26.) Cheating

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Gabrielle and Cheska sit at a small table, their hands intertwined as they engage in a lighthearted conversation.

Gabrielle spoke, "You know, Cheska, you're the most amazing person I've ever met. I feel so lucky to have you in my life."

Cheska blushes and playfully nudges Gabrielle's shoulder.

"Oh, please. You're just saying that because you want another cup of my famous hot chocolate."

They both laugh, enjoying the ease of their interaction.

Meanwhile, Gabrielle's phone vibrates discreetly in her pocket.

She tries to hide her reaction but can't help stealing a glance at the message notification.

"Excuse me for a second, Cheska. I just remembered something I need to check."

Gabrielle discreetly pulls out her phone and reads the message from Cameron, a flicker of guilt crossing her face.

<Hey, babe. Miss you. Can't wait to see you later.>

Gabrielle quickly types a response, her fingers trembling slightly.

<Miss you too. Can't wait for tonight. >

Cheska, unaware of Gabrielle's secret conversation, watches her curiously.

"Everything okay, Gabrielle? You seem a little off."

Gabrielle quickly puts her phone away, attempting to regain her composure.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Just got a work-related message. Sorry for the distraction."

Cheska's worry lingers, but she decides not to press further.

"Okay, just remember that I'm here for you, no matter what. We're a team, remember?"

Gabrielle's smile falters for a moment, guilt washing over her, but she quickly pushes it aside.

"I know, Cheska. And I'm grateful for that."

They return to their conversation, but a cloud of unease hangs over Gabrielle, knowing the secret she's keeping from Cheska.

She tries to push her guilt away, hoping to preserve the happiness they have in the present.

But then, Gertrude saw them while hanging out with Louis and Anne, Gertrude barged inside and confronted them.

"What is the meaning of this? I can't believe my own granddaughter would stoop so low as to engage in such disgraceful behavior!"

Gertrude glared at the pale skinned, 5'3, blue-eyed, long blonde straight-haired Gabrielle, "She's pretty but who the hell are you?!"

Cheska tries to speak, but Gertrude cuts her off with a wave of her hand.

"And you! Girlie, I expected better from you. How dare you corrupt Cheska with your deviant ways!"

Cheska takes a deep breath, her voice steady but filled with defiance.

"Grandmother, love is love. We can't help who we fall in love with, and it's not up to you to judge us."

Gertrude's face turns red with anger, her voice rising in volume.

"Love is not meant to be shared between two women! It goes against the natural order, against the teachings of the Bible!"

Cheska steps forward, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and determination.

"Grandmother, I love Gabbie with all my heart. Our relationship is based on love, respect, and understanding. We deserve the same happiness as any other couple."

Gertrude pounds her hand on the armrest of her chair, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Happiness? Is that what you call this abomination? You're living in sin, Cheska! God will never bless a relationship like this!"

Cheska's voice quivers with suppressed emotion as she speaks up, her words laced with sadness.

"Grandmother, I wish you could see beyond your prejudices. We're not asking for your approval, but we do deserve your respect. Our love is valid, and we won't let your disapproval define us."

Gertrude's face contorts with a mix of anger and disappointment, but there's a flicker of realization in her eyes.

"I will never accept this, but I won't let it tear this family apart. However, don't expect me to condone or support your choices."

Gabrielle and Cheska exchange a glance, a mixture of relief and sadness passing between them.

Gabrielle grabbed her bag and walks away without bidding goodbye to Cheska, "Gabbie! Gabbie! Wait!"

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