The Celebration is now over and things went back to normal. Or is it?
"Hey bro!!" Mabel exclaimed while bursting into her brother's room. "Wanna go to Bill's?!?"
Diper looked at her and smiled. "Sure," he set his book back on the shelf as he and his sister walked out of his room.
"Hey, Soos!! We're going to Bill's for awhile!!" Mabel yelled and got an "Okay" from Soos as a response. The twins then walked out of the Shack and headed to the blond's house. (A/N You may forgot but, Soos and the town now knows that Bill's back. Except for Stan and Ford tho. Is it just me who forgot some plots here?)
"Hey Bill!!" Mabel exclaimed while reaching the blond's cabin. Bill was chopping down some wood. He had no shirt on making the bruentte girl to smirk to a blushing Dipper.
"Hey Shooting Star!! Heya Pinetree!!" Bill greeted while dropping the axe on the ground as the twins approached him.
"Why are you chopping wood?" The girl twin asked pointing at the woods Bill chopped and added. "And, where did you learned to chop wood?"
"Well, the woods are for our Camping later! Manly Dan taught me how!!" Bill answered well yelled happily while Manly Dan smiled at him and said with his deep voice. "I'm going home now. Your Welcome Bill,"
As Manly Dan disappeared from the teens' sight, Mabel exclaimed yet again. "Camping?!? You didn't tell us that we're camping here!!"
"Hehehe, I want to be surpise for you two," Bill said shyly as he looked down at Pinetree who seemed flustered at what he just saw. The blond smirked at Dipper who blushed more. "Like what you see Pinetree?" He said gesturing his body making the brunet's blush deepened.
"S-Shut u-up, Bill," Dipper stuttered. T-Those a-abs, they are so a-addicting. The brunet thought and held his nose in any chances of a nose bleed while thinking of that. Of course, Bill Freakin' Cipher heard that and smirked widely at the boy before him, little did he know, he had a pink blush tinted on his cheeks.
"I heard that, Pinetree~" Bill cooed at the smaller boy's face whose brown eyes widened and punched the blond-demon's arm making him laugh (besides the hilarious pain he was now feeling). The blushing brunet shot a glare towards his twin who's laughing hysterically at the whole time while rolling around the grass, literally.
"Mabel! You'll get yourself dirty!!" Dipper giggled as his twin complied and standing up while dusting herself off.
"Sorry, I'm just so excited!!!" Mabel jumped up and down on the grass receiving chuckles from the two boys.
"Okay, so where does this 'event' is going to happen?" Dipper asked while looking at the two and pretended that he didn't saw Bill's toned chest. (A/N did anyone got a nosebleed??)
Bill smirked and looked down at Dipper while his face inched closer to him. "Well, it will happen in my room," the blond said huskily making the brunet blush once again.
Mabel laughed and said teasingly. "Goodluck with that Bro-bro! Use some protection Bill!!"
Bill chuckled loudly as Dipper blushed more. The brunet angrily punched Bill's stomach again making said blond to flinch as Dipper walked away from the two.
"Pinetree!! We were just joking!! Right Shooting Star?" Bill asks the girl twin who nodded and clamped her mouth shut in any case of mockery that will come out.
Dipper ignored the other 17 year olds and just walked fast.
"Pinetree!!" Bill yelled while snapping his fingers as a yellow t-shirt appeared on him, after that he dashed to chase the twin down the dirt path leaving the other twin behind.
Mabel stood there not knowing what's going on and blinked twice then smirked. "I'll go in the cabin then," the girl said to herself as she went to the said destination.
"Leave me alone Bill!!" Dipper yelled as Bill caught up to him and grabbed his arm swinging the now yelping brunet to face him. The brunet glared at him and huffed while forcefully pulled his arm out of Bill's grasp and crossed his arms. The blond sighed and walked closer to the Pinetree.
"Look, we were just joking, k Pinetree? It's not like I'm serious, right?" Bill encourage or asked the brunet whose blush (that didn't fade) deepened as he made his unnoticed hat to cover his red face. Bill smiled and chuckled slightly that soon became a laugh. Dipper smiled under his hat and giggled. The two had a moment of laughter as it died down.
"Okay, Bill. I forgiv-" the brunet was cut off by said blond-demon who hugged him tight.
"Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you Pinetree!!" Bill chanted while squeezing the brunet in his arms. The blond pulled away slightly just enough for him to look down at the brunet and gave Dipper a toothy grin to which he returned but with a small smile. Bill nuzzled into the brunet's neck and said happily. "Let's go back!! I don't want a Shooting Star getting on my stuff!!"
