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Renjun's POV

{ buzz buzz }

"Huh? "

I turn on my phone to see another text from that person.

"Hi oppa! How are you today?"

"I'm great thanks, how about you?"

After replying her, Chenle came to my room.

"Hyung,  who you texting? "

"None of your business Chenle. "


The bracelet fell out of my pocket.

"Isn't that Yuna's bracelet?! "

"Yuna..? I found this bracelet in school today but I don't know who it belongs to. "

"Hyung you can give it to her tomorrow at school!"

"Uhm okay now get out of my room."

Chenle made a sad face and left.
Yuna's POV

{ buzz buzz }

Renjun replied!!

"I'm great thanks, how about you?

"I'm fine!"

"I know you've said that you won't tell me,  but who are you? "

I guess telling him my initials is fine.

"I'm HYN "

"HYN? "

"Yes you'll have to guess who I am! Those are my initials!"

"Hmm okay...."

"YUNA,  DINNER'S READY! " my brother shouted from downstairs.

"Okay coming! "

"Oppa I'll talk to you tomorrow,  bye! "

"Bye HYN. "
Time skip to the next day.

Friday 12th July
Renjun's POV

It's recess time and I went to Jisung and Chenle's classroom to return the bracelet to its owner.
Chenle and Jisung waved at me and I walked towards them. There was a girl with them which I suppose is Yuna.
Yuna's POV

Oh my gosh. Renjun is walking towards here.

"Hi guys, this must be Yuna right? "

"Y-yeah. "

Stop stuttering Hwang Yuna!!

"We're just gonna leave you two alone~" Chenle then pulled Jisung with him.
Only me and Renjun are in the empty classroom. I tried hard to not blush but looking at Renjun's reaction I probably did.

"This must be yours, "

He took out a bracelet.

"Yes that's mine! Thank you so much! "

He gave me the bracelet and I wore it on my wrist. Renjun had a sweet smile on his face, how can someone be so handsome ahhh!!!
Renjun's POV

She's blushing haha so cute!

"Well I think we should go meet with Chenle and Jisung in the cafeteria."

"Y-yeah we should."

We walked to the cafeteria and met up with Chenle and Jisung.

"What do you want to eat Yuna? "

"It's okay, I'm not hungry! " Yuna smiled

Her smile, she's so cute!

"Okay then. "
3rd person POV

"You got your bracelet back! "
Eunji said.

"Yeah!" Yuna smiled.
Time skip to night time.
Renjun's POV

I took out my phone and texted HYN.


"Hi oppa! "

"Just call me Renjun. "

"Okay Renjun!"

"YN I met a really cute girl at school today and I really like her!"
----------------------------------------------------------- Yuna's POV

W-what he likes someone else....

"That's great...! I'm sorry I need to go now bye Renjun! "

"Oh okay bye! "
Renjun's POV

I can't sleep, I keep thinking of Yuna....
Wait... HYN YN is the initial of Yuna.
I went to Jisung's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in! "

"Jisung,  what's the first name of  Yuna? "

"Why hyung,  you like her? " He smirked.

"Of course n-not I'm just curious okay?."

"Yeah sure 'just curious', it's Hwang."

"Okay thanks now bye. "

I went back to my room and sat down on my bed. Hwang Yuna..... HYN....

To be continued

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