Chapter 24: Luster Day

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Luster Day . . .

Sans and Papyrus' House, Downstairs.

"Before I get into the heat of Frisk's oven, I needed to talk to you about the coolness of the fridge," Sans said to Papyrus as he moved downstairs.

"Ugh." Papyrus looked toward Sans. "I am going to hate today."

"I'm gonna likey," Sans said, "but, seriously, before she comes down? Um. She invited me to do something."

"What?" Papyrus whined. "The day hasn't even begun, and the answer is no!"

"Huh? Oh." Sans chuckled. "I'd miss that. Uh, no, Papyrus, she invited me to go to college with her."


"If it's all fine. You know, there's no problem, then she'll stay for a bit and then go back to college. She asked if I wanted to come," Sans said seriously. "I kind of want too."

"Move? Away?" Papyrus asked.

"Yeah. Plus, you know, I could breeze through those college classes. Probably find someone who loves me for my over advanced skill and have them take advantage of it by hiring me at minimum wage," Sans joked. "Gots more than enough to get established out there with Frisk."

"But, you're a monster."

"Yeah, but a married monster."

"But. Well, you've never lived anywhere else but the mountain, Brother," Papyrus reminded him. "No one has."

"Yeah," Sans agreed. "I haven't. Never left here, but . . . everyone's gotta move on." He looked toward Papyrus. "I want to stay with Frisk."

"Last night was just an ACT," Papyrus warned him. "What if that conversation was simply a part of it too?"

Sans shook his head. "It's not, and I'm not gonna lose Frisk just 'cause I'm scared to go outside the mountain and really live out there. I won't leave my wife hangin' like that. Now, can you show me how this whole contract thing works?

"Uh. Yes. Uh. I don't want you to leave. Do you want to leave?" Papyrus asked. "To live among the humans, is that what you want?"

Frisk had planned on getting a head start waking up again, but she heard Sans from downstairs instead.

"Not really. Humans will look at me strange, laugh at me, get in a fight with me, or run away in terror. I gotta imagine it's not going to be the easiest lifestyle when their law enforcement keeps getting called over and over again. But. I love Frisk. No matter what I have to do to keep her, I'm going to do it."

Loves me. He didn't want to leave with her. She thought maybe he'd want to. Maybe she could make her dreams come true, and still have her Sans in the strange twisty turny friendship-girlfriend-kind of thing they had.

But. How did humans respond to monsters? Would they get any better? Was she putting Sans in danger by having him tag along with her? Or, should she put her own dreams aside for him. For his happiness. I want him to be happy.

"I am worried," Papyrus said. "I am worried in so many ways with that! I mean, you're a monster and people won't be nice. You won't make any friends, and you always needs friends. And Frisk? She is a human married to a monster, so I'm sure humans will lash out at her too. Unless she plans on hiding it? Are you going more as friends?"

"Uh? No. No way, right?" Sans sounded nervous. "Nah, she wouldn't invite me just 'cause . . ." He was shaking his head. "Not just as a friend, she wouldn't invite me like just as a friend, right? Papyrus?"

I don't know why I invited him as. I got stuck in the asking, he's the one that progressed it. She wanted him to come with her if he wanted to explore the world. At least, that was the excuse in her head.

"Sans? Perhaps she thought of it because there was a terrible thing that happened a couple of days ago?" Papyrus reminded him. "Multiple husbands? Pretty sure that kidnapping was not going to matter whether there was a contract or not."

" . . . shit." Sans whole skeleton seemed to sink. "You're right. She knows she can't be out there alone as long as some weird monsters are trying to snatch her like that. Of course. Dumb, I'm so dumb." He shook his head. "Fine, I don't care. Even if it is just friendship, I'll still go. Eventually, maybe, we can get something more. I mean I know she liked kissing yesterday."

"How do you know it wasn't ACTing?"

"It just wasn't."

"But you said the human had done so much more than you, Sans," Papyrus reminded him. "How do you know?"

"That'd be damn good ACTing skills."

"She is the pacifist child. Her ACTing skills are highly incredible."

Stop, Papyrus. It was ACTing, but it wasn't ACTing. She couldn't let Sans think that. Sans is ready to give up his life Underground for me, just for me, not even knowing my true feelings. And that day was Lusting Day which was going to make it even harder to convey the truth. I am a really good actor. So is he. The only way of really being able to tell whether I'm acting on Lusting Day is if I . . . Her cheeks felt hot and a picture of Gloria winking popped up in her mind.

She went back to the room and closed the door. Just a couple of days ago she was starting to get a small crush on Sans. Yesterday, they were making out like crazy whenever they had an excuse. It was short, had to be short to fit 'Loving', but they still did plenty of it.

She moved to the package she hadn't opened yet. Frisk really hoped it fit, Alphys guaranteed it would, and she couldn't risk Sans seeing the dress. She wanted to see his reaction. She craved to know it. Did I just become some sexually obsessed woman? When did that happen?

