80.) Busy Student

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Cheska is really busy for a week, now it's Tuesday and she went to school.

She went to the mall at 12:30 pm with her thesis group mates, Mark, Jacqueline, and Mae to buy some materials for their product, after buying their product, they went and sat in the public vehicle but Mark just left as he was in a bad mood, the reason is because he didn't get noticed by Jacqueline.

As they are on their way to Mae's house, Mae, Jacqueline, and Cheska kept gossiping about Mark.

Then as they finally went inside Mae's house, they continued gossiping over him, they were also with Mae's boyfriend, who is in the same school as them, they had a fun time inside Mae's house amidst of creating their thesis business product.

They even said that Ryle should be there with them or else he'll get a zero.

Mark kept calling Mae on her phone not knowing her phone is connected to bluetooth, making the house filled with his connection. It's just Mark who wants to know if Jacqueline already ate.

And everyone started teasing Jacqueline. As Jacqueline went to the bathroom, Cheska and Mae started gossiping about the relationship between the two.

Jacqueline returns to the kitchen where they all are, she turns to Cheska, "What about you, Cheska, are you seeing a boy lately?"

Mae walks away because she is locking her boyfriend out. Their screams and laughter filled the room.

"Um...Actually... I'm... Lesbian...

Jacqueline widens her eyes, "Really??? It's not obvious! You act so girly!"

"Yeah... Hehe, I'm into girls" She turns around and muttered, "Especially Lyka"

Jacqueline widened her eyes, "Oh my gosh, really??? Lyka???"

Cheska nods in guilt, "Uh-huh"

They kept chatting and chatting.

Jacqueline spoke, "So, when did you start liking Lyka?"

Cheska saw Jacqueline talk to her, she removed her earphones, "Oh, I''m just concentrating with our product and-"

"Oh, hehe, I mean when did you start liking Lyka?"

Cheska gasps, "Oooohhh! You meant Lyka? I thought you meant the thesis, okay..." Cheska begins to explain everything so detailed.

And time check, it's 9:30 pm.

Mae ordered 3 buckets of chicken and wide large pizza.

Her boyfriend and little cousin were excited meanwhile Cheska and Jacqueline hesitated to sit on the dining area but Mae encouraged them to sit and they all ate.

A food order came and Jacqueline was shocked, Mae then received a message from Mark telling her that he ordered food for Jacqueline and everyone started squealing, leaving Jacqueline awkward.

After an hour, Jacqueline bids goodbye, she brought the food that Mark ordered for her, then after a few minutes, Mae, her boyfriend, and Cheska walked together as her boyfriend and Cheska finally have to leave.

But it took them moments because Mae and her boyfriend are jokingly bickering around, her boyfriend spoke, "Oop, oh nooo, Mae! Get up because Cheska is in a hurry"

Cheska shyly shook her head, "Nooo, I'm nooot"

"She's in a hurry"

A few moments had passed, Cheska and Mae heartily thanked each other and bids goodbye.

As Cheska was on her way home, she immediately went to sleep.

Now it's Wednesday, 7:45 am

Cheska woke up and realized that she has to meet with Julianna and Lyka for their mathematics video presentation, and she panicked because she has zero knowledge about what to do.

She went to school and sat on the bench beside Julianna, they chat and chat for hours while waiting for Lyka because she also has to film their PE performance.

Then, Cheska's mind wandering to memories of her previous classmate, Myra. Suddenly, Cheska's eyes widen as she spots someone familiar across the plaza.

Cheska's perspective shifts, and we see Myra walking cluelessly.

A mix of surprise and excitement washes over Cheska's face. She can't tear her gaze away from Myra, and it's as if time stands still.

Myra, seemingly sensing Cheska's intense stare and their eyes lock.

Without hesitation, Myra rushes towards Cheska.

"Cheska? Is it really you?"

"Myra... I can't believe it's you!"

They meet in the middle of the plaza and the two friends embrace tightly, laughter and tears mingling together.

Julianna's eyes finally land on Cheska and Myra, locked in a tight embrace, and she freezes in her tracks, her confusion evident.

"What... What's going on?"

Cheska and Myra had a short chat and Myra immediately left as she is called by her group members.

Cheska returned to sit on the bench, Julianna asked, "Who is that?"

