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"I'll ask again, why are you mad at Gideon?" Dipper asked again directly at Bill while they walked out of the blond's house and at the middle of the forest which is where Bill found the 15 year old.

Ignoring the question once again, Bill just glared on the way while his form had a mix of yellow and red, his azure fire only intensify when they can see a figure in front of them, Gideon's figure.

Gideon's back is facing the two while he rummage through his things in a bag, putting things in and checking if it's right or not which made the brunet and blond confused.

When the two teens reached the 15 year old, Bill immediately smirked and snapped his fingers making a circle of azure fire around the younger teen. Gideon yelped after closing his bag and looked at the harmless fire around him, then his gaze snapped at the two.

Dipper clutched the blond's arm with a slightly worried and calm face while Bill had a huge smirk on his face and an urge to kill the kid right on the spot. But, where's the fun in that?

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Little Star~" Bill cooed while taking steps forward towards the terrified young teen with Dipper.
Gideon snapped his head towards the smirking blond while hugging his back pack tight.

"C-Cipher! What are you doing here?!" Gideon yelled with his southern accent while standing up, eyes widen at the still smirking Cipher as he shook by the sight of Bill and the fire around him.

"Oh! Just a little payback!!” Bill yelled the last part with his demonic voice making the brunet next to him tremble in fear. The blond-demon teen flick his wrist making his fire to move closer towards the albino who is shaking and sweating.

"I didn't do anything, Cipher!" Gideon yelled as the fire only grew closer to him. Bill is mad like fuck as he yelled again with his demonic voice. "You hurt my Pinetree!!!"

"B-Bil, s-stop i-it, now, p-please," Dipper stuttered pulling the blond's arm making the said demon to snap back to Reality as his anger broke down and was replaced with a calm one.

Bill looked down at the trembling Dipper and hugged the said teen tight in his arms mumbling sweet things.

"I-I'm sorry, Pinetree. Don't get scared please. Don't cry," Bill cooed in the brunet's ear while tears streamed down on Dipper's face. The blond wiped his tears away making the other boy to laugh a little. Bill smiled sweetly at Dipper before him and kissed the boy's forehead making Dipper to blush slightly.

Gideon who is still in the background staring at the sweet moment of the two immediately ran away, slightly shaking in great fear from the demon, but keeping his plan up.

Bill noticed this and started to get angry until Dipper stroke his blond silky hair, making the blond-demon to look down at him again.

Dipper smiled at Bill while the blond returned the gesture. They didn't even noticed that they are still in a hugging position. They hugged tightly when they noticed it and the brunet then asked. "P-Please Bill, don't get mad at him again, I'll ask this twice, I'll ask again. Why are you mad at him?"

Bill smiled a little keeping his anger in and still hugged the boy tight as he answered still keeping the anger together.

"W-Well, he gave you that long cut!" Bill suddenly yelled but Dipper softly smiled at him and said. "It's just a cut, no worries Bill,"

Dipper assured the blond but Bill didn't listened yet believed the teen and nodded. Dipper looked at the time at his wrist watch and almost started to know what the hell time is it until Bill exclaimed/remarked.

"Well, Pinetree. Time is dead!!"

Dipper laughed at Bill's childishness and still looked at his wrist watch.


Dipper got slightly worried at the time but Bill soothed him by still hugging him.

I mean come on! Who could hug someone that long?!

Billdip can.

"I-I should g-go back to the Shack,"
Dipper said slightly loosing his grip at the hug making Bill frowned and slightly pulled away from the hug; whining. "Whyyyy!! Stay here with me please, Pinetree!"

Bill held Dipper tight in his arms once more not letting the boy go.
Dipper groaned playfully rolling his eyes and whined back. "But Billlllllll!!! Mabel and Soos would be worried sick!"

Bill finally let the boy twin go and pouted, crossing his arms and looking away from the brunet.

"Fine, so be it," Bill said coldly snapping his fingers until Dip-dop stopped him and suggested. "How about, move your house slightly near-next to the Shack? So, I can hang-out with you without Soos, Mabel nor Wendy even noticing it,"

Bill smiled at that but his expression turned into a disbelief one and said. "I can't just go and snap my fingers around like a mad-man that makes things appear,"

Dipper giggled making Bill to chuckle and thought that Pinetree's giggle is cute. What am I saying?!

