Never leaving again

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It's been weeks since y/n has been seen. No calls, no texts, nothing to show where she's been or what she has been up to. Izuku had been searching everywhere for her but there was nothing. He is angry and sad, his emotions are heightened, and he snaps easily at anything and everything.

Lei and katsuki are worried for him, he's breaking without her, and it shows. Trust me they are worried for Y/n too they've been searching on their own without Izuku knowing. Katsuki had some leads, but y/n made sure to lead them to a dead end.


Y/ns POV

The wind blows through my hair as I relax into my thoughts. I have found where the villain stays but it's surrounded by multiple other people who most likely work for him. I can't get to close without being caught. Though it's not like I'm just waiting for nothing, I've been listening into their plans for the next attack.

They plan to bomb a huge masquerade party for heroes. Of course, I plan to attend, wearing a mask I won't be noticeable. I plan to give the heroes a heads up without letting them know it's me. Not until the villain is caught.


Time skip to the night of the party.

At the place I'm staying I finish getting ready. I slip on my dress then top it off with the mask. My hair was straitened and I added some extra jewelry

*Optional mask*

Dress option 1

Dress option 2

*Or of course you can choose your own*


background music played as the guests entered the party, everything was decorated nicely. The tables had white cloths draped over them with platers of snacks and beverages. Many heroes were already there, they kept an eye out for anything suspicious after the anonymous tip they got about a bombing that could occur.

Izuku stood by his friends drinking some champagne, he's not much of a drink but as of lately he's changed.

Katsuki had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his suit pants "slow down nerd the night just started."

Izuku scoffed at what he had said "Thats the point..." he set his glass down before watching the guests enter.

A h/c girl walked in with her head searching the room, something about her was familiar to Izuku but he just shook his head and watched the ground before the guests started making small talk with him which aggravated, I'm slightly.

Y/n grabbed herself a drink and made sure she was distant from anyone she knows in case they figure her out. If this plan works out how she wants it then she can return home to everyone she loves.

A man suddenly got everyone's attention on the stage "Thank you everyone for joining us this evening to congratulate our heroes for the hard work they do" he raises his glass "Now please grab a dance partner and step to the dance floor and have fun" he smiles, and a song starts playing. Not just any song, a song that played the night her and Izuku met.

*Yes, to heaven by Lana Del Ray*

Y/n felt sad but held back any tears that wanted to escape. Before she could go hide in a corner and wait a hand grabs her hand and pulls her back.

Her head turned to meet the eyes of the person she wanted to avoid the most. His glistening green eyes met hers.

"Who are you..." his eyes squinted in confusion "Have we met?" he inquired.

"I- I don't think so" she tried to change her voice so he wouldn't catch on

"Why have you been acting suspicious the moment you walked through the doors" he pulled her closer with one hand on her waist and one holding her hand. He started dancing with her as the music played on.

"I-I'm not quite sure I know you sir-" she was cut off by him spinning her then pulling her back in. Their faces were inches apart.

She tried her best to act clueless, but it wasn't working.

Thats when he caught the smell of her, the same as y/ns..

"Y/n..?" his voice cracked at the thought of actually finding her. His eyes searched her e/c eyes.

"Im not sure who you are talking about but I'm not her-" she pulled her hand away and ran through the crowd of people.

Izuku instantly followed, it has to be her... the smell. Her eyes...her voice...


Y/n went into a dark room and closed the door panting for air, she took her mask off and placed her hand onto her forehead "Shit shit shit...he can't be distracted."

Paced footsteps were heard from outside the door, y/n tried to stay quiet but as she took a step back, she had knocked over a cup that was on the table next to her.

The footsteps stopped and then slowly got closer to the door. Squeaking from the doorknob made itself known before the door flew open.

The man paused "y/n..." Izuku stepped in and slammed the door shut. Izuku pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Izuku have to understand."

"NO y/n I don't understand!!" he spat back at her "I go into a coma and wake up and your missing!" he paced around the room angerly.

"I had to do this on my own...I couldn't have you hurt again." her voice was low and crackly.

Izuku walked over to her and punched the wall next to her "Stop! I can take care of myself y/n! i am supposed to protect you!" he stared down at her with furry in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry but-" She was at a loss for words, she's never seen him this angry before. It scared her.

After seeing the look on her face, he relaxed his shoulders and his eyes softened "Y/n..." he lowered his head before resting his face between the crook of her neck sniffling "I'm sorry...i just missed you..."

