Chapter 15

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With a heavy heart, Jeongyeon gently lowered Nayeon's lifeless form to the ground, the weight of the moment nearly overwhelming. Before she could fully process the reality before her, Jihyo's desperate urgency manifested as a sudden push, and she was swiftly replaced by Jihyo who cradled Nayeon's body in her arms. Jeongyeon's own sorrow intensified, her grief mirrored in the tears that welled in her eyes. Unable to bear the scene unfolding before her, she turned away, seeking solace in her own silent tears, her back a shield against the profound pain that radiated from her friends.

The agony in Sana's voice was palpable as she pleaded with Nayeon, her gentle touches a futile attempt to rouse her from this cruel slumber. "Unnie... Nayeon unnie! Wake up, please! W-why are your eyes swollen? Unnie... open your eyes, please!" Her voice wavered with a mix of disbelief and devastation, her fingers brushing against Nayeon's cold, unresponsive features. Sana's heart clenched, unable to reconcile the vibrant friend she had known with this lifeless form before her.

Beside her, Momo's voice trembled, her words tinged with disbelief. She crouched down, her trembling hand reaching out to shake Nayeon's body, as if hoping for a miraculous awakening. "U-unnie, you're just acting, right? You can open your eyes now, please..." Her voice quivered with a desperate hope that bordered on denial. Her attempt to find a pulse, a flicker of life, only met with silence, and Momo's anguish spilled forth, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The others joined the mournful tableau, their hands reaching out to touch their friend one last time, to make sense of a reality that felt impossible to comprehend. The frigid touch of Nayeon's body was a chilling reminder of the finality of their loss. Each tear that fell was a silent tribute, a shared expression of the profound bond that had been abruptly severed.

In the midst of their collective grief, Jihyo's voice rose, a poignant plea laden with regret and sorrow. "H-hey, unnie... I-I was wrong, unnie... please wake up! I'm sorry, I was wrong! I-I shouldn't have said that... please! I was wrong, unnie... please wake up!" Her words were a poignant lament, a heartrending admission of guilt and remorse. The echoes of her plea reverberated through the air, tugging at the heartstrings of each friend present, their own tears mingling with the rain that fell from the heavens.

In that raw and vulnerable moment, their tears fell freely, a testament to the depth of their love and the anguish of their loss. Nayeon's still form lay among them, a poignant reminder of a life extinguished too soon, and a friendship forever marked by a tragedy they could never forget.



Standing up from her seat, Jeongyeon's gaze fixed on the windowpane, her tears flowing unchecked. Time seemed to stretch before her, the minutes on her program's clock ticking away unnoticed, lost in the weight of her sorrow. The world beyond the glass blurred as her emotions spilled forth, the grief that had been held at bay now crashing over her like a relentless wave. It didn't matter that there were still 15 minutes remaining on her broadcast; her heartache demanded her attention.

Nayeon's absence loomed large, a void that seemed impossible to fill. Jeongyeon's strength wavered, her energy depleted by the weight of the tragedy that had befallen her friend. The sight of Nayeon's most cherished possession had been a devastating blow, a stark reminder of the irreparable loss they all faced.

A vivid memory resurfaced, seared into Jeongyeon's mind. It was a memory tainted with anger and disbelief, a moment when her grief had manifested as raw, unfiltered rage. She recalled the doctor's presence at Nayeon's funeral, an unwelcome intrusion that had ignited a fury within her. The object he had presented had been meant as a gesture of consolation, a token of remembrance. It was a photograph, a snapshot of Nayeon's triumphant moment after winning a singing contest, immortalized on photo paper with eight duplicates.

In the quiet recesses of Nayeon's diary, the photograph held a special place. Each of them had been given a copy, a memento of a shared memory, a fragment of the past they had forged together. Jeongyeon's fingers had traced over the image countless times, a bittersweet reminder of happier days.

Now, as she gazed out of the window, the tears that stained her cheeks were testament to the depth of her loss. The weight of that photograph, of the memories it held, bore down on her like an anchor. She couldn't help but recall the day she had turned to the final page of Nayeon's diary, the place where the photograph was carefully affixed. A poignant realization had settled in – they had each held onto this piece of Nayeon, a connection that had traversed the bounds of life and death.

