Your Orbit, Always....

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Milk PoV

"Run!!!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted to the whole group, and we barely escaped the zombie herd. And Emi literally brought a chain and lock purposely to lock the door, not going to let the zombies out. All of us managed to get out, and with the strength of us holding off the door, we managed to lock it for good.

"Phew, Never again!" View, who is quiet, commented. We all laugh at her comments.

We all managed to get onto the bus, and while we were out, we found some medicines and food to survive. Prim told us there's a nursery shop somewhere around there, and we got many seeds to grow our plants! It is easier to eat healthy and have non-stop food supplies. All I worry about is the medicines. I cannot do it myself, but having proper supplies is better.

We reached our apartment and were quickly greeted by the others left in the apartment. We all went back to our apartment to take proper showers and rest. It is approaching night at the same time.

I finished my shower and sat on the bed, waiting for LoveLove to be done with her shower. While waiting, I read a book I found last time while thinking of what happened that day. I was lucky to see Love and Ciize. Without the others, I might not be able to meet Love anymore. I am so fortunate to have this tiny community with me, and I will cherish it for a long time.

I was daydreaming when Love came by with her towel, mesmerising me with her beauty again. Her big brown boba eyes always captivate me, and I never get to see her enough.

"Milk, what are you thinking?" Love came by after wearing her pyjamas and sat beside me.

"Nothing much, just about us and how you never go alone without me anymore..." I said, smiling, but it's the truth. From now on, I will be beside her in everything we do. I cannot bear another heart attack again.

"Milk... you know I am okay, right? You are there to save me, but okay, next time, we go together if that makes you happy," LoveLove said lovingly. This is what I love about her; she doesn't show her true expression but tries her best to give me the best feeling ever.

"Okay, agreed... I will never forgive myself if I lose you again. You're my life, LoveLove. Never doubt that. Everything I do is always for us so we can be together. I love you so much. I love it so much; it hurts even with a slight separation. I always want to be near your Orbit. Circling over and over again around your Orbit. Like I'm the Earth, and you're my Sun. The Earth will die without The Sun. I would die; I'd rather die when you're not around." I look at Love, who is looking at me with teary eyes. I know she felt the same because we worked hard together to be with each other. It wasn't easy last time as not everyone accepted same-gender LoveLove.

"I love you too, Milk. Never ever doubt that. As much as you want to be in my Orbit, I always want to shine for you. I wanted to be The Sun that gave you hope and light your way for us. I want you to be circling my Orbit because, with that, I know you are always near me." Love slowly looked at me, and we kissed. Her soft lips touching mine was comforting; I didn't want to stop. Slowly, I hold her body to support her and continue kissing the love love of my life.

It was short but soft and comforting. We looked into each other's eyes and knew this was what we chose. To be together. So, without hesitation, I grab something in my drawer. It was the ring I bought for our wedding. I managed to keep it close to me all this while, and I looked at her softly, opening the ring box.

"Love, let's get married? Let the stars and skies be our witness. The Love we had. People might think this is useless, but this is the only thing I have ever wanted with you. To build our life together moving forward." Love looked at me surprised, and her tears dropped instantly, and she nodded.

"Of course, I will, silly! I love you, and this is the perfect thing ever happening to me. You still keep the ring we bought together last time! I am the happiest woman right now! I love you, Milk, very, very, very much! Even the universe is not as big as my Love for you." Love said, crying, and I wiped her tears slowly.

"I know, Love... I know..." We both cried softly and kissed again for how many times I can't remember. We no longer have our families to celebrate us, but we are happy to always be together.

That night, we celebrated our Love. Celebrated that we found each other again. We celebrated the fact that we managed to cure each other. Celebrated that we have this small family with us. The night is young, and we will love each other for the rest of our lives.

By tomorrow, we will start our new life. I will announce my marriage to the love of my life but for now. I want Love, and Love just want Milk. We'll think about tomorrow later; for now, we will think about ourselves. We do miss each other anyway. Let tomorrow be a new day for us.

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