Welcome to the underworld café

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Entering a world to replace another has never been an easy task. It could be said that this is what happened, or, that as in any story, a character begins spontaneously with everything already created. This happened to three individuals recently. One moment they were in their rooms, and the next they were living in Gotham. It was harsh, arriving and realizing you lost many people. Of course, money always consoles you, superpowers, and some of your dreams of the previous world coming true. Yet, missing family? It still was a concept that can be a slight downer.

It's been a year since these three individuals landed. The youngest of the three was Dawn Lucas who was one of the richest people in this world. In third place against Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor. It had been hard for her to get used to her new memories. She still coincided with her real life like being locked up in a psychiatric ward, in this case, Arkham. At age twenty-one, she had lost her family, experienced the death of an ex-boyfriend, had various properties, and lived in the building where her cosplay-library cafe "The Underworld" existed.

Then there was her boyfriend, Charles Miller, commissioner Gordon's apprentice, with no family in this world. Perhaps that was why he was a detective at twenty-four. Then again, it also could be because this was Gotham and many things go under the radar. The cafe was under his name, yet, it was financed by Dawn.

And lastly, was Gwen Chandler, who kept waking up late to get the register. Gwen still had living relatives in this world. She was the daughter of the Mayor, which enabled her to have political powers. She was the one whose past was only harsh due to broken hearts and willingness to be a vigilante. You could say, kind of like Barbara Gordon, but the comparison always made you earn a slap. Being rich and all had its advantages, yet, it was still hard to pass under the radar when everything was so focused on you. Hence why she decided to work at her friend's café.

"Sunshine, why are you late again?" asked her boss, Dawn, looking back at her.

"Forgot my alarm again!" the dirty blonde laughed nervously at the brunette.

"Sis, you really need to stop forgetting, that's my job. Now, go to the register. Or I will seriously have to lock down the place for you not to go chase after more villains that bring you late to work" stated Dawn, putting down her book and shaking her head. They might be as close as sisters, and even share attitude traits, but sometimes being a boss had to be put forward.

"Calm your tits hun! It won't happen again" a lie, and they both knew it. "So, who do I have to be today?"

"Today is magical girl theme, take your pick" Only one worker disobeyed the rules, but that was ok for them. She was way too shy. Dawn, being the same, understood. "By the way, it's almost twelve"

Gwen blushed deeply and grinned excitedly, running away to change causing Dawn to chuckle at her honey-eyed friend. Twelve o'clock, the hour when Dick Grayson came in to have his regular meal and visit the twenty-three-year-old Gwen. A honey blonde worker, the only one without a cosplay brought a tray to Dawn, her hair in a messy updo with a butterfly clip, barely keeping the strands of hair away.

"Here you are Dawn" Said the young woman with a smile. "Do you think she will make it on time today?"

"I don't know Jane, but at least she gets to see him and make his jaw drop" answered Dawn laughing slightly at the thought. "Though I am more worried about you. Your lover hasn't been around in a while"

"She's busy..." both understood the excuse, Dawn only frowned slightly but said nothing. "But, I know she will come back...She is Hades, I am Persephone. No matter the distance, no matter the time, we will see each other in the underworld"

"Right, I believe you, just, tell me if you need anything. Even if you want to move on, you know we will happily help you find another lover" said Dawn earning a nod from the girl. Jane left her once she noticed clients going up the stairs to look at the books and request their orders. An hour passed by, and Dawn was by now barely half into her chai frappe down, when of course Jane let out a small nostalgic smile. There in plain sight was a young well-built figure with an average height, piercing blue eyes and a cunning grin on his face. Dawn was never sure how she felt about him. On the one hand, he was her best friend's boyfriend. On the other, he was as much a playboy as his adoptive father and she didn't want her dear sister to end up broken-hearted.

"The usual?" asked Jane while she seated him in front of her boss.

"Yes please, and another one for Gwen" mocha frapé, extra chocolate, white please, and a matcha muffin with powdered sugar.

"Hello, Dick," said Dawn formally, she wasn't one for talking to people.

"Hi, Dawn! Haven't seen Charlie in a while!" said the twenty-seven-year-old man gleefully.

"Working on a case he won't tell me about. It's frustrating. It seems even sunshine knows and I hate it" it was easy to let out steam, even if he wasn't as close as the other two.

"Ah, don't worry, maybe they just don't wanna make you freak"


"Dickie!" the voice made the two look back, only to find Gwen dressed up as Sakura Kinomoto from Card Captor Sakura. And as always, his jaw dropped. Later on, he just rushed to hug her and bring her to the table, and Dawn only wanted to leave.

"Great conversation with you two, but I have things to do." No, she didn't, but Gwen wasn't going to rat her out. Saying goodbye, the brunette left the couple alone.

"She's frustrated" stated Dick to his girlfriend. Gwen only sighed in response.

"You know we can't tell her, if we do, she might have a breakdown, and I don't want us to lose the progress made with her. She barely got over it!" said Gwen playing with her fingers. "I mean, look at her! She's happy, she even has a better life..."