Jeongyeon's tears continued to fall, each drop a silent tribute to the friend she had lost and the memories they had shared. The minutes on her program's clock continued to pass, but the world within that small broadcast room stood still. In the midst of her grief, Jeongyeon clung to the memories represented by that photograph, finding solace in the unbreakable bond it symbolized.


In the quiet solitude of an empty coffee shop, Sana and Tzuyu found solace in each other's arms. The gentle rustle of the curtains created a cocoon of intimacy around them, a space where their emotions could flow freely. The memory of a heart-wrenching scene played out vividly in their minds, a moment etched into their hearts forever.

Sana's arms enveloped her wife, holding her close as they shared their sorrow. Their tears mingled, a testament to the bond they shared and the pain they had endured. The weight of their grief pressed heavily upon them, a heavy ache that seemed to stretch beyond the boundaries of time.

Tzuyu's face was nestled against Sana's neck, her sobs wracking her body as she relived the tragedy that had forever altered their lives. The memory of that fateful day played out like a haunting melody, each note a painful reminder of the void that now existed. Sana's soothing touch offered a small measure of comfort, a reminder that they were not alone in their grief.

In the midst of their tears, their shared pain became a bridge that connected them even more deeply. The strength of their love was evident in the way they held onto each other, finding refuge in the warmth of their embrace. They had been through so much together, and now, as they mourned the loss of their dear friend, their connection only grew stronger.

The photograph, capturing Nayeon's radiant smile after her victory, was a testament to the moments they had shared, to the joy they had experienced together. It hung on the wall, a silent tribute that spoke volumes about the friendship that had transcended even the boundaries of life itself. Each time they looked at it, they were reminded of the beauty of the connection they had shared with Nayeon, a connection that had touched their hearts in ways words could never fully express.

As Sana and Tzuyu clung to each other, their tears gradually subsided, leaving behind a sense of serenity. In the quiet of the coffee shop, surrounded by the memories that bound them together, they found strength in their shared sorrow. And as they looked at the photograph that now adorned their wall, they knew that Nayeon's spirit lived on in the love and friendship they continued to cherish.

"You think they'll come tomorrow?" Sana broke the silence, remembering their promise.

"They will, hon. We promised Nayeon unnie." Tzuyu replied and went back to her wife's embrace.


Chaeyoung had just wrapped up her work and found herself seated inside her parked car. The mellifluous notes of a song drifted from the radio's speakers, a poignant melody that seemed to echo the complex emotions swirling within her. She took a drag from her cigarette, exhaling a cloud of smoke that dissipated into the air. The song's lyrics seemed to intertwine with her thoughts, creating a quiet symphony of introspection as she remembered it was the same song Nayeon was sometimes humming.

A soft chuckle escaped her lips as a memory danced to the forefront of her mind. It was a memory of a seemingly inconsequential argument, a lighthearted exchange with Dahyun during the solemn occasion of Nayeon's burial. She had found herself irrationally irked when Dahyun, amidst her tears, had sung the song incorrectly. The memory brought a bittersweet smile to Chaeyoung's face, a reminder of the quirky dynamics that had defined their friendships. They made up during dinner, after Nayeon's burial at the mountain, when a familiar dish was served in front of them. It was chicken soup. The memory of them struggling to catch the chicken, but was able to thanks to Sana's clumsiness who tripped and landed on the chicken. The memory of their last dinner together.

Yet, beneath the surface of her smile lay a profound sense of yearning. Nayeon's absence was a palpable void, an ache that reverberated through her heart. The memory of her best friend lingered, a presence that was keenly missed. The warmth of their camaraderie, the shared laughter and secrets, all seemed like distant echoes.

Among the memories that tugged at her heart, there was one that held particular significance. Mina's departure to travel the world had been a monumental moment, marked by both excitement and a twinge of sadness. Chaeyoung recalled Mina's proclamation, that she was embarking on this journey with the love of her life. A wistful smile graced Chaeyoung's lips as she considered the possibility that Mina had indeed found the love she had sought.

