Ch 2: the first two stages

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Glynda: Hello, and welcome to union academy. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen/ Huntresses/Hero/Ninja and supernatural hero. have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world.

Danny watches as the hologram disappeared, he turned his gaze over and stares out the window; he's leaning against the wall of the ship while staring out the window; everyone else keep their distanced.

Danny: 'Mom, Dad; I can really use your advice right now.  I'm heading to union, the place where I can sense dragons sealed in scared gears; among other things, will my current power be enough?'

He then placed his right palm over his burn scared.

Danny: 'But most of all, will I be able heal from what happen that night.'

He looks and notices that the ship has arrived at the academy port, once the ship docked; he sighs, everyone started to walk off, Danny follows them putting his hands into his jacket pockets.  Once he was off the ship, he looks and stares at the academy before him; while his hands are in his jacket pockets both of his fists tighten, he took a deep breath and untighten his fists.  He walked forward; as he is he looks around as there are different people showing off their powers, he rolled his eyes. 

Danny: 'I'll never understand, why people want to show off their powers; from what my dad told those who show off their powers are cocky and arrogant.  He also told me, that there are different people who wield their powers in their own ways; but he also taught that I need to use my powers in my own way.'

He stopped and brought out his right hand, he turned his hand into a finger gun. 

Danny: 'I have one attack, that's all I was able to make before I got my scar; now I can make any more attacks thanks to it but it's also dangerous for me to use my one attack... '

He put his hand back into his pocket, he sighs as he closed his eyes.  He rubbed the back of his head.

Danny: Man, I guess I gotta learn to fight with weapons besides my bare fists. 


Danny looks as a group surrounded him, there are seven girls and one boy in the group.

One of then walked forward; she is a bespectacled young woman with a slim figure, black hair styled in a short bob cut, and violet eyes.

Sona: Having a tattoo showing is against the rules.

Danny rised an eyebrow, he looks as Sona points towards his birthmark; he turned his gaze back into Sona.

Danny: That's not a tattoo, it's a birthmark.

Sona: How do I know your telling the truth.

Danny: Easy... This is a tattoo.

Danny cheeks puffed up, he then throws up on the ground Sona and her preeage groans while backing away.  Danny used his arm as he straightened his body, he looks at Sona.

Danny: I have a medical condition that causes me to vomit when I tells a lie.  Even if I could lie, I can't.

Sona: Oh, my apologies.

Danny: Sure glasses.

He stepped over his puke and walked passed Sona, but he stopped.

Danny: Next time before you jump to conclusions, understand your target.

He walked away, Everyone is in the auditorium as they are talking to their friends.  Danny is standing against the back wall, his arms are crossed over his chest while both of his eyes are closed... He then snoozes as his chest rises up then lowers back.


Someone among the coward of people, secretly smirks as their face is shrouded in darkness.

From the coward, a brick is thrown towards; Danny as he kept sleeping.  Just as the brick was about to hit Danny face, the whole brick is engulfed in fire turning stone into a pile of ashes.  Danny slowly opens his eyes, as his pupils became sharpen whole his upper K-9's and lower K-9's became sharpen fangs.... .... He releases a sigh as his eyes and teeth returned to normal, he turned and walked out of the auditorium.

Danny is seen laying down on the grass while using his arms as a pillow.  He is staring at the passing clouds, and the clear blue sky; he mentally sighs.

Danny: 'Man, I wish I can just fly away into the sky.  I know dragons are supposed to have wings but that's only when certain conditions are meant.'

He closed his eyes; the wind sends a gentle touch of the air pressing against his face.  As he is laying on the ground, his birthmark slightly shines.

*Next day* 

Danny is among the newcomers as they watch the entrance exam is underway; there are four different stages to the entrance exam those who want to enter union past passed at least one of the stages.  Does who do not pass, will be sent home; the next group people are about to take the exam, Danny tighten his gloves along with his headband.

Danny: 'This is it.'

The doors leading into the exam area have open, Danny and the others walked into the area, once they all stepped foot into the field; they are all randomly teleported to different locations.  Danny is brought to a large dense forest; he looks up there only a few spots letting the sunlight cut through.  He looks around, he rubbed the back of his head he soon shrugged his shoulders and walked forward; but he stopped a horde of red eyes cut through the shroud of darkness. 

