a late picnic so that you could cuddle in a blanket and watch the sunset over the Abbey.
> neither of you remembering who said I love you first and so you both always say yourselves. Even the first person was definitely Mike with no doubt.
> he proposed to you on the garden rooftop of the hotel you were staying at. It was a beautiful sunset proposal and felt so personal and special.
> being called his 'lady love' by his grandparents everything you both visit
> having a tender yet sarcastic relationship which always causes confusion with family.
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