However, as her thoughts meandered further, they eventually settled upon a promise – a promise made to Nayeon, a pact among friends. Her smile faded into a bitter twist of her lips, colored by a hint of cynicism. The weight of her words was heavy, underscored by a tinge of doubt that gnawed at her. "They're busy with their own lives now, maybe they don't have time to go... or maybe they didn't remember," she muttered bitterly to herself.

In that moment, the passage of time felt both cruel and inevitable. The bonds they had forged, once unbreakable, seemed to have loosened in the face of life's demands. Chaeyoung's gaze shifted from the lingering smoke to the world beyond her car window, her thoughts a tapestry of nostalgia, regret, and a longing for the simpler times they had shared.


Dahyun's voice trembled on the phone as she recounted the memory to Momo, tears flowing freely as they traversed the corridors of time. Their shared recollection transported them back to that heart-wrenching moment when they had embraced Nayeon's lifeless form, their grief tangible, their pain raw and unfiltered. The weight of their collective loss bore down on them, a reminder that time could never fully heal the wounds left by such a profound departure.

As they spoke, their words were laced with a bittersweet mix of sorrow and fondness. The memory they revisited was etched into their hearts, a mosaic of emotions that they had carried with them over the years. Dahyun's sobs mirrored Momo's own tears, their connection transcending the distance that separated them, a testament to the depth of their friendship.

Among the fragments of their conversation, the promise they had made to Nayeon resurfaced, a thread that bound them together even in their grief. The memory was etched clearly in their minds, and Momo's intentions had been deliberate, her actions a testament to her devotion. The letter and Nayeon's cherished belongings had been dispatched with purpose, a final tribute to their bond.

Yet, amidst all the tokens exchanged, there remained a lingering regret in Momo's heart, a secret she had held for twenty-three years. The cassette tape, a relic of their shared history, held a voice message from Nayeon, a message recorded after a painful argument. Its significance weighed heavily on Momo, regret now a constant companion for having kept it hidden from the rest of her friends, especially to Jeongyeon, for so long.

With a sigh, Momo acknowledged the depth of her emotions. "There's one more thing, Dahyun. One more thing that I've kept all these years." Her voice held a hint of melancholy as she spoke of the cassette tape, the vessel that held Nayeon's voice, a voice that had offered solace through the passage of time. "Ahjussi gave it to me after the funeral, but I hesitated to give this to Jeongyeon until she moved here in Seoul for college. I wasn't able to give this to her until I remembered our promise to Nayeon."

As Momo recalled the cassette tape nestled within its envelope, she couldn't help but notice the printed photos of Jeongyeon that accompanied it. In that moment, a sobering realization washed over her – she understood that her place in Nayeon's heart would forever be eclipsed by the profound bond that had existed between Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

The cassette tape had become a lifeline, a connection to the past that Momo had clung to in moments of longing. The sound of Nayeon's voice, captured in a moment of vulnerability, held a timeless quality, a reminder of the friendship they had shared and the bond that transcended even the limitations of life and death.


Jihyo and Mina's paths converged at a tranquil park nearby. A twist of fate had placed them within close proximity – Mina's temporary residence in a hotel neighboring Jihyo's law firm. The prospect of an in-person conversation beckoned, offering an opportunity to bridge the distance that time and circumstances had created between them. Their meeting was carefully timed, just nine minutes shy of the conclusion of Jeongyeon's program, a deliberate choice that bore the hallmarks of Nayeon's characteristic flair for surprise.

The park's serenity seemed to mirror the atmosphere of their reunion, a backdrop to a conversation heavy with unspoken emotions. The anticipation hung palpably in the air, an undercurrent of both nostalgia and trepidation. In the quiet moments leading up to the program's end, they shared stories and memories of Nayeon, retracing the contours of a friendship that had been an anchor in their lives.

Jihyo's voice held a mixture of regret and longing as she opened up about the weight of her unspoken words. She recounted the heartache of realizing that her apology had gone unheard, her voice catching as she relived the pain of a missed opportunity. The memory of their unresolved conflict cast a shadow, a reminder of the fragility of time and the importance of seizing the moments that life presented.