*Exam stage #1: Survive the horde*

Danny looks as various grimm ranging from Beowolves/Goliath/Nevermore/Ursa/Deathstalker and Beringels; A timer appears with a time of 10:00 Minutes.  Danny looks as the other test takers all ran away, he looks as the time increased to 20:00. 

Danny: Twenty minutes huh... This might be fun.

A Beringel roars and rushed, Danny put his hands into his jacket pocket; The beringel then throws a barrage of punches but danny moved his head dodging the Beringel attacks. 

Danny then threw a upper cut from the left, side hitting the Beringel face while creating a small 'Bang' sound effect. 

The Beringel, fell down to the ground with its jaw broken; the Beringel didn't move but it turned into dust.  Danny blew the smoke from his fist; he looks as the other grimm all rushed towards him, he looks and as they are only coming at him from the front.  He brought his arms out and made a finger gun with his right hand; he grabbed his right wrist with his left hand he lifted his finger gun and aims it at the horde of grimm.  A burning ball of fire appears covering the tip of his index fingers; the ball of fire kept growing and growing. 

Danny: Eat this.

He fires his attacks sending a large beam of fire from the tip of his index finger, the front end of the attack shifted into a burning dragon head; it roars as the attacked charged through horde of incoming grimm.  The attack then flew into the air, after a few seconds the attack blew up as the explosion follows the attack body.

Danny lowers his arms; he looks and see the path in front of him has been burnt into ashes and embers of fire floating in the air. 

Danny: Huh... I think I used to much power.

Danny looks at the time. 


Danny: 9 seconds... Not bad.

He walked forward as he put his hands in his jacket pocket; he looks and see the gate leading to the second, stage of the exams.  He walks through it, leaving the forest.  Danny is brought to a large fake city; he looks and see a few people fighting robots, a robot threw a right hook hitting Danny in the center of his face.  He lifted and grabbed the robot arm by the wrist and crushed the robot arm, he has a deadpan look on his face as he stares at the robot. 

Danny: Really?

A large turret of fire flew across the streets making everyone stop in their tracks.  Danny walks through his own flames as the robots all melt into liquid, Danny yawns as he kept walking forward.  He stopped and looked up as half of a building fell off from the rest of the building; his gaze shifted downward as he noticed a couple of people trapped under some debris.  The two people looked only to see the debris falling towards them, just before the debris was about to fall on the two of them; Danny appeared next to the duo and reel his right arm back turning his hand into a fist.  He threw his fist, upward sending a beam of fire into the debris the fire turned into a fist; the debris is shattered into pieces, the duo looks only to see no one standing there.

Danny is seen walking down the center path of the road as he is walking; he stops, he looks and sees someone standing in his way.

Riser: Well, well it seems the mighty riser has found his next target. 

Danny: 'A phoenix huh, from what I remember they're immortal and can't be killed...' 

Instead of answering Riser, Danny walked past him.  Riser turned and grabbed Danny by his shoulder, but Danny slammed his fist into Riser face; Danny turned and he hits Riser with a quick jab followed by a straight punched to his chest, Danny grabbed Riser by his hair and reels his right fist back engulfing his fist in fire he threw his fist into Riser face sending a few drops of blood into the air with a couple of Riser teeth.  Danny toss Riser to the ground, he turned and walked away as Riser wounds healed... however, his nose is stilled bruised while there is blood dripping down from his nose. 

Danny: '... However, while the phoenix is immortal they have one weakness.  Dragons and Phoenix's have been enemies since before the age of humans/faunus etc.  The phoenix family while they are immortal, they have one weakness... and that weakness is their greed and pride.  My old man told me that there are few phoenixes who are different the phoenix family, however given how the phoenix family act it's no wonder they haven't unlocked their true powers... the same can be said of me... But it's impossible for me to do, that; with my scar and my damaged nervus systems I can't go all out in a fight. *sighs* No use crying over spoiled milk, I gotta do things my way.  I'm the last dragon of this world and my powers are supernatural base, but there no one who can teach me what it means to be a dragon.  Guess I'm on my room for the time being.'

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