Dan's POV I have been getting morning sicknesses for the whole month. With each coming day I brush it off because 'It's just a virus'. I decided I needed to go to the doctor's office and shot Phil a quick text. He replied in a snap. Phil❤️- if you're going to the doctor, so am I Me- I can go by myself Phil, I'm not a child Phil❤️- I don't care Daniel, I care about you and I'm going with you. There is no way you can change my mind, plus I have nothing to do today.
Me- fineeee I shut off my phone and got dressed. I decided I should probably call the clinic to set up an appointment. They had an opening at 3:00, so I had a couple hours to waste. I shot a quick text to Phil to tell him to come over already. *le time skip to the doctor* They decided to run some tests on my blood because they didn't find anything so far. The doctor came in with a questionable face. He sat down at the desk and said " I have no idea what's wrong with you Daniel, but there is one thing we could check that we haven't thought of before." "Anything to get me to feel better because I literally feel like crap right now." I replied. "Okay Daniel, we are going to have you take an ultrasound." I looked at him with a sense of shock on my face "But men can't get pregnant." I said. The doctor let out a sigh "They actually can they are called carriers and have both of the reproductive cells for both the male and female." "How is that even possible?" I asked. "We have no idea to be honest with you, just one family started having carrier men and they passed it down." "Okay, I'll try it." I said unsure of what could happen. He took me to a room and told be to lay on the bed. A nurse then came in. "Hello Daniel, my name is Yazzi and I'll be doing your ultrasound today." "Okay" I answered quietly. She pulled up my shirt and put this cold gel on my stomach. She turned on the machine and started rubbing the wand I've my stomach. I heard the machine go 'thump thump thump' like a heartbeat. 'Oh god' I thought. I looked to Phil, he had been quiet this whole time, I saw a tear slip out and run down his cheek. Yazzi look at me and said "you're pregnant!" Oh god, this isn't some thing to be happy about I'm in my last year of high school! I sighed and looked over to Phil "what are we going to do, we can't let anyone know especially my parents, you know how strict they can be." I said in panic(! At the Disco) "I don't know" he said honestly. We started to get up to head to my house. Once we got there I went to my room and started crying in my pillow and eventually felt Phil lay down next to me. He picked me up and sat me on his lap. "It's going to be okay bear, we'll figure this out together. I will never leave your side throughout this." He said and started rubbing my shoulders. I fell asleep in his lap, thinking of what he said. Until I couldn't process anything and fell into a deep slumber. ———————————————————————AUTHORS NOTE~ Thank you for 24 reads you guys! I didn't think it would even get 10 to be honest with you! I hope you are liking it so far.