Bill shrugged his thought off as a voice whispered inside his mind, even though he is a dream demon.
But the voice is so familiar.

Stop denying it Bill. Ya know you love Pinetree~

Stop it!!

Bill yelled in his mind looking down at the ground until he was snapped back to Reality again when Dipper shook him violently.

"Dipper to Bill!! Bill are you there? You kind of spaced out,"

The said blond-demon looked at Dipper and said. "S-Sorry, Pinetree. About the house, I would've look like a mad-man,"

Dipper chuckled and remarked. "Well, you are a mad-man,"

Bill laughed and retorted. "Guess, you're right Pinetree and yeah, I can snap my house next to the dumb o'l Shack,"

Bill was caught off guard when Dipper punched his arm and screamed. "You should've said that awhile ago!!! You're just stalling!!!"

Bill rubbed his arm slightly and laughed at the boy while walking away.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Dipper yelled when Bill is almost out of sight and jogged towards him.

Bill smiled down at Dipper while the said brown-haired boy smiled back and the two walked the path towards the Shack in a comfortable silence.

Well, Bill would've annoy the teen right now, but he thought that he would just leave it and be drifted off through his never-ending thoughts.

You love Pinetree, Bill~

No I don't, Will! I'm gonna kick your ass if you don't stop!

Stop denying it bro~ one day you'll figure it out!

You're dead to me Will!

Ooo~ I'm scared Bill! One day, you'll be thanking me when you really love Dipper!

Don't make me get Tyrone for you!

O-Ok, I'll stop. Just saying.

Hehe, so Burning Tree is your weakness, huh bro?

S-Shut up.

How's you and Burning Tree goin'?

U-Um, Oh! Master is calling me! Bye Bill!

Bill groaned when his telepathy conversation with his twin, Will Cipher, was cut off as he and Dipper reached the worn down and old house, seeing the cabin that Bill made not so far away from the Shack.

"Hmm, guess this is it," Dipper said stepping in the front porch with Bill who scoffed and said. "What? Someone's going to die? If so, I'll be there!!"

Bill exclaimed the end making Dipper giggle once again.

"Your giggles are cute Pinetree," Bill blurted out as his eyes widened and clamped his mouth shut with a small blush around his face as well as Dipper's, but his are way more darker.

"U-Uh, thanks B-Bill. B-Bye," Dipper said as he opened the door and closing it after casting one last glance at Bill with a small smile.

Bill face palmed as he groaned stepping out of the porch with the old creaking steps and making his way towards his house.

You were saying?

Bill's golden eyes widened and yelled in his mind again.

You were there the whole time?!?

Yup bro! I have proof between you and your Pinetree! So, can I come over?

Bill groaned and complained inside his mind.

Wow, you can't just annoy someone and just tell them that you'll come over to their house.

Says the one who annoyed everyone including me when we were kids.

Bill laughed and heard Will laugh as well in his mind; recalling the good o'l days with his once crybaby brother.

I heard that ya know. Anyway, can I come over?

The blond-demon smirked at this as he finally reached his house and looked at the Shack, not so far away, and making his way towards his room; flopping down at his bed after closing the door.

Sureeeee, is Burning Tree coming with his wifey?

Bill teased making himself chuckle as his twin brother yelled.

I'm not his wife!!

I didn't say that you are his wife, Will~ Are you hiding something?

Bill could here the blue haired boy groan towards their telepathy and said.

Whatever and yes, Master is going with me.

Great, see ya later bro~

Yeah, bye~

Bill chuckled before standing and readying himself and his house for the arrival of his brother and his Master.


Knock! Knock!

Bill groaned a little as he sat up from his lying position at his bed still waiting for his brother to arrive.

He got slightly confused, if Will and Tyrone are the ones who knocked the door, then why didn't they just opened up a portal?

Bill went towards the front door in a flash since his room is nearby the door.

Opening it, Bill's eyes widened a little by his visitor.

"Hey Bill! I got slightly bored, so can I hang-out with you now? Don't worry, I told Mabel that I'm going to stay at a friend's house,"
Dipper Pines stated walking inside of Bill's house. The said blond is still in slight shock while closing the door, following Pinetree towards the Living Room.

"Soo~ Bill, what do you want to do?" Dipper asked while sitting next to Bill in the couch then looking at a flat screen TV at the top of the fire place which is where the picture of Bill was supposed to be.

