Chapter 19

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Slightly opening my eyes, sun rays make me join the brows, where am i?, i yawn and take a moment to process, i pause,
Wait a min, i see myself lying besides him and my one hand is on his chest and my head is on his shoulder, and i am not even trying to pull myself away from him, seeing him from this close is giving a different feeling, like my heart is beating to fast but i just want to keep looking at him, he is even more attractive when he sleeps, so peaceful.
Oh god what is he doing to me ?Whenever I see him, my eyes betray me and just keep wanting to look at him. My heart betrays me, I just want to hold him and never let go.
He opens his eyes slowly, blinks, his gaze meets mine, it's like he wants to say something, but hides from it as well.
He doesn't say anything and pulls himself up, removing his shoulder slightly from my head, makes me get up as well.
He asks“Are you okay?”look ahead but now look at me “your wound”.
“It is just a scratch, i don't even need stitches”  respond looking straight in his eyes.
A realisation hit my head. Last night I told him everything, my past, the side of me I was running from, I never wanted anyone to know.
Why?, why did I tell him the past, i never wanted to share with anyone.
I sigh and clench my fist.
“Never tell anyone”.
He nods “but whatever i told you it's true, it was never you to blame”.
I flinch but don't say anything back.
“Lets go, i don't want to spend another night with you in this jungle”
I chuckle.
we grab our jackets and make our way further.
As we keep walking, an urge to tell him “thanks for last night, you are not that bad, i must say”.
He raises his brow and says “sudden change in behaviour, appreciate it”.
“Learnt from you actually”i say and walk ahead of him
I hear his chuckle and it is enough to make me smile.

I am pretty sure we have been walking for more than an hour but still there is no sign of a walking road but so many trees and I am tied.
I sigh.
“How far”I ask, placing my one hand on the tree.
He responds by raising one hand holding the cell phone to find the network“I don't know, just keep walking”.
I snap “what!”
“listen you told me that after crossing the jungle, we are going to find the road, but we are just walking and we don't even know in which direction we are walking”
He pauses and looks back at me “you think i live here leader, how am i supposed to know the directions”.

Well it's true.
A groan sound comes from my stupid stomach catching both of our attention, I place my hand on my stomach and confess“i am..i am hungry”.
He laughs and shakes his head  “sure what would you like to have pizza , cheese burger, sandwich, i am all here for your princess treatment”.
I squeeze my eyes and glare at him “you don't need to be dramatic okay,”i cross him and walk at a distance from him.
“If you get lost here, don't cry then”I hear him.
“Oh please, care for yourself, you also don't know the directions, so i think i am going to manage '' i say without looking back at him.
“Sure you are going to”he mumbles but it was enough for me to listen.
For a While we just keep walking, he isn't saying anything so I initiate “our team must be looking for us as well”.
No replay.
“Don't you think?”.
No replay.
I sigh and move back to look at him “you are so-”.
He is not here, shit,
Where the fuck is he now?.
“Ryan,”I yell “ryan!!”.
I look around, no sign of him “Ryan, I swear to god, if this is another kind of joke, it's not funny at all”.
“Ryan!, where are you?”shit i am panicking, where is he, what if he is in some danger, what if those bastards has caught him, what if he-,no,no,no.
“Ryan please”I look around everywhere, and suddenly my back touches something or someone.
I quickly move to look and takes a long breath of relief
“You look so scared, why?”he smirks and raises a brow.
I grab his collar by both hands and drag him to the base of the looming tree, his back collide with the rough bark of the tree.

Our gaze meet as he says “so you like to be the dominant one”

“Don't you dare do that again”I growl “you can't just disappear like that, leaving me alone”.
I glare at him with the sudden anger inside me, tighten my grip on his collar as with the fear that he would disappear again. Just like her.
“I.. i got something for you”he whispers, not removing his gaze from mine, he raises his one hand to show me “apple”.
I give him bemused look “so you went to bring something to eat for me”.
He chuckles “not at all, i got something for myself as well”.
I feel my cheeks heating with his words.
“But you could have told me”i whisper “i was worried”
I realise that we are close very close for our nose to touch.

“Worried about me”his voice barely whispers.
“Yes”, no doubt,
god his scent is killing me, focus Sam.
“You were scared,”he asks.
“very”I admit.
“But you said, you are going to manage”.
“I said I am going to manage, but I never said I am going to manage without you”I admit.
“Sorry”he responds
I node
“Are you going to leave my collar or we are just going to stay like this”he looks at me and says leaning into my ear “because if you dont, that i cant keep myself for doing something which i know you are already having wild thoughts of”
My eyes widen at his comment as I try so hard to keep my face straight but still feel myself blushing.
I remove my hands slowly from his collar and take my steps back.
Did I go extreme with my emotions or feelings? No, he deserves that, how can he leave without saying when we are stuck in here.
I take the apple from his hand, start biting without wasting any minute “thanks for this’’
“It will take more than a thanks,”he says.
I stop chewing and he chuckles.
I shake my head, keep eating my apple and he takes a bite of his.
“Our team must be looking for us,”I tell him while eating.
He nods.
“Of Course how can they forget their leader ”
I add “and you”.
He joins his brow“I doubt that”.
“Only you, not everyone” .
He doesn't say anything in return, just keeps eating.
“We have no idea what that bastard would be doing, probably killing one more innocent or making plans on how to ruin their lives.” I say crossing my arms over my chest.
He stares down at the ground and says “that bastard would pay for all his crime one day”.
I nod “just want that day to come soon”.
“It will” he responds quickly “he has lived enough, shattering people's lives, the time will come soon and his life will end in a painful way”.
A pause, after a moment i say,
“I don't know anything about you ryan, but i want to, and i am hoping the day will come when you will trust me enough to share your past with me’’
He flinches.
I add “you told me last night that you would help me and i am not alone, i am saying the same thing for you, i know how it feels to fight alone with your dark memories, no matter how hard you try to run from it, somehow you are always stuck there”.
He is stiff and doesn't say anything, keeps staring at the ground, but i know he wants to let out everything which is triggering him but he is fighting from it.
“Sam i-”
A voice shouts my name “samantha!”
My eyes widened. “Did you hear that?”
He nods.
I chuckle “finally they found us”.
He grins.
“Here”I yell back to them.
I see Lucas and Maya walking on the left side and suddenly stop after finding us.
“Boss”Lucas grins and immediately runs towards me, hugging me tightly in his arms “you have no idea how worried we all were, don't you dare leave us again' '.
I see Ryan squeezing his eyes, he sighs.
I smile “we are okay lucas”i tap his back and break our hug slowly.
“When we saw the one side of the bridge shattered, we actually got worried”maya says “but thankfully we were able to track cell phones”.
I node.
“Ryan saved both of us”I look at Ryan and admit “we were drowning, i was unconscious and then he-”
Ryan cut me off “I think we should get out of here first”.
Lucas and Maya both smile looking  at each other, talking in some sign language which I quite don't understand.
“Right, let's go,”Lucas says.
We all make our ways towards the car after getting out of the jungle.
Maya sits on the passenger seat as Lucas drives the car and we both are sitting on the back seats tied as hell.
“Anything happened while we were gone”I say, my voice tied.
“No deaths for now, every department is now on big alert”maya responds.
“You guys should freshen up and take a rest first, then we all will meet at the office”.
“Nice idea”Ryan mumbles, touching the bridge of his nose.
I node.
And the rest of the ride is going quiet and peaceful, at least for now.

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