118.) Deeply Regret

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Spencer and Cheska stroll along a city street, the sounds of traffic and chatter filling the air.

Cheska chuckled, "Spencer, you always have this way of making me smile. It's like you know exactly what to say."

"Well, Cheska, I can't help but smirk when I see that radiant smile of yours. It's infectious."

Cheska blushes, feeling a mixture of flattery and intrigue. As they come to a stop near a quaint cafe, Spencer's gaze intensifies, his eyes locking onto Cheska's with a seductive glimmer.

"Cheska, you're absolutely stunning. And every word that escapes your lips has a way of captivating me."

A moment of tension hangs in the air as the intensity between them builds. Without warning, Spencer leans in, attempting to pull Cheska into a passionate kiss.

But Cheska's eyes widen with surprise and hesitation. She quickly pushes him away, her expression a mix of confusion and fear.

"Spencer, no! This is moving too fast. I... I can't."

Without another word, Cheska turns on her heel and begins to run away, her heart pounding in her chest.

Spencer stands frozen, a mix of surprise and regret washing over him.

But Cheska doesn't look back, her pace quickening as she disappears into the bustling city crowd. Spencer watches her retreat, a pained expression etching across his face.

With a heavy sigh, Spencer takes a moment to collect himself before slowly walking in the opposite direction, his thoughts consumed by the realization of his mistake and the hope that he'll have a chance to make amends.

On the other hand...

Lyka and her girlfriend Yna are curled up on the couch, wrapped in a cozy blanket. Soft music plays in the background, creating a warm and intimate atmosphere.

Yna rests her head on Lyka's shoulder, and Lyka gently strokes her hair, pretending everything is perfect.

Lyka sighs, internally conflicted, "I love moments like this, Yna. Just being here with you feels so right."

Yna looks up at Lyka, her eyes filled with adoration.

"I feel the same way, Lyka. You mean everything to me."

Lyka's smile falters for a moment as guilt gnaws at her insides. She remembers the night she spent with Cheska, a moment of weakness that she deeply regrets.

She can't bear to hurt Yna, so she decides to keep the truth hidden, burying it deep within her.

Her voice trembling, forcing a smile, 'You're my world, Yna. I don't know what I'd do without you.'

Yna senses something is amiss, her brows furrowing with concern.

"Lyka, are you okay? You seem distant."

Lyka's heart aches at Yna's perceptiveness. She fights back tears, knowing that she's betraying the trust they've built.

"I'm sorry, Yna. It's just been a long day. But being here with you makes everything better."

Yna looks into Lyka's eyes, searching for the truth. Lyka avoids her gaze, unable to bear the weight of her guilt.

"Lyka, you know you can tell me anything, right? We promised to be honest with each other."

Lyka's grip on the truth weakens, but she holds on desperately, afraid of the consequences that await if she reveals her infidelity.

"I know, Yna. And I promise, there's nothing you need to worry about. It's just...my own demons haunting me."

Yna's expression softens, and she cups Lyka's face, her touch filled with tender concern.

"Lyka, you don't have to carry this burden alone. We're a team, remember? No matter what, we'll face it together."

Lyka's resolve crumbles as she stares into Yna's eyes, realizing the depth of their love. She knows that she can't keep her secret forever, but in this moment, she chooses to embrace the solace of their bond.

Lyka whispers, 'Thank you, Yna. I don't deserve you.'

Yna pulls Lyka closer, holding her tightly.

"You deserve love, Lyka. And I'm here to give it to you, always."

Lyka buries her face in Yna's shoulder, tears streaming down her cheeks. She clings to Yna, finding comfort in the warmth of their embrace, while the weight of her guilt continues to haunt her.

A day later...

Lyka walks away from the living room, her heart heavy with guilt. She finds herself at the outdoor fountain, its serene beauty contrasting with the turmoil within her.

Tears stream down her face as she collapses on a nearby bench, unable to contain her emotions any longer.

"I can't keep hiding this... I can't keep hurting her.'

Lyka's words are carried away by the gentle breeze as she speaks to the empty night sky, her voice filled with remorse.

"I betrayed Yna... I slept with Cheska, and it was a mistake. I regret everything, every moment I spent with her."

The weight of her confession hangs heavily in the air, the fountain's gentle splashes echoing her pain.

Lyka's heart aches as she realizes the magnitude of her actions and the love she stands to lose.

"But Yna... Yna means more to me than anything in this world. I love her with all my being, and I can't bear to lose her."

Lyka's words are filled with sincerity and desperation. She longs for forgiveness, for a chance to make things right, even though she knows that the road to redemption will be difficult.

"Yna, please... Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right. I'll be honest, completely honest, no matter the consequences. Just please... don't give up on us."

Her voice quivers with vulnerability as she pleads to the night sky, hoping that her heartfelt words will reach Yna's heart.

Lyka finds herself alone at the serene outdoor fountain, her heart heavy with guilt and regret.

The sound of the water flowing becomes a somber soundtrack to her pain. She crumbles to her knees, unable to contain her emotions any longer.

Lyka's tears flow freely as she clutches her chest, her sobs echoing in the empty night.

"I'm so sorry, Yna... I'm so sorry..."

Her words are barely audible, drowned out by her anguish. She gazes at the water, its ripples mirroring the turmoil inside her.

Her voice trembles with every syllable, her remorse consuming her.

"I wish I could take it all back... I wish I could erase that moment of weakness. I love you, Yna, more than I've ever loved anyone."

Lyka's cries intensify, her body shaking with each sob. The fountain's water offers no comfort, mirroring her pain as it cascades down.

Her plea hangs in the air, an anguished plea to the universe. She feels the weight of her mistakes, the gravity of the consequences she may face.

Lyka remains by the fountain, her tears blending with the water's flow, as she confronts the immensity of her betrayal and the uncertain future that lies ahead.

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