Chapter 4

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"Thanks for helping Ron, I don't know why Malfoy did that," I said, sounding a bit worried. 

"Don't be worried, y/n, Malfoy isn't capable of very much," he said, in a reassuring voice. 

When we finally made it to the Great Hall, there were only 5 minutes left to eat breakfast. I grabbed an apple and didn't bother to sit down. 

My first class was potions. Octavia had Care of Magical Creatures first, so I walked to class alone. I didn't mind though. Sometimes I liked being alone, just to think about life. I was definitely an introvert. 

I got to class a bit early. Only a few other people were seated in the class, so I had free range to sit wherever I wanted. I chose a seat closer to the back. Maybe then Snape wouldn't call on me so often. 

Slowly, people started to arrive to class. The class was mostly Slytherins and only a few Gryffindors, so I wasn't too nervous without Octavia. 

I was pulling out my quill and parchment, I heard the chair beside me get pulled out and someone sit in it. I looked up, hoping it was Ashton or Blaise. 

Of course. 


I just rolled my eyes and continued getting my textbooks out. He leaned back in his chair, watching me get my things out. Was he just not going to do any work? Well, of course, he wasn't. He's Draco Malfoy, he doesn't follow the rules. 

As Snape entered the class, whispers could be heard around the classroom. No one would dare talk loud around Snape. Sure, being in Slytherin, he definitely favours us but doesn't hesitate to give us detention. 

Suddenly, Malfoy shifted his body towards mine. His face was very close to mine. I could feel his cool, minty breath against my neck as he whispered. 

"You messed with the wrong person, Undergrove."

This sent shivers down my spine. He slowly leaned back into his chair. I turned to look at him. He looked back at me and smirked. I turned my head away and refused to look at him for the rest of the class. Now, I was really worried. 

When class ended, Snape asked a few people to stay back and help clean up, me being one of them. I helped clean up the tables and put some ingredients back into the cupboards. 

After about 10 minutes, I started walking to the Great Hall. I passed by a couple of people in the halls and they giggled when they saw me. I didn't really think anything of it and continued to head for dinner. 

I walk into the Great Hall and head for the Slytherin table. As I walked by the other tables, I could hear people whispering. 

"I can't believe she did that!"

"That's so gross!"

"I bet it was for her grades."

When I reached the Slytherin table, everyone stared at me. I sat down beside Pansy. After a few minutes of everyone staring at me, I looked up at all of them. 

"What? Why is everyone whispering about me?" I asked, feeling worried. 

"I can't believe you did that, y/n..." Pansy said, trying to hold back a giggle. 

"What did I do!?" I practically screamed at her. 

"Oh my god, I can't even say it out loud!" She replied, starting to laugh loudly. 

"What? Just tell me-" I was interrupted by Pansy.

"You slept with Professor Snape!" 

I quickly stood up from my chair. 


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