Bill then stomped back to the direction where he and the twins was before while holding Dipper's soft pale hand. During the walk, Dipper's thoughts seemed; confused. I don't get all of this, I completely forgot about the cipher Bill gave to me. I'll decipher that later then!! As the brunet's thought washed away, he and the blond was now in front of the demon's cabin and heard noises.
"Oh, Mabel," Dipper shook his head as the two of them went inside the house. And there she was, Mabel Pines grinning at them innocently while standing not so far away from them in the blond's Living Room with her hands clasped behind her back.
Bill and Dipper raised an eyebrow at the girl and asked at the same time. "Mabel/Shooting Star what did you do?"
The two boys had there arms crossed while they look at the innocent girl sternly. Mabel scoffed and said while waving her hands voilently. "Me!? I didn't do anything!!"
That only made Dipper's and Bill's eyebrow to raise more, maybe up to the roof if the girl didn't tell the truth. Mabel walked up to them and shook her hands again. While saying with her eyes closed and a grin plastered on her face. "It's nothing. Nothing. Nothing,"
"Shooting Star/Mabel,"
"I said it's nothing!!" Mabel yelled as she crossed her arms and playfully glared at the two. Well, she did something that the boys, especially Bill wouldn't like.
"Don't lie to us, young lady," Dipper said seriously with his right hand rests on his hips while the other had its index finger raised like scolding a kid.
"Listen to you brother, Double S," Bill said while crossing his arms and closed the door that he and Dipper forgot to close.
"What are you, my parents?! And I'm your daughter?!" Mabel yelled and knowing where this is going on so she had a small smirk at the corner of her mouth that neither of the two boy teens noticed.
Dipper is getting mad and he didn't know why. "Mabel, please tell us. You might've broke in Bill's house or something," the brunet said calmly, soon his anger faded away.
Mabel smirked and said sassily. "And why would I do that, Mom?"
Now, Dipper groaned and facepalmed. Bill groaned as well and said commandingly- well unknowingly. "Just listen to your Mom!!"
Dipper glanced at Bill for a second turned his stern gaze back at Mabel and said. "Your Dad is right ya know?"
Gosh, they didn't even know that they are calling themselves as my parents!! Good thing the girls are now filming this. Mabel's thought crashed as she looked at the corner of her eyes. There they are, behind the kitchen's door frame, Candy and Grenda holding the girl twin's camera while filming on whatever is happening.
Mabel adjusted her crossed arms and looked back at her 'parents'.
"Okay, I will listen to my parents," she said as the two boys didn't know what was now going on. Dipper raised his head a little and nodded. Bill and Dipper then said at the same time. "Yes listen to us, Mabel/Shooting Star,"
At the right time and they processed what they were saying, both of the boys yelled in unison. "WAIT WHAT?!!"
They looked at each other with wide eyes and dark blushes spreads around their faces as Mabel laughed once more while falling to the ground. The two girl teens at the kitchen decided to let the two blushing teen boys know their presence as they walked out of the room and laughed with the girl twin.
"Candy?! Grenda?!" Dipper yelled unbelievingly when he noticed the two laughing girls until his gaze turned to the thing Candy was holding. "And you were filming the whole time?!"
The two girls giggled and helped Mabel up. "Yup!!" The three said unison as the brunet was now lost of words. Dipper sighed and sat on the couch.
"Pinetree? Shooting Star? I think we should camping now," Bill said as he looked at the room suspiciously and carefully that got the other teens' attention. Mabel furrowed her eyebrows and asked and explained. "Why? It's only 5:00. We didn't even told Soos about this, we just said that we're just going to see you,"
Bill still has his yellow-gold eyes narrowed. "I-I felt someone's presence around here. It's so damn familiar," the blond sat next to Dipper whose eyes are had the look of worry and confusion.
"Whose presence then?" Dipper asked as Bill thought deeply before answering. "I dunno, but it's not safe for you two out of my sight,"
The twins sighed as the girl twin asked her best friends if they wanted to stay with them and join their camping but they refused and left after giving the girl's camera back. She looked back at the two who are talking about something until Bill got up and walked towards his room across them. He opened the door and went inside then shut the door close.
Mabel's eyes widened as Dipper saw her action. The brunet stood up and put a hand on his twin's shoulder. Dipper then asks. "M-Mabel? Are you okay?"
"W-Well, all I know is that I'm doomed to Bill," Mabel replied as her eyes are still glued at the door where Bill just entered. Dipper tilted his head and looked at the door. Then they heard a scream from the certain room, Mabel held her laugh in, even though she knows that she's dead.