"Oh, it's my 10th grade classmate"

"Really? Woah, almost all Wilston students are here!"

Suddenly, their attention is diverted as they spot Delaney,  walking towards them with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Well, well, well, look who I found! Cheska and Julianna, what are you two up to?"

Cheska grins, "We're waiting for Lyka. We're supposed to meet her for the video presentation"

Delaney, Cheska, and Julianna walked together and stood outside the elevator on the third floor.

Just as they wait, the room door opens, revealing their classmates, Mark, Maris, Angelina, and Laurel, who were also on their way to class.

Angelina gasps, "Hey, Cheska, Julianna, Delaney! What are you all doing here?"

The group of friends, now united, steps into the elevator together, the doors closing behind them.

The elevator doors open, and the friends step out into the silent hallway of the third floor.

They sat on the ground together, each of them plans for their group activities but they chatted instead.

Cheska and Julianna walk into the ice drink area of the school, their excitement still palpable. They approach the counter, eyeing the menu with enthusiasm.

"I'm craving something sweet. I think I'll go with the cookies and cream drink. What about you, Julianna?"

"Hmm, I'll have the mango passionfruit smoothie. Sounds refreshing!"

As they wait for their drinks, they notice their classmates, Clarence, Jonathan, Lorenzo, and Pablo, who were standing at a nearby table. The friends wave and exchange greetings.

"What's up guys?" Clarence waved.

They collect their drinks from the counter and join Clarence, Jonathan, Lorenzo, and Pablo on their way to Angelina and the others.

But Cheska and Julianna stood behind the wall at the across their friends, randomly chatting.

Mark turns to Cheska, "Hey, Cheska, how much did you say your drink cost?"

"A dollar"

The entire group of friends gasps in disbelief, their eyes widening.

Angelina raised her brows, "A dollar? Seriously?"

Lorenzo spoke, "Come on, Cheska. Don't mess with us. Ice drinks are never that cheap."

Cheska chuckles, understanding their skepticism.

"I'm telling the truth! It really is only a dollar. They have a special promotion today."

The friends pause for a moment, exchanging glances filled with excitement and anticipation.

Then, as if a starting signal had been given, they all jump up from their seats, leaving their drinks behind, and rush towards the ice drink area.

Cheska watches the chaos unfold with delight, a mischievous chuckle escaping her lips.

The ice drink area quickly becomes a flurry of movement and laughter as their friends crowd around the counter, eager to order their own drinks.

They all turn to Cheska, asking her what drink she ordered, as Cheska responded, they all ordered what Cheska ordered.

The cashier, taken aback by the sudden influx of customers, tries to keep up with the orders and the joyful commotion.

The friends eagerly show their disbelief at the one-dollar price, creating an atmosphere of both chaos and excitement and they excitedly ordered.

Laurel chuckled and turns to Cheska, "Goodness Cheska, only a dollar but it looks so goooooood!"

"Yeah, haha"

While waiting, Angelina turns to Cheska, "Ah, Cheska, you went home late during the video filming?"

"Video filming...."

"Oh the pre defense video, Anastasia said it took you guys very long at Ryle's house"

"Oh yes! We were there only to film, but it took us hours to wait for him finish the slides that we assigned him for weeks"

Angelina laughed, "Goodness... Girl, and was it raining hard?"

"Very, I think we went home like 1 am?"

"What?! And you were in his house at 2 pm? I feel so stressed for you guys!!" The 2 girls chuckled.

As everyone got their order, Cheska and Julianna were still at the same place, then Cheska started using 4 devices to calculate and understand the math project.

Maris called Cheska, "Cheskaaa, here she is"

"Huh?" Just as Cheska is about to respond, a movement catches her eye.

She turns around, her heart skipping a beat as her gaze lands on Lyka, breathless and rushing towards them.

"Sorry I'm late, guys! The practice was insane today."

Cheska's breath catches in her throat as she takes in the sight of Lyka, her cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkling with excitement.

The friends begins to greet her and Lyka went to the comfort room to change clothes.

Cheska's cheeks turn a deep shade of red, and she quickly averts her gaze, feeling her heart race even faster.

Cheska turns to Julianna, she couldn't help but blush deeply.

Lyka returns and gave Julianna and Cheska her laptop and proceeds to join Mark and the other, leaving Julianna and Cheska alone across them.