With just five minutes remaining until Jeongyeon's program would fade into silence, the strains of Nayeon's voice unexpectedly graced the airwaves. The poignant sound carried with it a wave of emotions, evoking memories that had been dormant for over two decades. Tears welled in their eyes, the familiarity of Nayeon's voice igniting a cascade of feelings that transcended the passage of time.

In that shared moment, the boundaries between past and present seemed to blur. Nayeon's voice, a cherished relic of their shared history, served as a bridge that connected them to a time long gone. As they listened to her words, imbued with the same warmth and authenticity that had defined their friendship, Jihyo and Mina found themselves transported back to a chapter of their lives that had been locked away in the recesses of memory.


Gyehoon entered the studio to hand something to Jeongyeon. It was the cassette that Momo secretly gave him when she delivered the letter to the radio station.

"Momo came here earlier. She said you should play it for the last song. She was the one who brought the letter here." He subtly smiled as he let her sit. "Momo said that Nayeon made this for you and was sorry for keeping it."

Jeongyeon stared at the tape. There was something written on it and she immediately recognized Nayeon's penmanship.

"To: Love"

That's what's written.

Jeongyeon played the tape and she started to tear up after hearing Nayeon's voice. It's been twenty-three years since she last heard her voice. Twenty-three years since they shared a kiss under the rain. Twenty-three years since she last saw her.

"The water is wide
I can't cross over
And neither have I

The wings to fly...

Give me a boat
That can carry two
And both shall row
My love and I.

(In that poignant moment, Nayeon's voice resonated through the air, reaching the ears of Momo, Dahyun, Sana, Tzuyu, Jihyo, Mina, and Chaeyoung. Their emotions surged forth uncontrollably, and as one, they surrendered to the overwhelming tide of grief and nostalgia. Tears flowed freely, their cries echoing the depths of their love and the profound void left by their beloved friend's absence.)

"One day, on that sad day as the rain poured heavily, a girl was staring at her window, thinking about how she missed the morning sun in the morning and the moonlight at night."

They all felt nostalgic as Nayeon's voice echoed through the radio. Jeongyeon thought if Nayeon was alive, she would've been the best DJ among all. Her voice, soft and soothing as ever, was the most beautiful to be heard.

"But she knows, no matter how hard the rain pours, the beauty of the sun always stays behind it. Because of that, we must be brave today, and be braver tomorrow. Try to say the words that you have to say before it's too late, so I, too, will do so after gathering enough courage."

Amidst the hushed whispers of memories, a torrent of emotions surged within Jeongyeon. The tears that streamed down her cheeks felt like a release, a dam bursting under the weight of years of pent-up grief. For the first time since Nayeon's passing, she allowed herself to surrender to the anguish that had been held at bay. Despite the love she held for her husband and their child, the ache of her first love's absence remained etched in her soul, a bittersweet reminder of a connection that time could not erase. Beside her, Gyehoon wept, his heart breaking for the woman he cherished, fully aware of the battles she waged within herself, and offering silent solace that spoke volumes of his unconditional love.

"For all of my friends, and for you who will always be missed. Chaeyoung-ah... Sana-ya... Mina-ya... Tzuyu-ya... Dahyun-ah... Jihyo-ya... Momo-ya... Jeongyeon-ah..."

As Nayeon's voice enveloped them, a poignant symphony of emotions swelled within their hearts. Tears flowed more freely, and the ache of loss intensified with each mention of their names, each utterance a bittersweet reminder of the familiarity they had once shared. The sound was a bridge to the past, a connection that transcended time and space, evoking memories of laughter, inside jokes, and shared experiences.

Jeongyeon's sobs deepened as she listened to the voice that had once affectionately called out her name, a name that held an indelible place in Nayeon's heart. Mina and Jihyo clung to each other tighter, seeking comfort in the sound that carried echoes of their unbreakable bond. Tzuyu and Sana's tears flowed unrelenting, each mention of their names evoking a cascade of memories that surged to the surface.

Chaeyoung's shoulders shook as the weight of her grief found solace in the voice that had once beckoned her with familiarity. Momo and Dahyun's tears mingled, the sound of their names spoken with warmth and affection rekindling a

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