Almost perfect day

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Tyler took my hand and lead me out of the house into his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"Somewhere we can get to know each other better."

"And where is that?"

"Somewhere special to me" He replied. I wanted to know exactly where, but I knew He wasn't going to tell me.

We drove for another ten minutes and He pulled over. He says "Stay here in the car I'll be right back."

"what? Why?" I said.

"Just wait here I'll be back in 5 minutes. Just trust me you'll be greatful."

"fine," I said hesitantly. He left the car and walked into the woods.

I waited ...

and waited....

and waited some more,

and waited for 30 minutes until Tyler finally came back. "I'm so sorry I took so long. I had to make it perfect!" He said. "I can't believe you made me wait 30 minutes for you!" I replied. I honestly hate waiting. I have no patience. But then I saw his disapointed face and felt really bad. "I am truly sorry, I will take you back to your house if you want" He said.I started laughing and said " its fine. besides what kind of girl would ditch Tyler Posey on a date?" He nodded his head and said "good point."

He got out of the car and open my door, then picked me up bridal style and walked me into the was a long pathway to a cabin. there was little solar lights on the ground lighting up the pathway, and on the pathway there was rose petals. " Geez this isn't a honeymoon we are on is it?" " haha so you like it? I wanted to make this perfect!" He said with a hint of cockyness. " haha it would've been perfect if I didn't have to wait 30 minutes in the car." I said being more cocky. He just gave me a "whatever" look and stood me up on the cabin porch.

"so where are we?" I asked. "this is where I grew up my family owns all the land around here."  He said with a beautiful smile. "Awwee that's so sweet. Why did you take me here though?" "Because I want you to know more about me. I want you to believe I'm more than some kind of famous rich player. I want you to know the real me and I also want to know you better." I smiled at that and said " I like the sound of that."

We went inside the cabin and it was such an amazing house. There was a cute little fire place and a big dinning room table. The place was so cozy and I just wanted to lay down and cuddle with Tyler.But He had other plans.

I walked around the cabin and it was the perfect little home. He said "now that you've seen the place. I want to take you out back." so we walked on the back porch and the view was amazing! The porch was on the shore of a lake. "The view is incredible! I could stand here all day.

"follow me." He said.

so I did and He led me to a tree house. I was waiting for him to climb up the ladder. but then he said "Ladies first!"

"your only saying that so you can stare at my butt." I said.

"no. its because if you fall I can catch you. and if I fall I won't hit you.".   wow He is a gentleman. So I climed up the ladder and went inside the tree house. I was amazed what He did. He set up a picnic, it had candle lights and a cute litte blanket with a basket of food. Even though it was so cheesy I still loved it.

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