3 Isolation

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Eight hours until dawn

Evan, Josh, Ash, Chris, and I are sitting around a table

"So it says here: "to communicate with the spirit world you must free your mind of all preconceptions, drop all inhibitions, and generally give yourself over entirely to the will of others, sublimating your every desire to the whims of the Spirit-master," which is me--"Chris says "It doesn't say that--"Ash says, "...and all present will remove their garments at my sole discretion-"Chris says "Chris, come on, this is serious--"Josh says.

"Oh I'm deadly serious."Chris says "Oh shush it, let's try this."Ash says "Yes please."Josh says All of us place one hand on the counter. "Okay then, let's see what happens. Y/n, since you're a close friend, why don't you be our medium for today?"Chris asks

"Ok. Sure... Anyone there...? Will you reveal yourself to us if you're there...?"I say and Josh takes my free hand The counter starts moving. "Wait a minute--"Chris says "Did you do that...?"Josh asks "I didn't do anything!"Ash says "No not me..."Evan says "It's moving again!"Chris says



"What's it spelling?"Josh asks "Hold on."I say



"How's this happening?"Josh asks "Are you moving it...?"Chris asks me "I swear it's just moving."I say "Holy shit."Josh says "Help?""Ash says "... How are we supposed to help?"Chris says "I don't know. What does it mean?Ash asks "We need to know who it is if we're supposed to help them."Chris says

"How can we "help" you...?"I ask kindly "It's moving again."Chris says "Whoa."Josh says "What's it spelling?"Asha asks "War...?"I say "Warning"I say as it moves fast "Shit."Josh says  "Oh my God... "Warning"?"Ash asks "I think... we... really need to find out who's trying communicating with us."Chris says "...We can't help you if we don't know who you are. Can you tell us who you are...?"I ask "Ohh here it goes-"Ash says "Okay. "S"."Josh says "I"Evan says "S"I say "T"Josh says "E"Ash says "R"Chris says.

"Sister. Sister?!"I say "Whose sister?"Josh asks as I am half shocked and frozen in place "Oh come on is this for real?"Chris says "Shut up. Ask it whose sister."Josh says looking at me "... it's... it's gotta be..."I trail "Yeah, then ask it which sister?!"Evan yells I flinch "I...Don't yell at me"I say and look at the board only thinking of my best friend.

"Beth...? Is that you?"I ask tears in my eyesThe pointer moves to "Yes". "No fuck this!"I say "This is messed up."Chris says "Joshua...Ev Are you-"I ask "I'm fine." Both Evan and Josh say "Are you sure, because we can stop-"Ash says "No."Josh says "Dude, it's cool-"Chris is cut off "I want to hear what it says."Josh says "Think about it. If this is actually Beth, I mean, we can find out what happened that night..."Chris says "Beth....We want to know what happened to you that night. Can you tell us?"I ask "H-- A-- N-- N--"Ash reads "It's spelling "Hannah.""Chris says my heart drops.

"Wait it's still going K-- I--"Chris says "L-- L-- Oh my god"Ash says ""Killed?" Guys, guys, what's she talking about?"Josh asks I squeeze his hand "I don't know if I can keep doing this--"I say a lump in my stomach "We have to."Josh says giving me a pleading look "Just-- just stay calm... I think it's saying that someone killed Hannah...I don't know... I just... Ask it something else!"Chris says "Okay, okay. How was Hannah killed...?"I say

And it moves "L-- I-- B--"Ash reads "Library!" Maybe there's something in the library here-"Chris says "P-- R-- O-- O--"Ash reads ""Proof," there's, there's... there's proof."Chris says "In the library?"ashs says The spirit board shakes as the counter flips off the table causing us to jump back.

"Watch out!!"Josh says as I duck it flying over my head "You know what? No, this is bullshit. This isn't real--"Josh says and lets go of my hand "Josh-- I don't know what's going on...!"I say "Listen, I don't know... I don't know if you think messing with me is somehow going to help me with my grief or whatever but this is not cool."Josh scolds "Josh no! You wanted to use the spirit board--"Ash says "Hey calm down, it's not the girl's fault!"Chris says.