"And I see that you got a TV," Dipper remarked smiling at the blond while Bill smiled a little and said. "Well, my brother is coming over with Ty-"

"You have a brother?!" Dipper cut him off and exclaimed bouncing happily at the couch which made the blond to bounce as well.

Bill smiled at the brunet's cute actions and nodded and said like 'as a matter of fact'.

"Well, a twin brother to be exact,"

Dipper jumped into Bill hugging him tight with a cute smile on his face while Bill hugged the brunet back and smiled even the wider.

"Hello Bill!! How ar- Oh! I see you've got company," Will Cipher smirked as he stepped out of the portal with his Burning Tree who looked unamused.

Bill's eyes widened and backed away from a blushing furiously Dipper as a warm blush crept towards his face.

"It's not what it looks like Will!" Bill stated-yelled standing up as his twin brother-demon hugged him. "Sure and missed ya bro,"

Bill hugged back at his brother and replied. "You too bro,"

The blond hugged his brother tight and remarked. "I'm suprised that you're not a crybaby anymore,"

Bill pulled away from the hug as Will got mad a little but calmed down and rolled his blue eyes; retorting. "Well, I'm suprised that you're getting soft~"

Will smirked gesturing at the brunet who is lost in his own thoughts. Bill punched Will's arm shooting a glare at him. He looked at Tyrone who is sitting next to Dipper who hasn't noticed the other brunet.

Bill and Will cleared their throats at the same time making the two brunet to look up at them as the blond introduced. "U-Um Dipper, this is Tyrone. Tyrone this is Dip,"

Bill smiled at the two as Dipper turned his head towards at a slightly smirking Tyrone. "U-Um, you looked like me..?"

Dipper said slightly scared as Will explained the situation. "Well, we are from Reverse Falls, and everything here are reversed in our universe. Like you, your reverse is Tyrone Gleeful while your sister's reverse is Mabel Gleeful. Pacifica Northwest became Pacifica Southeast, Gideon Gleeful became Gideon Pines and so on. But the thing that occured here, happened in Reverse Falls as well,"

Dipper nodded in confirmation.

Suddenly, Mabel Pines bursted into the blond's house making the 4 boys startled and stopped their conversation. She blinked once then twice and smirked at her brother.

"Oh, Dipper~ You didn't say anything about them!!" Mabel exclaimed while walking towards the boys as Dipper stood up.

"What are you doing here?" The brunet asked as his twin who rolled her eyes before questioning him. "No, what are you doing here, Bro-Bro?"

"Well, this is gonna be hard to explain," Dipper said while scratching his neck and gestured Mabel to sit on the spot where he was sitting earlier. Bill smiled at Mabel and exclaimed. "Heya Shooting Star!! Nice to meet you again!!"

The brunette girl teen smiled at the blond and waved making Dipper widened his eyes in slight shock as he chuckled nervously. The brunet glanced at the Reverse's who are sitting at the armrests of the light-blue colored couch. Mabel sighed and chuckled.

"I already knew that Bill's here, bro-bro," the girl twin said simply making her brother hang his mouth open while staring at her. Once again, the girl grinned and said.

"Well, this is where it starts ....."

-Mabel's Flashback: Earlier-

Mabel's POV

"Hmm, guess this is it," I heard my bro-bro's voice from the front door. I wanted to investigate what that is so I placed the pitcher that filled  Mabel Juice in it and skipped towards the front door hearing another voice.

"What? Someone's going to die? If so, I'll be there!!"

Ooo~ Dip-dop has a boyfriend and didn't tell me!! How rude!! I shook my head and listened to their conversation through the small diamond shape window and saw that Dipper is talking with a blond! Nice shot broseph!

I heard my brother giggle cutely. I smiled and my further ado listened more.

"Your giggles are cute Pinetree,"  I heard the blond said it to bro-bro and I know so well that Dipper is blushing hard. The blond is so sweet!! He even gave Dipper a nickname! Although it's familiar..... WAIT!! Bill Cipher is the only one who called Dippingsauce like that!!! I put my thoughts aside and looked at the blond closely, well he's wearing a vest that had an eye on it. He must be Bill!! And he had a crush on my brother!!

"Yes!!" I whisper-shouted while spinning around in joy as I returned my attention to the two boys.

"U-Uh, thanks B-Bill. B-Bye,"

I heard Dipper said that so I sprinted towards my Room while squealing.




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