Chapter Ten - A Date?

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3rd July

'Are you free tomorrow?'

Darshan's message popped up on the phone screen. Neha took the phone and replied,
'Yes, I'm free. Why?'

She laid her back against the couch and waited for the reply. After five seconds her phone beeped.

'Then we can go for a dinner tomorrow.'

Neha sat straight on the couch after reading the message. She typed, 'Dinner?' and pressed the send button.

'Yes, dinner. You & Me'

Neha read the next message of his. She bit her lower lip and replied, 'Okay'

She kept the phone on the side table and leaned forward, placing her elbows on her thais. She was biting her thumb nail and the smile never left her lips.

"Why are you smiling like this?", Neha raised her head up and found Upasana near the door, joining her hands near her chest.

"Darshan asked me to go for a dinner with him tomorrow.", Neha said still biting her nail.

"What?", Upasana lowered her hands and stepped forward. Neha slowly nodded.

"Oh My God!! He asked you for a date!!", Upasana screamed softly.

"Not a date. It's a dinner", Neha informed.

"Idiot. Dinner Date!", Upasana said with a smile. Neha lowered her head and said nothing. "Why are you not jumping?", She asked with a chuckle.

"Because I still can't digest the thing that he asked me for a date.", Neha said and looked at her best friend.

"Told you he likes you", Upasana sat next to Neha and continued, "I think he's gonna tell you tomorrow."

"Tell what?", Neha asked.

"Of course that he likes you.", Upasana said with a wide smile.

"Please Ha.", Neha laughed.

"Dekh Lena. Now let's go.", Upasana stood up and pulled Neha by her hand.

"Where?", she asked while standing up.

"It's your first ever date. You have to look beautiful. I'm gonna choose the dress for you."

Seemed Upasana was more excited for her best friend's date then herself.

* * *

4th July

"Which one this or this?", Neha asked while showing Upasana two lipsticks.

"Umm none of them. Wear the nude one.", Upasana told her. Neha put the lipsticks down and took the nude pink shaded lipstick.

"Okey?", Neha asked after applying that.

"Perfect!!", Upasana smiled.

Neha was looking beautiful in the sky blue knee - length dress. Upasana looked at her and said, "Something is missing."

Neha turned to the mirror and checked her from head to toe. Nothing was missing. Earrings - done. Bracelet - done. Hair - done. Shoes - done.

"Everything is toh there. Then what is missing?", she asked looking back to her.

"Your smile.", Upasana exclaimed coming closer to her. "The most beautiful thing. Where do you left that? That's the only thing which never leaves you, then where is that now??", Upasana asked. Neha didn't say anything. "Are you nervous?", she asked again. Neha took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

"Don't be nervous. It's just a date. Be happy.", Upasana placed her hands on Neha's shoulder.

"I'm happy. But nervous too.", Neha again took a deep breath.

"You are the one who always tell me that nervousness only can ruin a situation. Now you are nervous. You are not going to any exam or a war. He's not a monster either, he'll not eat you, don't worry. Or may be he can eat you.", She said with a wink.
Neha chuckled softly and nodded negatively.

"Now let's go. Or you'll be late", Upasana dragged Neha to the car.


Upasana stopped the car in front of the restaurant.

"Neha be safe ok. I put the paper spray in your bag and you remembered those karate tricks right??", Upasana asked.

"What? Paper spray?  Karate Tricks? I don't need those.", Neha said while adjusting her hair.

"Of course you need these. Don't trust anyone."

"It's not anyone Upa. It's Darshan."

"That's why I'm worried more.", Upasana rolled her eyes.

"I'll be safe with him. Now stop this.", Neha said.

"Call me when you'll be done. I'll come to pick you up. And you'll tell me exactly what happened in details.", Upasana told.

"Okay madam. Ab main jau??", Neha asked with a smile.

"Yes go. Bas samhal kar rahio. Fisal mat jana!!", Upasana winked at her.

"Shut up.", Neha playfully slapped on her arm and got down from the car.

Darshan was standing near his car, leaning his back to that. His head was down because he was looking at his phone. As Neha got down from the car he raised his head and looked at her then at Upasana who was sitting in the car. He waved at her. And Upasana's eyes became wide. Because they both were well dressed and she was in her cotton shorts and a faded t-shirt. She felt embarrassed. She smiled weakly and rolled up the glass of the window quickly.

Neha walked to Darshan. He was looking handsome in the blue shirt and black pants, as usual. As Neha reached to him, he hugged her. She became surprise because she was expecting a handshake or just a 'Hi - Hallo' rather than the hug. She hugged him back.

"You are looking....beautiful!!", he commented after breaking the hug. Neha tried hard to not blush but she failed.

"Thank you.", she whispered.

"Lets go.", they walked in to the restaurant.

* * * * *

Darshan dragged the chair for Neha. She passed a smiled to him and sat down. He sat in front of him.

"So, how's the party?", Neha asked.

"Which party?!", Darshan asked back.

"Your friends birthday party."

"Oh, that was good. I wished him from you too."

Neha smiled and asked, "So how long will you be here in Delhi?"

"I'm leaving tomorrow. But....i don't want to.", he said in a low voice. Neha said nothing only kept looking at him.

"Sir your order?", the waiter asked. They were giving their orders when Neha's phone  beeped. She saw a massage came from Upasana.

'Did he say?', Neha read the message.

'Stop being impatient Ups!'
She replied.

'Did he give any ring?', she read the next message from Upasana.
Neha bit her lower lip to hide the smile and typed, 'Shut up and stop messaging me!'

"Is it your boyfriend? Did he find out that you came for a date with someone else!!", Darshan's voice came. Neha became happy as she heard the word 'date', because she wasn't sure that if it's a date or just a dinner.

"C'mon Darshan you know I don't have any boyfriend.", she said and put her phone down.

"So what? May be you found one now.", he told.

"No I didn't.", she said. "Actually I'm finding a boyfriend!", she added. ''But mere nazar me koi accha hai nehi. So, can you help me?"

"Me? You are asking my help to find a boyfriend for you?", Darshan asked in a 'Really' voice.

Controlling her laughter Neha said, "Yes. I mean you may have lots of guy friends. You can suggest one for me."

"It's not a dish Neha that I can suggest one for you.", he said. "And I don't think that there is someone for you in my friends circle.", he rolled his eyes. "And I also don't think that you need a boyfriend right now.", he added.

"Why not? I'm board of being single. Now I want to date someone.", Neha told.

"But it's not the right time now. Look I think you may focus on your career right now and....", Darshan said in a serious tone.

Neha laughed and said, "Tum toh serious ho gaye. I'm joking chill. And trust me I'm happy to be single."

Darshan rubbed the back of his neck and smiled too.

* * * * *

They were eating when Darshan spoke, "Accha listen I want to say you something."

Neha took a sip of her drink and said, "Tell na."

"Wo Neha...actually...I...I..", he was stammering.

"Yeah you...??", Neha nodded.

"Wo...I...I'm...can I have Upasana's number?", he spoke.

Neha chuckled and said, "Yeah sure. Why not?"

"What? What did you say Darshan?? Urgh!!!", Darshan was cussing himself right now in his mind.

He dragged a smile on his face and said, "She doesn't has any social media accounts no. So we never talked properly. And because she is your best friend I wanna talk to her."

Neha looked at him and asked, "Because she is my best friend that's why you wanna talk to her?"

"Yes. She is your best friend that means I also can make her my best friend.", he faked a smile.

"That's cute. I'll send you her number on WhatsApp"
They smiled at each other and continued eating.

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