"I don't need this right now, okay?!! You guys are full of it!"Josh says and leaves with Evan following "Sh- should we go after him?"Ash asks "Ah man... I mean, he'll be okay Evan went. Let's... let's just give them some time."Chirs says.

"I don't blame him... that was crazy... The pointer flew right off the table!"Ash says "I mean if- if you were faking it you were doing one hell of a job-"Chris says to Ash "I wasn't faking anything... I think we should do what it says. We should look in the library..."I say.

I look at my phone 23:22 "Shit I think he hasn't taken his meds!"I say and stand up "I'll meet you there!"I say and run down to Josh's backpack I open it and take out the tablet calender and sure enough none of today's pills were gone "Fuck Josh!"I say and try to find him to doing so I go to the library.

"Do you really think the girls were communicating with us?"Chris asks as I come down "I don't know. I don't know if I wish they were or I wish they weren't."Ash says "I guess we should find out."I say "Josh and Evan looked really freaked out at the seance."Ash says I nod "Yeah, I mean they looked like they were keeping it together, but..."Chris says "Do you think we shouldn't have mentioned his sisters?"Ash asks "I mean, it's why we came back up here."Chris says "Yeah but, not to like, have a seance. Maybe we went too far."Ash says.

Ashley cannot open a locked door. "Hm. Dammit."Ash says and we walk past a bookshelf and a couple of books fly out, almost hitting us. "Jesus! Look out!"Chris says "Ah! Chris! Holy crap."Ashley says scared "Are you okay?"Chris says, "I think so. Look -"Ash says and points to a button 

I push the button and the walls begin to open. "Whoaa. Panel opens. Head explodes."Chris says "Are we like, in a movie right now?!"Ash asks "If we are I hope it's a rom-com."Chris says I nod agreeing "Leave it to the Washington's to have secret passages in their house that I don't know about."I say "Maybe they didn't even know. This place is super old."Chris says "So... should we take a look?"Ash asks I walk in.

I find a photo of the twins. and turn it around to find a threat.


"Um Guys...Now... I don't want to freak you out but... but look at this..."I say handing Ash the card "WHAT? ...what IS that!?"Ashley asks scared "I... I think this might be what the spirit board wanted us to find-"Chris says "The clue?"Ash asks "Yeah, it's a letter."I say "Let me see it."Chris says "It's... a threat."I say "Chris. This is serious. We need to find Josh right now."Ashley says.

Chris and Ashley head out of the room when a door creaks open I follow them. "Uhhh? ... What was that?"Ash asks "Do you think someone was actually after Hannah and Beth?"Ash asks "If so that would be really messed up."I say.

We walk for a while The door near us slams shut and Josh's scream can be heard. I stop "You hear that?"Chris asks "Yes that was Josh--!"I say I open the door and and Ash looks in and Ashley is pulled in and the door closes, separating us. Ashley's screams and grunts are heard.

"Ash!?"I call "Ashley?! Ash! What's going on, lemme in!!"Chris says as I try opening the door "Ashley?! Are you okay? I'm... Gonna... Ugh!"Chris tries to open it and forces the door open and falls to the ground and a masked man stands there and the door slams shut again.

"What!? no!"I say trying to open the door I run to my room to get the keys when I get there my room is locked "I..what"I say and turn around and my phone rings on unknown I pick it up "Hello Y/n"A masked voice says "Hi?"I answer and turn sarcastic "Okay this joke isn't funny not even for me."I say "What joke?"He asks "Okay Let's see"I say and turn around to see him "No please don't kill me Mr Psycho, I wanna be in the sequel!"I say as he walks up to me not laughing or anything I run fast down the stairs and run into him.

"How?"I say and run again, open the door that Ashley, Josh and Chris are through. only to stop and not find them there, suddenly I have a cloth over my mouth I claw at the glove covered psycho and everything goes black.

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