9: Up All Night

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9: Up All Night

Samantha’s POV

I cuddled with Harry for about a few more hours until the sun started to set. During that time, my brain was screaming at me to escape his arms but, my heart begged me to stay. It begged me to stay with him for as long as I could or, until I could not handle it anymore. Truth is, I could handle it. I didn’t want him to let go, as weird as it sounds. He changed me in a heartbeat from a girl who hates life and everyone in it to a girl who a girl who thinks this might be okay, everything might be okay. Harry and I used to fight, then we’d make up, and then fight again. That reminded me of a song Amy showed me by the boys. She was a fan of their music. I’m not going to lie; they’re all great at singing.

“We’ve got a bit of love hate, You take me to the edge when you hit the brakes, I say it’s over one day then I’m crawling back begging you to stay, We break-up and we make-up all the time…”

Harry grabs my hand as we walk back, giving it squeeze and pushing the corn out of the way for me. What a gentleman. It’s taking a while to get back. I sigh.

“I can’t believe you chose a corn field. We could be lost you know.” I say.

“Hey, cut me some slack. I couldn’t run down the street because I’d look like an idiot, I couldn’t hide at the skate park because you’d have all your skating friends’ help so, I took the way where it be hard for y-,” I hold my hand up.

“Two things. One, you’d look like an idiot running away from me anywhere you were, there’s no excuse. Two, You talk way too much.” I state and let go of his hand when I see the roof of my new house. Sprinting, I push the corn out of my way and look ahead of me, the house getting closer and closer the faster I go. I haven’t ran like this since well, ever. The wind blowing my hair back felt amazing. I felt so powerful running so fast. I burst through the door and I crash into Amy.

“Holy shit, girl! What are you running from?” she asks, steadying herself.

“Nothing. I’m running for the hell of it.” I answer proudly, lifting my chin.

“In a skirt? Girl, you must be cray cray…” I laugh at her form of slang she uses and Harry rushes in.

“Thanks for leaving me, love.” He says sarcastically. Amy raises and eyebrow.

“Love?” she chirps and hits my arm while wiggling her eyebrows. “Someone’s got a love, eh?” I roll my eyes and ask where everyone was. She points downstairs.

“Video games. Nerds.” She scoffs and heads downstairs and I start to follow her but, Harry stops me. I roll my eyes again, only to be pulled into him as he wraps an arm around my waist. His face was inches from mine. I could feel his warm breath on my lips and his curls falling onto my forehead as we both start to lean in. His soft, pink lips brushed mine then-

“What the bloody hell are you two doing?” We jump apart from each other and see Zayn staring at us from the bottom of the stairs. Shit. Harry rubs the back of his neck and looks down at the ground, leaving me to answer him. Thanks Harry. I start to stutter. “Well? We’re having a video game tournament downstairs! Harry, why aren’t you down there? You’re on my team!” I sigh of relief. If Zayn saw us leaning in, he’d freak. Wait, we were about to kiss? I wasn’t stopping myself either. That’s what really confuses me. Zayn brushes past me and heads downstairs yelling “Vas Happinin’!” and disappears. I turn back to Harry, the curly haired boy still staring at the stairs with wide eyes. I wave a hand in front of his face slowly.

“Harry? Earth to Harry Styles!” I call and he looks at me smiling.

“Wow, that was close.”  He whispers and I giggle.

“I know. Now go, I need to change into something more comfy.” I say and kiss him on the cheek before scurrying off to my room, the feeling of his skin lingering on my lips as I shut the door behind me. It felt great. I grab a pair of sweats and my pull over Hollister sweater, quickly slipping them on and running back downstairs with my iPod in hand. Harry was still standing in the same spot as before. The spot where I kissed him. I smile and he returns a cheeky one, showing his dimples.

“Let’s go play some video games.” I challenge and he nods, letting me go down the stairs first. The gentleman factor never leaves his side, does it? I jump down the stairs and walk over to Amy, who was happily sitting next to Niall. His arm draped around her shoulder as she watched Liam and Louis race on Mario Kart. Cute! “Hey, Amy…” I say, my turn to wiggle my eyebrows at her. Niall and her blush but, return to watching. He stand there, awkwardly watching as Liam’s character pushes Louis’ character of the edge.

