THANK YOU SO MUCH <3 I'm pretty sure that I only had 600 reads yesterday and I woke up this morning to more than 1000. I'm so happy you guys like it.
I was rereading this story and I realized I screwed up a bunch of stuff. I'm so sorry, like I said, this is my first story.
In the beginning, I think I decided to have Shawn be a sophomore (kind of mentioned in Late Night at the Pier) then towards the end I decided to make him a senior. I'm going to edit that section of the chpater. I completely forgot that I made him a sophomore.
I've decided to keep him a senior, since I had already came up with the plot.
The friend I wrote this for also writes, and her name is ocalakim. You guys should check her out.
BTW, My bae is Jack Gilinsky :)
I have a tumblr dedicated to Gilinsky imagines, so any fans out there? I recently started writing imagines, so go check those out too!
I'll try to write the sequel soon!
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