After a few minutes, Cheska joined the circle and arm cuddled with Delaney and Cheska was also beside Lyka.

As the friends gather around, discussing their plans and sharing laughter, Cheska steals glances at Lyka, her heart still fluttering.

And Cheska always finds a way to get Lyka's attention.

Angelina, Laurel, and Clarence were discussing the upcoming presentation that their group was supposed to do.

Anna, the fourth member of the group, had been absent for the past few days and they were all starting to get a bit worried.

Angelina was the first to speak up. "I think we should just do the presentation without Anna," she said. "She's always unreliable, and I don't think she really cares about the project or our group activities. All she seems to care about is her looks."

Laurel nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I mean, she's always late to meetings and she never does any of the work. I think it would be better if we just did the presentation without her."

Clarence chimed in. "I agree. We can't rely on her to do her part, so it's better if we just do it ourselves. Besides, it's not like she's going to get any benefit from it anyway. She's just in it for the beauty pageant."

The three of them all nodded in agreement, and it was decided that they would do the presentation without Anna. They all felt a bit guilty about it, but they knew that it was the best thing for the group.

Laurel had been feeling increasingly frustrated with Jazzie lately.

She felt like Jazzie was unreliable and didn't care about her studies.

She had been trying to talk to Jazzie about it, but Jazzie had been avoiding the conversation.

So, when Gojo, one of their mutual friends, said that Jazzie was mentally unstable, Laurel snapped.

"That's it!" she shouted. "I can't take it anymore. Jazzie is always so unreliable and she don't care about her studies. She always making excuses and avoiding responsibility. I'm done with her!"

Cheska turns to Delaney and spoke, "Phoebe and I planned to jump off the building after this sem ends, wanna join"

"Oh hell yes"

"COUNT ME IIIIIN" said Mark.

Lyka chuckled, "Same"

Laurel spoke, "Let's jump off together"

Cheska grinned, "This will be Castlemonte's biggest scandal, 6 students jump off the Castlemonte building" and everyone started laughing even though the education system is killing them on the inside.

Gojo stood up, "Delaney, Lyka, Mitch just told me to film down the plaza, let's gooo" The girls stood up and bids goodbye to their friends as they step foot inside the elevator.

An hour later, the security guard approached them, "Everyone leave the admin building now, only college students shall enter! Leave!"

Mark rolled his eyes and muttered, "Yeah, yeah"

Everyone stood up, and Cheska noticed that Lyka's laptop and backpack is left on the ground, she hesitated, but she knows that someone else's belongings shouldn't be left behind.

The backpack was half-opened, so Cheska took a look, "This is Lyka's bag? Not Pablo's" She checks and saw the gray shirt that she just wore earlier, "Oh, yeah, it's Lyka's..."

Julianna spoke, "Why are you checking what was inside her bag?"

"No, I'm checking if this bag is hers"

Julianna tried to grab Lyka's laptop, "I'll just carry th-"

"No! I'll do it" Cheska smirked, she carried Lyka's backpack and laptop as they wait outside the elevator.

Outside the elevator, Cheska and her classmates were gathered, waiting for the doors to open. 

Suddenly, with a soft ding, the elevator doors slid open, revealing Mitch and Lyka standing side by side.

Cheska's heart skipped a beat as she caught sight of Lyka. She turned to her, her voice filled with a mixture of coldness and caution. "We're not allowed here," Cheska whispered, her eyes darting around to make sure no one else heard.

Lyka nodded, understanding the situation. "Yeah," she replied softly, realizing the potential consequences of being caught in an area they weren't supposed to be in.

Lyka noticed that Cheska had been carrying her backpack and laptop. A look of surprise flickered across her face as she realized Cheska had taken the initiative to grab her belongings. "Oh, thanks," Lyka said gratefully with a blank expression, gently taking her bag and laptop from Cheska's hands.

Cheska's cheeks turned a deep shade of red as she watched Lyka retrieve her belongings.

Her feelings for Lyka were strong, and every interaction with her sent her heart racing. She couldn't help but feel a rush of both happiness and embarrassment.

As if on cue, the elevator doors opened again, revealing another classmate, Julianna.

Cheska and Julianna stepped into the elevator, ready to descend to the ground floor.

