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Leigh Anna POV

I woke up to the sound of a can opening. My hands were tied behind my back with some kind of chain. I started to try and look around but there was a cloth over my eyes.

"Eunji!" I screamed. I started panicking until someone grabbed my shoulders.

"Calm down. She's right beside you. Here I'll remove this." I heard Hajoon say. He removed the cloth from my eyes and I looked up to meet his. Why Hajoon? I thought.

"Leigh Anna." I heard Eunji mumbled. I looked over to see Eunji chained up as well. She looked really pale and I could see sweat pouring down her forehead. I started crawling to her until Hajoon pulled the chain back making me fall on my back. I heard him let out a slight laugh. He finds this funny.

"Wow. Hold up there. You girls will get to see each other for a long time. Just stay in your position until they get here." Hajoon said patting my head. By the wicked smile on his face I could tell he was up to something.

"Yejoon! What time is it?" Hajoon yelled walking off. I tried crawling back to Eunji but felt my chain being pulled again. This time I was being dragged on the floor. My arms were hurting from being pulled once again.

"They'll be here any minute." Yejoon said walking over to Eunji.

"Leave her alone!" I shouted. Yejoon looked over at me with a disgusted look.

"I'm just putting a warm rag on her forehead. She has a slight fever." I watch him put the rag on her forehead making her flinch a little.

"The drug must have affected her worse then yours. That's my Leigh Anna, nothing hurts you." Hajoon said. I felt like ripping off these chains and chocking him with them.

"The hell I'm yours!" I spit. It felt good saying that until I felt him hit me.

"Remember who is chained up here." Hajoon spited back.

"I hear a car!" Yejoon yelled. A second later I heard it myself. I then heard people walking. I didn't know if I should scream for help or not. But I did.

"Help!" I screamed. A second later someone walked through the door. Cops. Nope. BTS. Nope. Just six men walking in. One looked slightly familiar. It then hit me it was a detective who worked for my dad.

"So who are we supposed to kill?" One said. I'm guessing the leader.

"They should be here any minute. Just go hang out in the back until we call for you." Hajoon said showing them the back. A minute later he can back with the same cloth this time putting in over my mouth.

"I'm so sorry for this at the moment. Just deal with it until everything is done." He said. I watched him walk away. A few minutes passed and I heard another car pulling up. I tried screaming for help once again but failed because of the cloth.

"Let the fun begin." Yejoon said. I watched him give a sinister smile. His smile sent chills down my back. I was so focused on Yejoon I didn't even realize someone walking through the door.

"Leigh Anna!" I looked up to see everyone. I could feel tears toll down my face as I knew what was going on. Those men in the back are here to kill BTS. I started trying sliding the chains off my wrist.

"So it was you two all along." Taehyung said.

"I knew something was off about you." Jimin said to Yejoon.

"And you! You were there by Leigh Anna's side in the hospital. Yet you were the one who put her there!" Jhope yelled at Hajoon.

I looked over at Jungkook. He started mouthing something to me. I could slightly read it. I tried think about it until I felt my chain being pulled.

"Here is how it's going to go. You seven will die here right now. Eunji and Leigh Anna are coming with us. I've got four plane tickets to London that leaves tomorrow morning so..lets just get this done and over with." Yejoon said.

"Try it." Taehyung said pulling out a gun. A gun! Why does Taehyung have a gun? How did he even get a gun? I keep trying with my hands. Even though it was hurting as hell, if I get them out I can help.

"Boys!" Hajoon yelled. All six of them came out with bats. I watched as Taehyung lowered his gun. He looked pretty scared. One started charging towards Taehyung. Then everyone was fighting with everyone. I looked over at Yejoon grabbing Eunji caring her. I started yelling at him, but it was no use. Then I felt Hajoon grab me. I started screaming and kicking as he threw me over his shoulder. I looked up at Taehyung who was still fighting with another guy. I tried one last time calling out for help. This time he heard me and looked up at me. He looked scared and sad. He keep eye contact with me until a guy punch him. I screamed at the guy to stop.

"Okay. Are you driving?" Yejoon calmly asked. I watched as Yejoon placed Eunji in the back of a black SUV. I started messing with the chain behind my back again. If I just try a little harder. Finally! I held onto the chain until Hajoon sat me down. This is my only shot! I thought

I kicked him in the face with my high heel. He flew back in pain. I grabbed the chain hitting him in the back. He fell down screaming in pain. I grabbed his left arm and tied it around a pole next to the car.

"Yejoon! The bitch has gone crazy!" Hajoon cursed holding his face. A second later Yejoon ran over to our side. He looked over at Hajoon then looked at me in disbelief. I can take on Yejoon. I thought. I slipped out my heels and started charging at him. I hit him once but t he quickly hit me back almost knocking me off my balance. I walked backwards waiting for him to come at me but instead he pulled out a knife.

