Chapter 22

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How long am I going to run from myself, when will it end?, when?.
Inside the medicare room, I am sitting at the chair, elbows on my knees.
She is right, I am a coward.
I am scared of hurting her, I am scared she would never forgive me for breaking her trust, I am playing with her emotions. She has trusted me enough to share her dark past, and here I am making things worse for her.
It's her right to know everything, I am no one to hide the truth from her.
Its her right to know about the person who made her life shattered, who killed and raped her sister. She deserves to know who I am. The son of the serial killer and her sisters muderer.
She would hate me but at least she would be safe after leaving my side.
I take a moment to collect myself and leave for the office in a hope to find her.
No more secrets.

I go inside the office finding no one, where would she be at this moment.
I take out my phone from my pocket to call her, but an unknown number appears on my screen.
Fuck, not again. I clench my jaw and pick the call up.
“Son, how are you doing?”His voice is enough to bleed my ears.
“What do you want?”I growl at him .
He responds “well of course you, my son, I just wanted to know when are you joining your father, our cult”.
“You are an asshole, and i am going to find you and i will take the pleasure of killing you”
I cut the call, take a heavy breath.
After a moment I hear a low voice from behind

I move around and look at her.
She looks sad, and I am the reason.
She takes steps towards me, her eyes filled with emotions.
“Sam i-”
She gets the call, picks up.
I wait for her phone conversation to end.
I look at her, she is looking at the wall not me, her face is empty of emotions, who is she talking with?.
She is not saying much on the call, only listens.
I wait for her call to end.
She cut the call, her hands trembling, the grip on the phone loosen, making the phone fall on the ground.
Her looks shattered.
I step towards her.
“What happened?”I ask.
She doesn't look at me, more like she doesn't want to.
I hold her trembling hands but she quickly shakes it away from me like my touch is a disgust to her.
She takes some steps backward from me and shakes her head.
Her eyes meet mine. A tear falls from her eyes.
She fell on her knees, looking devastated.
I kneel down in front of her “what happened?” my voice trembles. I try to whip her tears, she quickly pushes my hands away “dont touch me!” her voice breaking, her eyes shredded with tears.

“You are a real player, Ryan Mitchel.”I hear Ethan's voice, he comes inside the office, Lucas and Maya behind him and other officers as well.

“Sam, I told you we can't trust this bastard”he shaps “I went to his home, look what I have found”.
He takes out something from the bag.
My eyes wide.
The mask, the killer's mask, my fathers mask.
No this can't be the end.
Sam rises at her feet looking at the mask and then me.
“Sam i was about to tell you everything” i say in my shaking voice.
She takes out her gun from her waist with her trembling hands, pointing it straight to my head.
Our gaze meets, I hurt her.
“You are under arrest, Ryan Mitch” she asserts.
No this can't be the end, not like this.
“Sam you have to trust me ''
“I trusted you from my heart Ryan, look what I have got”she says in a trembling voice “you were the last person i wanted to get betrayed by”.
“You don't know the whole truth”.
She shakes her head “handcuff him”.
I watch her grip loosen on the gun, I take the chance, and grab the bullet from her hands quickly, grabbing her from the shoulder backward. I put the barrel of the gun straight in her temple “back off!”.
She raises her both hands “you will pay for this”.
“I know I deserve that”I whisper in her ears.
“Give me the handcuffs” I yell “I said give me the handcuffs!”.
The officer throws  handcuffs, I catch it from my free hand and quickly handcuffs both her arms around her back.
“I hate you”she growls.
“I know,”I whisper.
“Now, if anyone tries to be smart, I will put all the bullets in her head without thinking twice” i assert
Lucas steps forward “you will not do that”.
I press the barrel harder against her temples “try me”.
Lucas stops.
“Don't even try to follow me, you would not want your fbi agent dead”.
I carefully reach towards the door and get outside of the room, shut and lock the door, so they would not follow us.
Sam tries to fight with the handcuffs “you bastard, i will put all the bullets in your head by myself”.
“Fine, for now let's get out of here” I lean into her ears and say.
I grab her cuffed wrists by one hand and the other still on the gun pointing towards her “keep going”.
I manage to take her towards my car and loosen the grip on her wrists, stand in front of her, i look straight in her eyes, now her eyes are full of hate, no more tears, just hate.
“I need to do that”i whisper
I hit the end of the gun to her forehead to make her knocked out for a while, i hold her still, her eyes blink slowly, she hiss in pain “you fucker”she mumble.
I hold her in my arms and place her in the passenger seat without wasting time. I go to the driver seat, start the engine and speed up the car making sure nobody follows us.
I look at her mumbling in her unconscious state “I hate you, i will kill you”.
I node.
I don't know what to do, but the only person i can call know is him
I take out my call while driving and call him
“Brad, I need your help”.

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