Chapter 18

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Phone call! A= Adrien, N= Nino , Als= Alya.
Someone's got a crush, and it's adorable!! Plus we get too meet Emma more, and see how much Adrien actually loves her.


"Goodbye love" Adrien said with a wink.

"Goodbye my prince in shiny armer." I joked back getting out of the car.


Adriens pov-

After saying goodbye to marinette, I went back home. When I pulled into my house, realisation hit.

I just fell for marinette. Marinette Dupan-Cheng.

Holy shit.

There were one thousand things running through out my head. But the main one was that I can not tell her. We're in a good place right now, and I can't ruin that.

I need Nino. Like right now.

I dial his phone number, and he picked up after one ring.

N- Adrien?


N- Woah, breathe man what's up?


N- could you be more specific?

A- Marinette- I - like .


A- Alya! You weren't supposed too hear that!

Als- I won't tell her. I promise, I actually won't. You need too tell her.

A- hell no.

N- why?

A- because we're friends now. I can ruin that.

N- what made you fall then?

A- well we were flirting, and she got jumped, and she cried in my arms, and ...


N- YALL WERE FLIRTING? .... *slap* Ow babe

A- not really 'jumped' but Lila pinned her too a wall till I saved her. That's why she was crying in my arms. She didn't get hurt don't worry. And the flirting has been happening since Friday.


A- Yeah Friday, which is why Lila did that. Since "we're dating" she got mad and called Mari a home wrecker.

Als- oooo ima beat that hoe, put her 6 ft under.
A- please do.

N- so Ik the only one who's confused, about them FLIRTING.

A- we're not going too talk about that.

Als- then I'll just tell Mari.

A- okay okay.

N- Spill.

A- well I always flirted with her to be annoying..

N- and get in her bed. *slap*

A- yeah.. anyway she started flirting back. And we are fake dating so, she called me hee 'prince and shining armour' like 20 minutes ago.

Als- aw that's adorable. Don't play her though agrest , you'll be 6 ft under with Lila.

A- I won't als. I have to go though, bye love birds.

I could practically see alya rolling her eyes

N- bye dude

Then I hung up the phone.

It's time too go visit Emma , my little baby.

I get ready, and start heading out of the house. Natalie stopped me, "where are you going?"

"I have a study group, you know finals are coming up soon. I got to be prepared."

"You didn't tell me that earlier."

"We just planned it, come on Natalie pleasee."

"Sure Adrien."

"Thank you, I'm taking my car so don't worry."

"Drive safe."

"I will thanks," with that I ran out the door.

I used to be escorted everywhere, probably because I didn't have my license. But once I got my license, I've had a bit more freedom.

Important functions like runways, or corporate meetings they still escorted me. Some places like photoshoots and small meetings they just followed me too. Then other places like school or school functions im all on my own.

Surprisingly I've never skipped school, but I do lie a lot about study sessions or extra fencing lessons.

I hope into the car, and start driving.

Past the school, past ninos house, past marinettes bakery. Just thinking about her made me have a blush on my face. God I'm so pathetic.

Then I pull into the parking lot of the orphanage. Still a blushing mess, I walk in too see this little girl sprinting towards me.

"Hi baby girl!" I lift her up, planting a big kiss on her cheek.

"Daddy! You remembered about me!"

My face drops the second she says that, Emma was the little girl. The little girl that marinette was talking about. I'm the 'bad dad', the dad too busy to be with his daughter.

"Why would I forget about you baby?"

"Your so famous, your a model and everything."

"I'm never too busy too be with you. I visit all the time."

"Then just adopt me."

Then just adopt me.

The words Adrien has been scared of, just adopt me. He wants so, he really does but he can't. Not right now.

"I will , as soon as I graduate. I promise you that."

"How longs that?"

"About four months."

"FOUR MONTHS" she gasps

"Ik baby, that's a long time for you. But I can't take care of you and go to school."

"Mari does it."

Mari? This has too be the girl she was talking about. I didn't know she got Hugo here.

" she must be a superhero then" I boop her on her nose. As she giggles.

"As long as your my daddy, I don't care when you adopt me."

"I promise, to be your daddy. Guess what?"


"Im getting a house soon, so when I get that house I'll make you a room. I'll make you a room too show you that you'll be mine. Then when I'm not busy on the weekends, you can come stay with me and sleep in your room. Deal?"

"REALLY? DEAL" she ambushed me in a big hug.

I hugged her back, and planted a kiss on her head.

I didn't lie too her, not once. My mom gave me a house In her will. It's not as big as our mansion or anything. But it is a nice size, 5 bedrooms, 2 bath house. It's beautiful, and it's going too be mine soon.

I was supposed too get it when I turned 18, but with all the paperwork and fighting with my dad that I should be aloud too move out. It got delayed a bit.

I am move in next week though, and as soon as I get home I'm going shopping for Emma's room.

She wants a pink room, with teal and a princess bed. Seems easy enough too me, I'll figure it out, it will be amazing.

About a hour later, it was time too leave. I gave Emma a kiss goodbye, said goodbye too all the other kids and headed home.

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