Cheska's blush persisted as she tried to regain her composure, her mind still filled with thoughts of Lyka.

As the elevator doors closed, Cheska stole another glance at Lyka, hoping that one day she could find the courage to express her true feelings.

For now, she could only dream and hope that someday, her crush on Lyka would be reciprocated.

They then returned to the ground floor, Julianna and Cheska went to the plaza and sat down on the bench, then she saw Myra with her groupmates across the plaza, the 2 girls greet each other using hand signals.

Cheska chuckled, "Oh, I didn't know Myra is a classmate of Henry, your crush"

Julianna choked on her water, "What? Where?!!!" Julianna started jumping in excitement, which made Cheska grab her in embarassment, "Dude, cut it out! Stop! You're being embarassing-"


Cheska was startled as she heard a sudden voice behind her, turns out it was just Lyka.

"Oh..." Cheska gasps, Lyka sat on the bench and opened her laptop.

Mitch approached them, Cheska and Mitch both hugged each other, "Haluuuu" they said to each other.

Mitch and Cheska then happily talked while Lyka is opening the math file, then Mitch proceeds to join Lyka on the bench.

Cheska and Julianna found a quiet corner in the school plaza, away from prying eyes and ears.

Cheska opened her phobe and began explaining the math functions they needed for their upcoming presentation.

She whispered the instructions to Julianna, emphasizing certain points.

"Okay, so for this part, we'll need to use this formula," Cheska murmured, pointing to the relevant section in her notebook. "It's important to get the values of a, b, and c right. Ask Lyka is she knows this because I don't, and don't tell her that I asked"

Julianna listened attentively, nodding as she absorbed the information.

As Cheska continued her explanation, Julianna couldn't help but notice Lyka's confused expression from a distance.

It seemed as if Lyka was observing their interaction, curious about what they were discussing.

Taking a calculated risk, Julianna runs to Lyka, a mischievous smile on her face.

She subtly lifted Cheska's phone, which contained the math functions they were discussing, and showed it to Lyka, as if seeking her input.

Lyka's eyebrows furrowed in surprise as she realized what was happening. She was intrigued by the secretive nature of their conversation.

Cheska watches them from afar, nervous and excited.

Lyka took the phone, examining the math functions displayed on the screen.

She tried to analyze them, recalling her own knowledge of math. However, after a moment of contemplation, she admitted, "I'm sorry, I don't know these functions either."

Julianna returned to Cheska, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She leaned in and whispered, "Lyka said she doesn't know either."

Cheska and Julianna returned to the bench, Lyka and Mitch were engrossed in conversation, their laughter filling the air as they shared stories and jokes.

A boy, their friend ran to them, and they hung out at the same place.

Meanwhile, not too far away, Cheska spotted her friend Myra rushing towards her. Cheska greeted her with a grin, curious about the urgency in Myra's steps. "Hey, Myra! What's up?" she asked.

Myra's eyes widened with excitement as she blurted out a string of information. "Oh my gosh, Cheska! You won't believe it! Fredrick and Anne broke up, Audrey and Justin are still going strong, Cherry has a boyfriend now, and guess what? Joanna and JR are officially in a relationship!"

Cheska was taken aback by the rapid-fire news. Her eyes widened with surprise as she tried to process the sudden influx of relationship updates. "Wait, what? Seriously? I can't believe it!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with shock.

Trying to lighten the mood, Cheska playfully nudged Myra. "So, tell me, do you miss Yohan?" she asked, referring to a mutual friend in jest.

Myra's face twisted in disgust, and she let out a mock gasp. "Oh, please! Gross! No way!" she replied, teasingly exaggerating her reaction. The two friends shared a laugh as they continued their lighthearted banter.

Myra then started talking about her basketball crush for minutes, then Cheska also started the same topic.

"I also have my own" said Cheska.

Myra's eyes widened in surprise, her curiosity piqued. "Really? Who is it?" she asked eagerly, leaning in closer to Cheska.

Cheska turned her head subtly, directing Myra's gaze toward a group of friends in the distance.

Among them, Lyka sitting, engaged in a conversation with Mitch. Cheska's eyes lingered on Lyka, her face flushing with a mix of warmth and nervousness.

Myra followed Cheska's gaze and her

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