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During recess time.


Jisung's POV

I was leaving the classroom when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Jisung have you seen my bracelet?!"

I turn around to see Yuna, who had tears in her eyes.

"The one that your mother gave you?"

"Yeah, have you seen it?!"

"No, but don't worry, I'm sure you'll find it!"

"I have to Jisung its the only thing my mother left for me!"

Tears rolled down her face. I didn't know what to do, so I called Eunji, her best friend. We decided to help her find it.


Yuna's POV

Eunji, Jisung and I were finding for my bracelet in the hallways, but we couldn't see it anywhere. It was 3 pm, and my stomach was growling.

"Yuna let's go have lunch first okay, we can continue later," Eunji said.

"Yeah, Eunji's right! Plus, I'm starving, " Jisung continued.

"Okay fine let's go..."


3rd person's POV

Yuna and her friends walked to the cafeteria. Chenle also joined them for lunch, and he noticed that something was going on.

"What's up with the gloomy face Yuna?"

Yuna kept silent.

"She lost her bracelet," Jisung whispered to Chenle who was beside him.

"Oh, the one that her mother gave her?"

"Yeah, we are going to find it after eating."

"I'll help too!"


Renjun's POV

I was going to put my books in my locker when I saw a bracelet on the floor. I picked it up and kept it in my pocket wanting to give it to the owner if I can find them.


Yuna's POV

After eating we continued to search for my bracelet, and we had another pair of hands to help.

{ Ring ring }

The bell rang and we had to go back to class. I wasn't listening to what the teacher was talking, I was thinking about my bracelet.

To be continued


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