“Dammit, Liam! You’re going down!” Louis cries, turning his whole body as he turns the Wii remote. He got so into it, I laugh when Liam finishes first before him. “It’s not funny, Sam! I lost!” I raise my hands up in mock defense and walk around the couch to sit in front of Amy. She plays with my hair while we watch some more.

“Harry against… Sam! Super Smash Brawl!” and Liam chucks me the remote. I grin and pick my favourite character, Link, changing the color to make him purple of course. Harry fumbles with choosing his character and ends up choosing Jiggly Puff. Why? Who knows. He didn’t choose very well.

“You better watch it Harry, she’s the champion at this game. She beats me every time and that’s saying a lot. I kick ass at this game.” Amy warns and Niall laughs and leans over to my ear.

“I’m betting on you.” He whispers and I laugh.

“Good choice.” I say and the battle begins, starting with me by throwing Harry off the stage and he curses. “Told you I was good.” And we keep going until Harry gives up. He couldn’t stay on the stage long enough to survive. I let out a loud laugh as the screen declares the winner. Me, of course.

“Well, that’s bloody embarrassing…” Harry pouts and everyone laughs. “I’m thirsty.”

“I second that.” I say, raising my hand in the air to say I wanted a drink. Everyone else agrees so we take a break while Liam and Louis go grab some drinks and snacks. It was quite awkward downstairs with just Harry, Zayn, Niall, Amy and I.

“So…” Amy starts and everyone turns to her. She hides her face and mumbles “never mind” when Zayn stares at her. I feel bad for the girl. The worst thing is that Zayn doesn’t even remember her. Sure, he remembers his bullying incidents but, he doesn’t remember it’s actually her he bullied. I catch Harry looking at me with his cheeky smile again, and starts to walk over. He sits next to me, his hip brushing my arm as his body leans in towards me.

“We’ll have a rematch later. You probably cheated… cheater.”  He whispers and I burst out laughing.

“Me? Cheat? No. I won fair and square.” I say and he chuckles. Finally, Liam and Louis return with a bunch of chip bags, pop and some beer.

“Alcohol?” Amy wines. “I don’t drink…”

“We figured that. That’s why I brought pop for the ladies and beer for the lads.” Liam says and hands Zayn, Harry, Niall and Louis a beer then handing us some orange pop. Liam grabs one for himself and Amy looks at him surprised.

“Can’t you like, not drink?” she asks and Liam stifles a chuckle.

“I have two kidneys now. Obviously, I’m still going to drink responsibly.”

“Goody-goody…” Louis mumbles and scores a light blow from Liam with his foot. “You almost made me spill my bloody beer!” and everyone laughs, Niall almost spitting out his sip of beer. Amy pats his back as he violently chokes on his drink. Everyone just laughs at him now.

“Hey! It’s not funny guys! He could die!” That made me laugh even harder, causing me to fall on to Harry’s lap, rolling around on the ground like a freak.

“You are insane…” Harry says and I laugh some more, holding my stomach while I continue rolling.

“This is what pop does to me!” I say in-between breaths as I try to settle down. Harry rests his hand on my stomach as I lay my head on his lap, trying to control my breathing. “Wow. I really am insane…” I whisper and Harry chuckles, pushing the stray piece of hair away from my eyes. I turn away and face Zayn. He was sitting on his chair, chugging his beer and glaring at Harry and I. What’s wrong with him? Jeeze. Someone always seems to be grumpy. “What’s your problem.” I fuss and his glare hardens.

“You two are.” And he gets up, leaving everyone with their mouths dropped open and stomps up the stairs with his beer. Harry sighs.

“Be right back, love.” He says and walks up the stairs to talk to Zayn. I wanted to go with him, just in case things got out of control but, my body wouldn’t let me move. Let him talk to him. He’ll be fine. The voice in my head was so reassuring, I couldn’t disobey it. Instead, I just looked at everyone. Their eyes pierced into my soul as I tried to hide myself by curling into a ball. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder.