"You can either get in the car, or I stab you. Your choice." Yejoon said. I grabbed my heel thinking of it as my only weapon. I charged at him again kicking him in the side. That did nothing but just make him flinch. I felt him cut my arm with the knife. That made me cry a little. But I quickly hit him down below making him hold his crotch. He tried stabbing me once again with the knife but instead I hit him with my heel. I didn't even realize where I hit him until I saw the blood roll down his face. I just stabbed Yejoon with my heel in his eye! I screamed in my head. I was in complete shock. I've never done anything like that before. I decided to not waist time and grabbed the chain around Eunji and tied up Yejoon. I looked around in the car to find a cellphone. I quickly called my father. I ran passed Yejoon grabbing the knife he dropped.

"Dad! Track this number! BTS is in trouble and the killer is caught!" Was all I could say before hanging up. I ran back inside the building to see everyone still fighting. I watched Jin struggle with a big guy. I ran and jumped on his back stabbing him in the shoulder. He started screaming and jerked me off his back. I fell on to the ground just to jump back up.

"Leigh Anna?" Jin asked. I didn't pay attention to him as the one guy went down. I looked over at Namjoon who was hitting a guy over and over again. Jin ran over to him helping him out. Both Suga and Jhope were fighting two guys and Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin were fighting the other three. Both Taehyung and Jungkook looked exhausted. I heard a thump to see Jhope down. I ran over to them helping them.

The two guys didn't seem to big but had the advantage of a metal bats. One started charging at me until I crawled underneath him kicking him from behind. He started falling forward until Suga punched him in the face. He started falling backwards on me until Jhope dragged me to the side. We all three watched the guy fall down. He was passed out, but for how long I don't know. I handed Suga my knife and grabbed his bat.

"What can a little girl like yourself do?" One guy said. Did he just not see me take down his friend? I even have two tied up outside. Like I can take you down no problem.

I started charging at him but instead he hit me first knocking me straight to the ground. His bat hit me right in the shoulder. I started crying in pain until I watched him go down.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked me. He held out his hand to help me up. I grabbed his hand pulling myself up.

"I'm fine." I said rubbing my left shoulder. So far three down three to go.

"Jimin!" Jungkook screamed. A guy grabbed Jimin from behind. Both me and Jungkook started running to his side until another guy step in front of us.

"Leigh Anna go on and help Jimin. We can take him on." Suga said behind me. I turned around to see Jungkook, Suga, Jhope, Jin, and Namjoon standing behind me. I ran passed the guy to Jimin's side. I hit the guy twice in his leg. He dropped Jimin and held his leg in pain. This was my shot. I hit him twice in the back knocking him out. A second later I heard another thumped. Jungkook and Suga both had their foot on the guy they took down. I smiled in happiness. Now only one left. Taehyung was taking on the cop who worked for my dad.

"The cops are coming." I said. He put down his bat and started running. I was going to let him go but Jhope and Namjoon took him down.  I was about to run over to Taehyung when someone grabbed my hair pulling me to their chest. Everyone started coming to us until I heard a click of a gun.

"Yejoon put the gun down." Taehyung said taking in deep breaths. Yejoon's gripped on me got tighter and I saw him point the gun at Taehyung. I was about to pull his hand when I heard a gun shot go off. Then Yejoon's grip on me got lose. I jerked the gun from his hand. I turned around to see a gunshot through his right shoulder. Once he fell to the ground I saw who shot the gun.

It was Eunji. She dropped the gun in disbelief of what she just did. I ran to her hugging her tight as she cried on my shoulder. A few minutes later we could hear cops pulling up. Then we could hear them outside the door. I heard my name be called by my father. A cop took Eunji to a abundance to get checked up. I ran up to my dad hugging him.

"It's finally over." I said to him holding him tight.

"It really is." My dad didn't let go of me until he saw Yejoon being dragged to the cop car. He ran up to him trying to hit him. But instead another cop pulled him back.

"What you did back there was awesome." Taehyung said hugging me from behind. I couldn't help but smile from his presence.

"You really think so. I could maybe become you guy's bodyguard." I joked around.

"No more fighting. Let's just rest." He said turning me around. I couldn't pull away from his beautiful dark eyes. He didn't look away from mine until we heard Hajoon.

"Those shit heads will get what they deserve! That bitch too!" Hajoon spit. I kept looking at him being pulled into the cop car until Taehyung grabbed my chin pulling me up to him. He kissed me. His kiss was so soft and passionate I felt like flying.

"Aw!" Everyone said. I pulled away looking at all the guys. Jhope started singing a silly song until Suga hit him in the side. Jhope fell to the ground holding his side yelling at Suga. Both me and Taehyung started laughing at them.

"Are you guys ready to go home!" My dad said waving at us. He held onto Eunji's shoulder as he placed her in the back of his car.

Home. What a beautiful word.


So tomorrow I'm going to update another chapter. That one or one more will be the last one. Hopefully this chapter was okay!


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