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Adoras POV:

Once we got back home from the park Angella enrolled me and Lonnie into her school!! Thankfully she's the principal! She said that I would start next week! And I'm so excited! People I've met before said school was boring so I don't really know what to expect.

"Guys were having a sleepover in my room!!" Glimmer said

"Why urs?" Catra asked

"Because I have to biggest room! Now come on!!" Glimmer said and we all followed her into the house

"Should we call bow or just make this a girls thing?" Glimmer asked

"Call bow!" Me Lonnie and catra said

"Ok ok sheesh!" Glimmer said as she Took  out her phone and called bow

(Btw adora brought her phone and catra glimmer bow and Lonnie already out there numbers in there and glimmer gave adora the rest of the best friends squads numbers so everyone has each other's numbers)


After a while of waiting bow finally came glimmer went downstairs to open to the door for him and then they both came back up to glimmers room

"Hey guys!" Bow said

"Hey bow" Lonnie said

"So what are we gonna do?"

"Probably play some truth or dare and watch some movies eat candy till we barf"

"Truth or dare?" I asked

"Yea here let me explain so imagine we're playing truth or dare so first I would ask u truth or dare? And u could either pick truth or u could pick dare. If u pick truth u can ask the person a question and they have to answer it truthfully but if the person picks dare u can tell them to do stuff like for example if u picked dare I could tell u to run outside screaming like a manic" bow said

"Umm... I-I don't get it-" Lonnie said

"It's fine! Maybe you'll learn from experience so Lonnie truth or dare?"

"Uh dare?"

"Hmm u dare u to give adora a makeover" bow said smirking

"OOOO OK!! Like a good makeover or a funny one?"

"A good one I wanna see if u have skills" glimmer said

"Ok adora let's go!" Lonnie said pulling my hand

"Ur gonna wear the dress I got u adora!!" Lonnie said

"OOO can I wear a tiara to?" I asked I always loved the tiaras I never really had a problem with them thats one of the things I actually liked about being a princess the only reason I say I don't like it is because of light spinner. I would love to be queen and rule but light spinner makes it HORRIBLE-

"Yes yes u can" Lonnie said then she sat me down infront of the mirror in the bathroom got out some makeup glimmer gave her and took out a dress and a tiara and started my makeover

Adoras tiara:

Adoras dress:

Catras POV:

Adora and Lonnie were in the bathroom for a while but it didn't take TOO long me sparkles and crop top were talking a lot anyway.

"I present to u my MASTERPIECE!" Lonnie said then adora walked in and my face felt like it was on FIRE- how can one girl look that attractive.... please I need to know-

"WOW! Lonnie does have skills!" Glimmer said

"Oh please I've been doing her makeup and outfits since since we were toddlers" Lonnie said

"Aww adora u look like the queen!" Bow said. I couldn't talk I was just there blushing... I couldn't find any words for how stunning this girl looks right now-

"Well she is my mother so I would hope so" Adora said laughing

"Well now that you've seen my masterpiece let's take all this off u" Lonnie said

"Yeah im not sure I can sleep in this be right back guys!" Adora said exiting glimmers room with Lonnie right behind her

"Hi baby" bow said to glimmer

"Hey Bowie"


"Yes!" Glimmer said then she kissed him

"EW" I said then threw a pillow at them

(Time skip)

After adora and Lonnie came back we played truth or dare some more and then we had a pillow fight and then we got tired so we watched some movies the first one we saw was zootopia the next one we saw was brave and the last movie was moxie when we were finished with all the movies me and adora were to last two awake

"Adora why aren't u sleep?"

"Why are u sleep?" She said the smirked and I blushed 'why does she have to look at hot the time-'

"I asked first princess" I said now it was adoras turn to blush and I just laughed

"Pft whatever!" She said and shoved me

"You know u love me!"

"Do I know that? Yes yes I do" Adora said

"*gasp* Judy hops?" I said sarcastically

"That is me" she said laughing Then she yawned and laid her head in my shoulder

"Goodnight blondie" I whispered

"Night kitten" she said and I blushed. Then she closed her eyes and fell asleep and I kissed her forehead

"Goodnight adora"

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