"She always finds out Gwen" he answered worriedly. "Plus, Red Hood, or at least a fake one, has been lurking around the city. "

"That's why Charlie and I have been doing our best for her not to find out. I just, don't want her to go to Arkham...She might not even come alive out of that one. She still thinks there is a conspiracy bringing people back from the dead."

"Hey, guys, what are you talking about? About me again?"

"Charlie!" both of them looked up, to see a grinning twenty-four-year-old male. His curly hair framed his dark skin as he grinned at them both.

"Sorry for interrupting your date, but it's important"

"Sure, no prob" answered Dick nodding his head, he noticed another server, Evelyn, rush out. Probably the red-headed teen would go and get the boss so they had little time.

"What is it?" asked Gwen, probably noticing the same.

"Well, I confirmed our suspicions to be correct" in other words, that only Gwen understood, it was time to take action and reveal to those who had no idea about the identity of Red Hood. "It is Red Hood. The voice is the same, and his rationale as well, followed him around yesterday night."

"You could have told us" Dick seemed hurt, but Charles only shook his head at the blue-eyed boy.

"Sting operations don't work like that. And if it was Red Hood, he would know who you are"

"I get it."Mumbled Dick dejectedly.

They talked for a while more before it was time for Dick to leave. That night, was different, at least, for Dawn it was different. She knew her boyfriend was helping Batman, Pandora (Gwen), and Nightwing by monitoring the mission along with Alfred. She was in a sense, alone. She could hear the thoughts, the dreams of others due to her paranoia. It made it hard to control her mental powers. But one, in particular, made her freeze, her mind opening the door for her to rush towards the top of the building in her nightgown.

"I hope Dawn won't mind if I land on her roof"

Dawn opened the door up top, finding a very alive Jason Todd standing there. His new red helmet held at his side, his dark hair and white bangs messy due to it. And his blue eyes staring at the brunette slightly sheepish. She knew he was alive, Dawn didn't think seeing him would be this overwhelming. Sure, he was one of her favorite characters in real life, before falling to this world...but the memories and emotions of her other self had fused, and now, she felt weak, shocked, and wanting to cry. She had to regain composure so as to not make a fuss or go haywire. Not thinking at all, she ran to him, hugging his waist. Just like a long lost brother brought back to her. She didn't see him romantically, which was a relief.

"Welcome to the Underworld again...Jason"

"Thanks..." he answered corresponding to the gesture and helping her up.

"What the fuck?" a sudden voice interrupted the moment, both turning towards the intruder. Charles stood there, jaw dropped, glasses skewed. Dawn giggled slightly at her boyfriend walking towards him.

"He is alive..." she said dreamily. "We knew he was..."

"Well yeah, but what the fuck! I thought something horrible happened to you! The whole room is trashed!" exclaimed Charles, then looking at Jason. "And Bro, you really need to get inside. We don't want the bat here making more of a mess. We have enough with this little tsunami"

Jason laughed slightly, watching as he took Dawn on his back. Just like old times, when they were in school he remembered seeing this happen a lot. After all, Dawn was always lazy and tired. They got inside, Jason quietly observed his friend use his magic to order everything. Yes, he knew about them. He found out when they were still at school. They were best friends, and he was smarter than he looked. Also, they had decided to tell him. Back then...they trusted him. They trusted him very much. Dawn didn't look at him, actually, a wave of nostalgia had started again, she had no tears to shed, but she was shaking. Charles didn't need to ask what was wrong. He knew. It was Jason being alive...being confronted by your ex who died five years ago must be hard. Or more like. The fused feelings of your other self and your own about the situation was making things difficult.

"I wanted to see if I could crash here"

"Yes," both answered calmly, sitting on a sofa. Dawn giving mental instructions to Charles. The black male nodded, creating a magical contract and handing Jason a pen.

"But, we need you to sign this"

"No treason within the group. We are a family. No asking who the other members are." recited Dawn calmly.

"Also, you have to stay for five weeks without being a vigilante. Of course only two days a week you may take out your costume" stated Charles.

"What the fuck man? Why?"

"Oh, well you did break my heart, Jason. You left without explanation and insulted me. But I still care for you like a brother. You are my friend before you ever were my boyfriend." said Dawn. "Also, I still have embarrassing videos of you, and I will post them on social media, I will also tell Bruce where you are"

"Fine fine...party-pooping prudes" mumbled the vigilante signing the contract. It vanished into thin air. Just as that happened, his outfit also transformed into something casual.

"Dude...I get I'm poor, but do not Cinderella me with your magical shit" said Jason laughing slightly at his dark-skinned friend.

"Yea, you aren't, you are Romeo. Or some other character who had a shitty death" answered Charles.

"I don't care who you guys are. I wanna sleep. And if I don't sleep, I will get mad. And if I'm mad...you will need a hospital" interrupted Dawn. Both males shrugged, agreeing not to keep on complaining. After all, she was capable of making them do something stupid for blackmail.

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