Chapter 4

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Cleia's POV


The second day of classes had just begun, as we walked through the hallways together, the air buzzing with the usual chatter and excitement. Suddenly, the noise level escalated, drawing our attention to a commotion up ahead. Students were crowding around, whispering and exclaiming animatedly. Amidst the chatter, Rysha appeared, practically bouncing with excitement. She's one of our classmate.

"OMG! They're so handsome!"

"I can't believe we get to see them in person,"

"Did you see their latest photos? They're even better looking in real life!"

"This is the best day ever!"

"What's going on?" I asked, straining to see over the heads of the gathered students.

We turned a corner and spotted Rina, her animated gestures indicating she was at the center of the commotion. She noticed us and waved energetically. “Hey, over here!”

As we approached, the noise level intensified. Students were talking excitedly, and it became hard to make out individual conversations. I felt a wave of curiosity as I strained to see what all the fuss was about. Then, I saw them—five incredibly handsome guys walking down the hallway with an air of confidence and ease. The crowd parted around them as if they were royalty.

“Who are they?” I asked, more to myself than anyone else.

“The Stellaris Royalties,” Rina answered, her voice tinged with awe. “They’re basically the kings of this school.”

Their uniforms were different from the other male students’. The fabric seemed finer, the fit more tailored. Each had three pins on their chest: a star, a crown, and the school’s logo. They walked with a commanding presence that drew every eye in the hallway.

“Which one’s which?” Faye asked, her curiosity piqued.

Rina grinned. “Let’s grab a snack and I’ll tell you all about them.”

We found our usual spot, and Rina and Jhoriel were already there waiting for us. As we sat down and unpacked our snacks, Rina began her introductions, and Rysha and Jhoriel chimed in with their insights.

“The one leading them, that’s Zae Caius Maximo. He’s the campus king,” Rysha began, her tone indicating deep respect.

“He’s really smart and athletic, actually they are all athletic,” Rysha added. “Won practically every award there is.”

"Gian Caleb Ford, the first prince, has a natural charm that makes everyone gravitate towards him,” Rysha continued.

Jhoriel nodded enthusiastically. “He’s a bit of a heartbreaker though. Lots of girls have fallen for him.”

“The second prince is Wade Austin Alvarez,” Rina said. “He’s the calmest and collected one.”

“He’s known for his cool demeanor,” Rysha added. “Never seen him lose his temper.”

“Asher Yosef Montesilva, the third prince, is a bit of a mystery,” Rina went on. “He's the campus bully. And I heard he's courting someone from the other school.”

“And Jazz Mathew Fierro, the fourth prince,” Jhoriel said, taking over. “He’s the life of the party. Always has a smile on his face.”

“He’s also a musical genius,” Rysha added. “Play almost every instrument you can think of.”

As they described each of the Stellaris Royalties, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of curiosity and intrigue. These five guys seemed larger than life, almost like characters out of a novel. I glanced at my friends and noticed similar expressions of fascination.

“So, what’s the deal with their uniforms?” Faye asked between bites of her sandwich.

They’re special,” Rina explained. “Only the Stellaris Royalties get to wear them. It’s a symbol of their status.”

“Do they have any special duties?” I asked, curious about what being a campus royalty entailed.

“They’re like the student council,” Jhoriel said. “They handle major events, represent the school in competitions, and basically set the standards for everyone else.”

As we continued eating, the conversation shifted to more mundane topics, but my mind kept drifting back to the five princes. What kind of people were they really? Would we have any interactions with them beyond passing glances in the hallway?

The rest of the day passed in a blur of classes and assignments, but the image of the Stellaris Royalties lingered in my mind. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, we gathered our things and headed out of the classroom together.

“Do you think we’ll ever get to know them?” Eli wondered aloud as we walked down the hallway.

“Who knows?” Jaeala replied with a shrug. “But it would be interesting to find out.”

“I just hope they’re as nice as they look,” Faye said, her tone thoughtful.

As we exited the school building, I glanced back one last time, the faces of the Stellaris Royalties etched in my memory. The campus felt different, almost like it held secrets waiting to be uncovered. And somehow, I had a feeling that our paths would cross with the princes sooner or later.

I told the girls to go ahead to the parking lot; I needed to go to the cafeteria for some food, as usual. My stomach grumbled in agreement as I made my way through the bustling corridors of the campus.

As I entered the cafeteria, my eyes scanned the assortment of snacks and meals. Just as I reached for a sandwich, I bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry!" I exclaimed, looking up.

My breath caught in my throat. Standing before me was Zae Caius Maximo, the campus king himself. His sharp features and impeccable style were captivating, but it was his hazel eyes that truly stunned me. They were mesmerizing, like pools of liquid gold.

For a moment, I was lost in his gaze, my surroundings fading into the background. Then, his voice broke through the haze.
"Watch where you're going," he said curtly, his tone cold and unwelcoming.

I blinked, snapping back to reality. "I—I'm sorry," I stammered, feeling my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

He raised an eyebrow, his expression unreadable. "Cleia, right?" he asked, his voice surprisingly gentle.

My heart skipped a beat. How did he know my name? We weren't friends or even classmates. "Uh, yes. That's me," I replied, trying to keep my composure.

Zae nodded, his eyes lingering on me for a moment longer before he turned away. "Be more careful next time," he said over his shoulder as he walked away.

I stood there, still reeling from the encounter. Zae Caius Maximo knew my name. And those eyes... I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.

"Get a grip, Clei," I muttered to myself, grabbing my food and heading to the parking lot.

When I arrived, the girls were already waiting. Faye was leaning against the car, scrolling through her phone, while Tarah and Jaeala were chatting animatedly. Eli was organizing the trunk, making sure everything was in place for our trip back home.

"Finally," Tarah said, spotting me. "What took you so long?"

"I had a little run-in with Zae," I admitted, feeling the need to share my unexpected encounter.

The girls' eyes widened in unison. "Zae? As in Zae Caius Maximo?" Jaeala asked, clearly intrigued.

I nodded. "Yeah. I bumped into him in the cafeteria. And he knew my name."

"Interesting," Faye mused, putting her phone away. "He's not exactly known for being friendly."

"Tell me about it," I said, rolling my eyes. "He was pretty rude, actually."

"Well, he's the campus king for a reason," Eli said, closing the trunk. "He's used to people fawning over him."

"I wasn't fawning!" I protested, but the girls just laughed.

"Come on, let's get going," Tarah said, opening the car door.

As we drove, I couldn't help but replay the encounter in my mind. Zae's eyes, his unexpected knowledge of my name, and the way he had looked at me. It was all so confusing. I tried to shake it off, focusing on the conversation around me instead.

"So, what did you get from the cafeteria?" Jaeala asked, trying to change the subject.

"Just a sandwich and some chips," I replied, grateful for the distraction. "I was too flustered to think straight."

"You'll have to tell us more about Zae," Faye said, a mischievous glint in her eye. "This could be interesting."

"It's nothing, Jae. Shut up", I said and bit my sandwich.

I groaned inwardly. I had a feeling this encounter would be the topic of conversation for a while. But deep down, I couldn't deny that I was curious about Zae.

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