Bill bursted the door opened and he looked shocked and flustered. His eyes are light red as held a thing up. He looked at Mabel and yelled. "Shooting Star!! What is this for?!"
There, Bill Cipher is holding a box full of... condom. Mabel laughed nervously as Dipper's eyes are now wide and maybe they needed a bowl for it to catch the brunet's eyes. The girl twin is still laughing nervously as she backed away and went towards the door slowly.
"Well, it's for, um. Y-You and Dipper. J-Just in case," she replied as beads of sweats formed on her forehead. Dipper had his mouth hang opened as Bill had his hands rests on his hips.
Bill raised his eyebrow and remarked. "Really Shooting Star?"
Mabel laughed and closed her eyes while waving her hands again and saying. "Hehehe, sorry,"
"I just thought, you guys, would have fun,"
-Timeskip: Night-
-Outside of Bill's cabin-
When the three teens turned back on their seriousness mode, they talked about the presence Bill felt. But, the answers that the Twins got are "I don't know, but it felt familiar," or "All I need to do is to keep us safe," and "I'll keep my guard up, just in case. Don't worry,"
And just that, to no avail, the twins gave up as they were now surrounded by the warmth of the camp fire, with the cold breeze the area make, the forest floor, some trees and the three tents they built up.
Dipper sighed as he ate his toasted marshmellow; still confused. I mean, why would Bill just so suddenly invite the both of them to something? Not to mention, a small camping that causes social interactions. He decided to decipher the ciphertext Bill gave him yesterday as he scanned the almost-worn out paper and pulled out a pencil he always kept in his pocket as he searched in his mind what cipher the blond used. First he used Atbash Cipher, but it was just gibberish. Then the Ceasar Cipher, scratch that, it didn't work.
And so on, while he decipher that. Bill noticed that the brunet is finding out the code he gave him and a blush spread around his face. Of course, the Best Matchmaker, Mabel Pines, noticed this and smirked at Bill when she looked at Bill who is staring at the distressed brunet.
"Bill's got a crush!" Mabel whisper-yelled broking Bill out of his 'love trance' for the brunet as the blond-demon's blush deepened.
"By the way, what did you wrote on that paper yesterday?" Mabel asked munching on some cooked marshmellow as Bill got the sudden attention. The blond raised an eyebrow and asked. "How did you know?"
Knowing herself that she was eavesdropping on them, she shrugged and made up a lie. "He showed me and talked about it, duh,"
She simply put on a 'duh' face as the blond rolled his eyes and answered the brunette girl's question earlier. "Well, if he decipher that, he'll know something from me,"
"Ooo~ is that some kind of Love letter~?" Mabel asked teasingly feeling proud and knowing that her brother had someone for him.
Bill looked away and said simply but nervously. "No,"
That made the girl raised an eyebrow that Bill didn't seemed to notice as he mumbled or added something under his breathe. "Well, maybe,"
Mabel grinned and hugged Bill tight then pulling away while saying. "Take care of my brother, Bill,"
The said blond grinned and nodded as the two of them glanced at Dipper who's now getting sleepy.
"Now, this is infuriating," Dipper mumbled under his breathe as he took the paper and pencil back at his bag that he brought when Bill gave him and Mabel the permission to go back at the Shack and telling Soos that they are camping. Yawning loudly, the brunet stood up and declared sleepily. "I'll sleep now. Night, Mabel. Goodnight, Bill,"
Hearing a faint "Goodnight Dipper/Pinetree" he went to his own tent with his bag and placed the thing next to his sleeping bag. He then went under the sleeping bag and nuzzled into the warmth he was now feeling. And with that the brunet went fast asleep.
When the brunet fell asleep, Mabel went to her own tent and slept as well leaving Bill to wander on his own thoughts. The blond-demon casted glances around their surroundings to see if something or someone is watching them. Then he followed the twins and fell asleep at his tent.
??? POV
Oh, I see that those Pines are with Cipher aye? I'll be glad for doing my plan then!
"Hey! Are you ready for our deal?"
A voice called out to me as I turned towards the teen who just died earlier and made a deal with me. We kind of agreed on our doings.
I smirked and chuckled darkly as we looked at the portal I made for watching the three who are now sleeping soundlessly.
I laughed maniacally and said darkly.
"Oh, you're getting it. I'll rule the world and finish the failure you did.....
Just so you wait, Cousin,"
Edited: May 16, 2018
Woah woah wait, for my readers right now, I'm terribly sorry, but about the cousin part, I didn't involved it in the next book only— oops almost spoiled it XD but seriously, I am sorry for my almost huge mistake, I don't want it to use it to adjust my story, it'll ruin the other/next books. Thank you for the one's who understand this.
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