Chapter 6: The Castle

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Second Person P.O.V

You and Mystogan stare blankly at each other at the young teenager's statement.

"What the hell makes you think you can see the Black Wizard by killing innocent people?" Mystogan asks angrily as he shifts his gaze back to the tied up fugitives.

"We read about it in an old book," the shaggy purple haired kid says.

"You're a bunch of idiot children," Mystogan scoffs.

A few moments later, the Magic Council Enforcement Unit comes into view and approaches the two of you.

"I'm Captain Lahar of the Custody Enforcement Unit. We got your call about the criminals you've subdued," a man with his black hair in a bun and glasses states.

"Yes, they're right over there," you direct, pointing to the bunch of criminals, noticing Mystogan has disappeared.

"Did you take down these criminals alone?" Lahar asks.

"Uh..." you hesitate, looking around not knowing how to answer. "Yes?" you confirm unsurely.

"Well done," he praises as his men put the criminals in a carriage. "Have a safe night."

You watch them pull away and disappear over the hill then look around for Mystogan.

"Mystogan?" you whisper-yell.

"Right here," he says from behind you, making you jump.

"What the hell was that about?!"

"I told you; I can't risk anyone seeing me, especially the magic council."

"I feel like there is way more to this than you're letting on," you accuse. He just shrugs and starts walking in the direction of the castle. "Time to get our reward."

"YES! FINALLY! How much was that job anyway?" you ask.

"Three million jewel," he replies nonchalantly. You stop and stare at him with the widest eyes you could muster.

"Are you okay?" he asks, turning to you.

"THREE MILLION JEWEL?! That was so easy!"

"Shush, geez. Those guys were dangerous for regular people so the reward was up. Plus, it was the king's request."

"Oh, that makes more sense," you comment, continuing to walk beside him toward the castle doors and letting out a yawn.


"Yeah, all that walking and fighting tires a person out."

You knock on the giant door and a guard gestures both of you in and leads you toward the living room.

"I assume the mission was a success?" the king asks.

"Yes, sir," you say.

"Great! Here is your reward," he says as his guard hands Mystogan a sack of jewel. "And since it's getting late, we'd be honored if you would stay here for the night."

You look over to Mystogan asking if he wants to stay and he gives a slight nod.

"We'd love to," you smile.

"I'll have my maid take you to your rooms," King Toma snaps his fingers as a young women, maybe a few years older than the both of us enters the room.

"Follow me," she says, eyeing Mystogan up and down.

Your P.O.V

I roll my eyes and follow her up the spiral staircase and down the long hallway.

"Your room with be here," she says to me, pointing to a door to the right. "And yours is right across the hall," she says to Mystogan.

"Thank you," I say.

She brushes me off and I see her wink at Mystogan in the corner of my eye and let out a low growl as I turn the doorknob to my room.

"Jealous?" he asks.

"You wish," I huff, walking into a big bedroom with white floors, ceilings, and carpeting, a queen size bed, a royal blue comforter, a dresser, and a bathroom. "This is amazing," I whisper, closing the door and putting my bag onto the bed.

I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I pull on a tight tank top and shorts with my still slightly wet hair flowing freely.

Today was actually really fun. It sucks we can't go on more missions together. He said only this once, but I feel like our magics mix so well together. We could be great partners if he wanted one. Maybe if I ask him.... I trail off with a sigh.

I get up, open the door, and walk across the hall to Mystogan's room. I hesitate before knocking lightly on the door. "Mystogan, I need to talk to you."

The door opens, revealing Mystogan in black sweatpants with his mask on and no shirt. I take a moment to stare at his abs that are glistening from the remains of water and quickly look up into his eyes.

"C'mon in," he says, stepping aside as I walk in and he shuts the door. "What is it?"

"I wanted-" I pause. "Wait. Why are you still wearing your mask?"

"I always wear it. I don't even notice it anymore," he shrugs.

"Take it off."


"Why? I've already seen your face and you seriously need to tell me what's up with you always wearing that."

"Fine," he mumbles, catching me off guard and throwing his mask onto the dresser. I study every feature and contour of his sculpted face.


"Oh, sorry."

"What did you want to talk about?" he asks.

"Oh, um. I was wondering if we could go on more missions together? I had a lot of fun and we work well together."

Surprisingly, he smiles at me. "I'd like that. I've never had a partner, but if it were anyone, I'm glad it's you," he admits.

I can feel the blush form on my cheeks. "Thank you," I choke out as we hear a buzzing noise.

"Master's calling," he says, walking to his bag, taking out a portable lacrima, and sitting on the bed. "Yes, Master?"

"How did the mission go?"

"Great!" I jump into view, sitting next to Mystogan.

"Oh, hello, (Y/N). I see you two are getting along great."

I give him a quizzical look then realize what he meant. Me and Mystogan are sitting on a bed, him shirtless and maskless while I'm wearing a tank top. My face gets so red it would put Erza's hair to shame.

He thinks... OH MY GOD.

"No, no, no, no," I attempt to clarify.

"Well, moving on to more important matters. Team Natsu have defeated the Oracion Seis and we have a new guild member; a young Sky Dragon Slayer named Wendy Marvel."

"That's great news!" I smile while I glance over to Mystogan to see his eyes have grown wide.

"Mystogan, whats wrong?" I ask with heavy concern in my voice.

"I have to go. Thanks for the update, Master," he stands up, turning off the lacrima, and putting it back into his bag.

"What's wrong? You're scaring me," I say, looking into his shock filled eyes.

"When I first got to Earthland, I found a girl-"

I interrupt him. "What do you mean, 'when you first got to Earthland?'."

He sits back down beside me with a serious face and looks deep into my eyes.

"I'm not from with world."

My eyes go wide. "What the hell does that mean?"

"I'm from a place called Edolas..."

I sit there in complete shock for almost two hours as he explains everything about Edolas, the anima, and how he found Wendy.
"So, you wear the mask because your Earthland counterpart is an insane criminal? That makes so much sense now."

"That wasn't the most important part of the story, but yes. I've been here for over a decade, closing the anima that tread Earthland, stealing magic power."

"How the hell could you do that alone? Are you insane?! You could die," I look into his now sorrowful hazel eyes.

"I know. I just couldn't trust anyone with my secret. Plus, it would have put more people in danger. If it were just me, it wouldn't matter."

I take my hand and flick him
on the forehead with as much force as possible.


"You're such an idiot. Just because you're not from this world and because there's another you doesn't mean anything. As far as I'm concerned, you're not like Earthland Jellal Fernandes; you're just someone who looks like him, and if you died, all of Fairy Tail would miss you, especially me."

I see a small tint of pink graze his cheeks and I can't help but smile.

"We're partners now and you're not doing any death defying missions without me," I declare.

"Thank you, (Y/N)."

"Anytime. So, should I start calling you Jellal?"

"Nope, Mystogan is fine. At least this way I know there isn't another Mystogan out there," he chuckles.

"Yeah, I like that better anyway'" I then bring him into a tight hug without realizing it.

He wastes no time as he wraps his arms around my waist and my arms loop around his neck. We stay like that for a few minutes before pull away.

"I'm gonna go to bed," I say, standing up.

He gets up and walks me to the door. "Goodnight."

"Night," I smile, go to my room, and curl up in the comfy blanket.

I think I'm falling in love with him.

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