“You like him, don’t you. I can tell.” Amy says and squeezes my shoulder once. “It’s like, what, four in the morning? I should go to sleep and get used to the time change. You should too, come on.” I refused. I wasn’t going to bed until Harry came back downstairs, or at least came to me to tell me what Zayn had said. Amy was always a strong girl, emotionally and physically. She lifts me up so quickly, she has to help me collect my balance again. “G’night guys. Nice meeting you all today.” She chirps and we set off to bed.

“Goodnight!” they all call as we walk up the stairs. I sulk the whole way there, trying to give her the hint that I didn’t want to go to bed. As we reach my door, we hear yelling coming from the room next to mine. Zayn’s room. Then, a crash. Amy and I exchange looks and we quickly make our way to the room. Amy whips the door open and the boys were wrestling. Not the playful, boy wrestling, like, the rough “I really want to hurt you” wrestling. Amy and I rush in, prying them apart as I hold Zayn back and Amy pins Harry’s arms behind his back and slams him on the bed. Zayn struggles to give Harry another blow but, I wouldn’t let him. They were supposed to be best friends… brothers even! I ruined their friendship.

“Zayn… Stop it and relax.” I try to say calmly. He doesn’t listen. He just rushes backwards, slamming me up against the wall and I crash against it, pain shooting through my back. My hands let go of his white t-shirt and he darts towards Harry and Amy, roughly shoving Amy aside. She starts to cry and I rush over to her, the agonizing pain poking my back like a million needles. “Zayn! Stop it! Just stop!” I hide Amy’s face from the sight of him punching Harry, tears of fear forming and falling down my face. “ZAYN!” I scream and Louis, Niall and Liam jog into the room. Niall looks terrified and hurry’s over to Amy and I while Liam and Louis rip Zayn off of Harry. Niall takes my place and protects Amy while I slowly get up to take a look at the beat up Harry. My heart sinks as I take my first look. A black circle covered his right eye, several bruises covered his face and his nose was bleeding… a lot. I look at Zayn and he was breathing heavily. I walk over to him and punch him in the stomach as hard as I could. He lets out some air as he doubles over, holding his stomach. “That’s for Harry.” I miff and as he stands upright again, I slap him. He holds his cheek and curses. “And that, was for Amy. All those years of pushing her around, beating her, yelling at her? That’s over. But, she can’t seem to get over it thanks to you. You’re such an idiot you know that?” He just curses some more and I grow impatient. He wasn’t listening to me? Watch me make him. “Listen to me!” I scream and shove him to the ground, watching him fall on his back. He struggles to get up but, I kick him down.

“Sam! Stop it! Don’t turn into someone like Zayn!” I lift my foot again and hesitate, then turn around to see who said that. Amy was standing right behind me, hair messy, wet cheeks, and hands on her hips. “Come on, just leave him be…” Everyone was staring at me, terrified looks on their faces as I turn back around to Zayn.

“I hate you.” I say and barge out of the room, leaving a sad expression on his face. Amy doesn’t come in until 5:30 A.M. Probably helping the boys get settled after what just happened. It’s taking me a while to figure out what exactly just happened. One second, everyone was happy and enjoying the moment, then Zayn noticed something was up with Harry and I, causing him to flip out and beat the shit out of Harry. That, I could not believe. Zayn would never do that to a best friend! Especially one on his band mates! They’re supposed to be brothers. It’s all my fault. Maybe Harry and I shouldn’t be together if that’s going to happen. I sigh and hop onto my bed, curl up into a ball and cry. I just cry.

A/N : Woah there... Don't get any ideas that I have ANYTHING against Zayn. As you may know already, I am a Directioner. You simply cannot be called a Directioner if you dislike any of the members <3 But, I worked kinda hard on this one... sad chapter, I know. In real life, Zaynnie wouldn't beat up Hazza... seriously. If you like it, I'll continue and possible update today! COMMENT, VOTE and FAN :) Thx loves...

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