Lets see what you got

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Angie and Shade arrive at the hospital

You know what ange.Angie it's Angie ok fine ,Angie when we get in there I think you should let me handle this I mean we don't know how dangerous this person is if they can do this to a sweet kid like Cory who knows what they are capable of
Angie POV
Here he goes again acting like he's running the show and he's the hero of this story,but he couldn't be anymore wrong if he don't stop We going to get a repeat of what happened the gym

As much as I appreciate the concern Shade I really do but this is my case your just the tag along remember.Angie brushes last shade to the reception
Hi I'm looking for Corey's room the receptionist question Angie on what's her reaction to Cory is until shade steps in

This is Corys manger and I'm his coach his parents are away on business right now so they asked us to keep an eye on him the kids like family to us here's my idea shade slides his ID across the counter

Recoetinst: Your Matt shade the hockey player

Shade now has A cat like grin spreed across his face and looks at Angie

Angie:Here we go the ego should kick in,in about 5,4,3,2,1...
Shade: Now people think it's easy being a superstar hockey player
Angie:Ok you two can talk about Shades non existent hockey career all day but where's Corys room

The receptionist ignores Angie and continues to stare at Shade like some love sick puppy
Angie:I don't have time for this I'll find it myself Angie goes to run off in search of Corys room but Shade grabs hold of Angie wrist putting her at a halt

Shade:Ange,shade goes to say but stops himself Angie hold up a second but I think I might have a better idea than going charging into Corys room
Angie tilts her head and raises her eyebrow
Has anybody come in to see Cory besides us
Receptionist checks the logs
Receptionist:Nope nobody
Great let's go
Now shades charges off
Angies pov
Isn't that what he just told me not to do besides he doesn't even know where he's going,he was busy bragging that he didn't even get the room number

Angie:What is Corys room number
Recopnsit:149 straight down the hall
Angie runs after shade then at one point ends up running past him
Common hotshot Corys room is down here
They get to Corys room
Shade opens door
Angie:So what's this plan of yours
Shade hold up a duffel bag
Angie:ok hotshot let's see what you got

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