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  R A C H E L

   I was really glad I talked to Megan. I really needed that - someone to talk to. She didn't criticize me like I had expected. Guess I misjudged her. Just like I misjudged everyone - my mum, my dad, my two best friends and even, my grandmother. What surprised me most was the hug I gave her. It was so unexpected. I just did it, I guess. I saw that Megan really needed that hug. She looked so depressed. And after the prqayer, I felt some peace and joy I can't describe and for the first time in my life, I felt that someone truly loved and cared for me. I really wondered how Megan could forgive me. I didn't deserve her forgiveness. She made it all seem so easy.

   I never expected two weeks at camp to end so soon. A drama - filled two weeks. I'm just glad everything turned out great. Leah and Danie filled me on the latest celebrity gossip. I don't know what's going to happen to our fiendship or the relationship between Megan and I. Guess I just have to wait and see what tomorrow holds. I really can't do anything about our relationship now. I trudged back to Bunk4A, dreading the thought of returning home. It wasn't like I liked camp so much that I wanted to continue my stay there. Two weeks was enough! I just didn't want my  mum to whisk me away to New York. I was very tired from all the night's activities. As soon as my head touched the pillow, I fell asleep.

     My eyelids flickered fluttered as the rays of the morning sun shone on my face. I got up groggily to see beds being made, the room being swept , windows being cleaned and everyone being busy. And suddenly, I had a migraine. Dawn stood in front of my bed with her hands on her hips , looking utterly annnoyed. I got out of bed and immediately found a rug and started cleaning a table. Hours later,  we finished cleaning our bunk. Dawn put us into groupsand assigned everybody different tasks. We had to clean the compound with the help of the people from other bunks. A few minutes later, we finished cleaning the compound. Just when i thought I was done with everything, I heard the ringing of a bell, indicating that an assembly was about to start. Ugh! What was it with these people! I just wanted to have some beauty sleep after all the work I did, even though it was only cleaning a table. I followed the crowd of people to the assembly hall, where my grandmother stood on the podium. When my grandmother cleared her throat, instantaneously, everyone became quiet. Murmurs and whispers were heard everywhere, as everybody wondered why my grandmother had called for an assembly.

"I know you are all wondering why I have called for an assembly right now. Well, I just wanted to make a few annnouncements. First, as you all know, today is the last day of Christian Summer School. I'm so glad to see that everybody is working hard to clean this place. Buses would be available to transport everybody to their respective homes. I just want to say thank you for taking the time to be at this summer camp. I hope this summer camp inspired and impacted you", my grandmother said in a loud, clear voice.

  After a few announcements, we were finally dismissed. I was so not taking the bus. My last experience on the bus wasn't exactly pleasant. I decided to return to Bunk4A to start packing my clothes. the scene at Bunk4A wasn't unusual. It was our last day at Christian Summer School. I plopped into a nearby chair and pulled out my suitcase from under my bed. I threw all my clothes in and tried to close it. It wouldn't close! The last thing I needed was for my clothes not to fit into my suitcase.

"Need some help?' Megan asked me.

"Yeah, obviously", I replied.

Megan tossed all my clothes back on my bed. She folded them neatly and put them back in the suitcase.This time,  when she closed the suitcase, it closed. Finally!

"Thanks", I said appreciatively.

"No problem", Megan said as she continued packing my clothes in my other suitcases.

I watched her for some time and got the hang of it and was able to help Megan out.

"So did you enjoy your stay here at the camp?"

"It was okay, I guess. I didn't hate it and I wasn't very enthusiastic about the camp. All I can say is that was full of surprises", I said truthfully.


"Where do we stand now?" I asked Megan.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what are we now? Are we enemies, rivals, enemies or whatever?"

"I guess we are friends now. Or do you think otherwise?'

"No. Friends it is".

"I have to go now", Megan said as soon as she was done helping me pack my clothes.

"Same here", I called back.

"Will you take the bus?"


"Well,  I guess I'll see you later".

"Yeah, bye".

  I needed to talk with my grandmother and somehow convince her not to force me to take the bus. I found my grandmother's office with very little difficulty. As I knocked on the wooden door of my grandmother's office, I realized that I did not spend a lot of time with my grandmother during my stay at camp. When my grandmother opened the door, her eyes widened in surprise to see me. She gladly let me in her warm, cosy office

"Hey", I said awkwardly once I sat on the leather chair inside the office.

"What are you doing here, Rachel?' my grandmother asked me.

"I don't want to take the bus so can i go home with you?"

"You came to the camp in a bus why don't you want to return home in one?"

"Because I hate taking the bus".

"You have taken it only once. How can you hate it already?"

"Please, Granny. I don't want to take the bus".

"Okay, okay.You can go with me. But only if you're willing to wait till I get finished here".

"Thanks so much!"

Granny chuckled at my enthusiasm.

"Okay, if you need me, I'll be in the assembly hall."

With that, my grandmother left the office. I sank into the chair and began dozing off.

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