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Evelyn, Annabeth, and Grover had made their way back to camp and were greeted by plenty of cheering campers. However, the daughter of Aphrodite couldn't bask in the glory as she was thinking over what Grover had told the two girls about what happened in the underworld.

If Percy and Grover had gotten stuck in Tartarus, they would have never been seen alive again.

Evelyn stopped in her tracks and turned towards Grover. "Hey, where did you get those shoes that nearly pulled you and Percy into Tartarus?" Evelyn asked.

"Well, Percy gave me to them but he said Luke gave them to him but you know, Percy can't be in the sky and all so I got them. Why?" Grover answered, as Evelyn's eyes widened. The flying shoes had to been cursed and Luke had gotten them from Hermes as a gift. So there was only one person who could've cursed the shoes. 

"Eve?" Annabeth's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

Evelyn shook her head. "We need to stay cautious here." She lowered her voice for only Annabeth and Grover to hear. Evelyn didn't say her suspicions as she knew Annabeth wouldn't believe her.

"What are you saying?" Annabeth asked.

Evelyn sighed, "I'm saying, stay on guard. Something's not adding up here and I don't want us to be in a bad situation than we already are..." She trailed off, noticing Clarisse in the distance. "Clarisse?"

Grover and Annabeth quickly turned to where Evelyn was looking, as their eyes grew wide. "Why is she still here?" Grover asked.

"Guys, there's something more to this. I don't think Clarisse could've done it." Evelyn said.

"Well, whatever it is," Annabeth shook her head and turned to Evelyn, "Tell Percy to be careful around Clarisse when he gets back." she instructed Evelyn and she nodded.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Evelyn heard the sound of campers cheering and she ran out of her cabin to see Percy, he was back.

She ran up to him and threw her arms over his neck, hugging him as he reciprocated the hug back, leaning his head on his shoulder.

"Glad you're back alive... but do you see her yet" Evelyn asked, referring to Clarisse, just like Annabeth told her too.

Percy looked around, confused with his arms still around Evelyn as he locked eyes with Clarisse. "Why is she..."

"Don't...say anything. Annie told us to be careful around her." She let go of Percy but stayed close at arms length, "I'll explain, but keep your guard up around here, and around anyone."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Evelyn stood in the doorway of the Hermes' cabin with Percy, Annabeth...and Luke. She stood away from Luke, staying close to Percy instead.

"Clarisse stole the master bolt," Percy said.

Evelyn turned to him, "Hey, we still don't know if that's true."

Annabeth spoke up, "Besides, it's complicated."

"How is it complicated?" Percy asked.

Luke chimed in, "Everyone was ready to join the war here, to start fighting each other. An accusation against Clarisse-"

"Without proof," Evelyn cut him off.

Luke nodded at her with a grin, "Exactly." she narrowed her eyes and looked away from him. Percy and Annabeth glanced at each other, noticing her wariness of Luke. "Without proof, it would have lit this whole place on fire. But now, you're back. You've stopped the war. You saved the world."

Percy looked at Evelyn for a second before turning back to Luke. "Now, it's safe to tell Chiron and finish cleaning up the mess. I told him we needed to meet him away from the celebration, so we can talk without any of Clarisse's supporters noticing."

"Eve and I will keep our eyes on Clarisse while you're gone. Make sure she isn't going anywhere," Annabeth offered

Luke gave the two girls a smile, "Great"

He turned to Percy, "Ready?" and Percy nodded.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Evelyn stood with her siblings as fireworks and cheering went through her ears. As much as she wanted to join the celebration, she couldn't shake off the eerie feeling creeping on her.

She felt a nudge to her side, it was her friend Jude Park, "Hey, you good?" He asked

Evelyn nodded, "I'm fine, don't worry." She looked down at her shoes.

The Demeter boy gave her a look, "You sure? You look a little pale. Chiron's over there, we can ask if we can go to the infirmary." he said as Evelyn's head snapped up at his last sentence. Why was Chiron here? Shouldn't he be with Percy and Luke?

She saw Chiron with Mr. D as they watched the campers, then she saw Clarisse having fun with her sibling. Evelyn brought a hand to her mouth, oh gods. How could she have left Percy alone with Luke?

Go find Annabeth. Your friend Percy will soon be in trouble.

Evelyn heeded the voice's words, "I'm fine, seriously, I have to find Annabeth. I'll be back soon" She rushed out as she ran to Annabeth.

"Annie!" Evelyn shouted, gaining Annabeth's attention.

Annabeth turned to her, noticing her the panic in her eyes. "What's wrong? We're supposed to be-"

"Watching Clarisse, I know" Evelyn cut her off, as she pointed to Chiron, "Something's not right. Chiron is here but Percy and Luke aren't. We need to find them."

Annabeth's eyes widened as she noticed what Evelyn was talking about. She took out her cap, and nodded to Evelyn. "Let's go."

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Evelyn and Annabeth had found Percy and Luke alone, talking about the prophecy. The girls nodded at each other as Annabeth put on her cap and Evelyn climbed a tree quietly. She could hear the boys' conversation, but far enough they couldn't see her, covered by the shadows.

"And you shall be betrayed...by one who calls you a friend." Percy spoke, as he slowly started to realize. "Well, the reason Clarisse is still here is because... you never said anything to Chiron about her. Did you?"

Evelyn couldn't see Luke's face but he seemed to be shocked as Percy continued speaking, "You couldn't...because you knew Clarisse didn't steal the bolt."

Her heart was racing, she didn't want to believe it, "You did."

Luke, the big brother to everyone in camp. The one who everyone looked up too. The one who Annabeth respected.

It was him all along.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

The more the conversation went on, the more Evelyn became hurt. She couldn't believe what she was both seeing and hearing. Evelyn got out of the tree and went onto the lowest branch as she got Anemone out.

Luke had his sword aimed at Percy, who was on the ground. Evelyn loaded an arrow and aimed it towards the side of Luke's face and let go.

Luke stumbled back and reached up to his mouth, Evelyn's arrow had made a wound near his mouth. He pointed his sword at her directed as she jumped out of the tree, revealing herself, her bow in one hand and an arrow in another. "Eve?" Luke asked in shock, slightly lowering his sword

A twig snapped, and the boys' looked in the direction the sound came from. Annabeth had took off her cap, becoming visible. Her dagger was in her hand as she glared at Luke, ready to throw it if needed.

"Annabeth..." He breathed out, his eyes became glassy.

"We heard everything." Annabeth said, her voice cold.

Luke didn't say a word, simply staring at the girls before grabbing his sword and running into the portal he made, as it closed itself once he got in.

Evelyn let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, and turned towards Percy. She helped him up, as the three stood there in silence.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

Charlie did a little too good of a job playing Luke bc tell me why I was nearly in tears.

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