Y/n teared up and hugged him "I just thought if I could find him then no one else would get hurt. And I knew if you found out what I was doing, you'd stop me."

He lifted his head "Of course I would" he caressed her face "I wouldn't let anything happen to you..."

He leaned down, his hot breath against her lips sent chills up her spine. "y/n... don't leave me again..." Closing his eyes, he closed the distance between them and kissed her lovingly.

Suddenly lights went off and screaming was heard.

Izuku's head snaps to the door

"Izuku...He is here! the villain! he wants to bomb the place! I've seen him with my own eyes...he has blue hair and red eyes..."

Izuku "what did you say...?" his mouth dried up "Shigaraki? no we caught it be his son..?" he clenched his fist "No way..."

Y/n stopped him and looked into his eyes "Catch him...but be safe please" she gave him a quick kiss.

"I will" he just got her back and now he has to leave right away. It makes him upset but angrier. He is going to catch this guy no matter what.

Y/n watched his figure disappear, she then ran out and tried to help people get out safely. "Everyone please exit quickly" She looked around for Izuku, but he wasn't nowhere to be seen.

The entire building started shaking making the guests freak out even more. Y/n spotted the bomb on the stage, it was counting down from 10 minutes.

After everyone got out the heroes made sure everyone was okay, y/n looked back and saw a man fly threw the wall. Deku appeared from the other side breathing heavily. His suit was ripped, and his hair covered his eyes.

"Oh, come on is that all you got number one!" the blue haired man stood up and lifted his hands up with a sinister smile "Come at me!"

Y/ns POV

I was nervous for Izuku, but the bomb had 3 minutes left, even if he defeats him the bomb will still blow. I had to do something. I ran to the bomb without the blue haired man seeing me. "ok ok ok how to disarm a bomb." I took the back off and three wires showed. A blue one a yellow one and a black one. Confused I looked through my pictures in my memory back to when I took a picture of how to disarm a bomb back when I first started working for Izuku.

A yellow, red and blue one...But this one is red, yellow and black...


Izuku "One for all...100%" he mumbled under his breath before moving at the speed of light tackling him through another wall until they were both outside. He kept distance from his hands since he may have the same power as his father.

The building itself was started to fall in on itself which was worse for y/n. She knew the black one had to be there for a reason. So, she closed her eyes and prayed that it was the right one. "Please don't blow up-"

She cut the black one and the beeping stopped "Yes!"

Izuku looked around then remembered y/n was inside, did she leave? but I don't see her?

His thoughts went wild "Watch him!" he told the other heroes before running back inside "Y/N!!!!" he yelled. But the dust and smoke inside made it almost impossible to see.

Y/n coughed and walked towards the door. Izuku spotted her and smiled "Thank god"

His eyes caught a piece of falling ceiling was about to fall right on her "Y/n!" he used his power to grab her quickly and leave.

Everything went black for y/n, she isn't dead just passed out from the inhalation from the smoke.



"The vicious villain, decenator has been caught and it's proven that he is the child of Shigaraki. Now that he is caught hope is restored to the city. Families can relax and heroes can too. Thank you, heroes, for everything."


"yeah, Lei I just got home" My eyes rolled playfully "No I'm not going to leave again...never again. Yeah I love you too" I hang up and put my hair up. I greet my cat with lots of love. It's been a few days since they caught the villain. The heroes thanked me for my bravery though Izuku was a little upset I got involved.

Izuku was waiting for me in the kitchen "uh. Hey i made some burgers" he smiled.

"Hey what are you doing here" I lean on the counter.

"Thought I'd come see you...It's been a while since we have been able to hang out."

" I missed you a lot Izu" I walk over and hug him, which he returns. He held me tightly not wanting to let go.

"Netflix and chill?" he said in a goofy tone.

"Uh duh!" i giggle.

He held up two plates with burgers and fries. "And... Food!" he smiled brightly

"Thanks" I kiss him passionately.

We both sit down and eat while watching our favorite movies happily.

I'm glad to have him and he's glad to have me. Izuku is my one and only and I never ever want that to change.

He most definitely was my unexpected love.

The End~

Thank you, guys, so much for reading, it's not very long but I thought it could end here. I have more ideas for books, and I needed to find an end to this one. I love unexpected love because it was the first one for me to write and I really loved how much it made me improve on my writing. Thank you for being here and supporting me.

(words 1976)

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