She had to talk to Gloria. She just had to.

"Oh? Good morning."

"Alphys, thank goodness." Frisk opened her door and looked downstairs.

"You need to help Frisk get ready?" Sans asked her.

"Yeah. A few touchups she'll need," Alphys said.

"I'm just saying if you made the chunks bigger, you could throw more ice and more work could get done!" Undyne's voice came from outside until she peered in through the doorway. "Oh. Sorry. Damn neighbors, Sans. I remember when things used to make more sense around here. Alright, let's do this." Undyne rubbed her hand into her other one in a grinding motion.

"Well, at this rate, I better go change in your room, Papyrus," Sans said. "Probably be fine."

"But, they are all my clothes," Papyrus said.

"Yeah, but Cool Dude should work."

"No way, you're not going to be rubbing on Frisk in that! Not that you should be rubbing in the first place. Just stick with acting," Papyrus insisted. "Undyne, Alphys, go get the clothes he wanted while you help Frisk."

Frisk took off back to her room area as Undyne and Alphys came toward her. "Those."

" . . . those are Lusting?"

"It's troublesome finding things in the Underground I guess for a skeleton?" Frisk chuckled.

"Yeah, I thought so." Undyne brought out a special box. "I'll work with Sans. Alphys will work with you."

"Wait, before we start?" Frisk asked. "Have either of you heard from Gloria yet?"

"Uh huh," Alphys said. "They are having an extended stay in a hotel room. She won't say which one because she doesn't want anyone coming after her or her husband. But, I have the number?" Alphys pulled out her phone. "You want to call?"

"Yes, please," Frisk said. "Desperately?" Alphys dialed the number and gave it to Frisk. It rang a couple times. Frisk rehit the number and let it ring again.


Frisk knew that sound in her voice. "Enjoying your new husband?"

"You wouldn't believe how a flower pollinates Frisk. I don't think I'm going to be able to look at flora in an innocent way again. The twists and the turns and . . . oh sorry. Anyhow, how are you? I heard you had a lot of trouble out there but Undyne and your husband saved you?"

"Yeah, um?" She looked toward Alphys. It wouldn't be right to ask her to leave, but she didn't. Well, she wouldn't tell, right? "Hang on." She looked at Alphys. "I'm going to be talking about something and I don't really want the guys to know?"

Alphys nodded. "Of course, Frisk."

"And. It might be a little . . . humaney with extra long sentences?" Frisk added.

Alphys smiled. "However, Frisk."

Frisk took a deep breath and plunged into the conversation on the phone. "Okay, so like me and Sans are really good friends, and we've been really good friends even though we were married but like after he saved me I really started to notice that I wasn't quite looking at him in the same way, and I don't know exactly how long I'd been looking at him that way, but I knew for sure I was looking at him that way last night. Then yesterday we had our Loving Day and it was fun, but we made out and it was supposed to be ACTing but it wasn't really ACTing, and I kind of accidentally maybe invited him to my college and I just overheard him downstairs how he really didn't want to go, but he wanted to go for me, and Papyrus made him all unsure about the ACTing yesterday so now he's all questioning everything and I don't want to leave him questioning and-"

"Friiiiisk!" Gloria yelled at her. "Gee, settle down. Wow. Okay, you like your husband. He likes you. You're going to get things figured out and he's going to college with you. What is the problem?"

"He doesn't know if I invited him as a friend or as more," Frisk said, "and, well, uh. Cause of the ACTing all the time. I just. And today's Lusting Day and."

"Be with him."

Frisk looked over toward Alphys who had spoken. She covered up the phone. "What do you mean?"

"Be with him," Alphys smiled and gave her a brief hug. "That's what Evolution marriage is, to figure out feelings. You know your feelings. Be with him."

"I should tell him I love him and I'll stay for him?" Frisk asked, not quite knowing what Alphys was referring to.

Alphys blinked. "Yes, that too I suppose?"

That too? But that wasn't it? Gloria was getting restless on the phone so Frisk uncovered it. "Sorry. Um. Anyhow. Um."

"I heard it. Alphys is right, Frisk. Be with him. Now I gotta go, my Honeysuckle should be waking up soon. Good luck, Frisk." Gloria hung up on her.

"What's wrong?" Alphys asked her.

Frisk shook her head. "I can't . . . nah, I mean I just started realizing and yesterday we were kissing." Frisk bit her lip. "And I. I don't . . . when I was married to him, I easily handled residue cleaning by saying it was nothing. That I'd done so much more. If I just married him, and we were just kissing, then I'm moving too fast for a monster if I. I don't want him to think that I've-"

"Oh, the speed?" Alphys took one of her hands. "Relationships with monsters is a thing, Frisk. We don't get actively involved with lots of monsters. We tend to be rather selective. So, you saying that probably didn't trigger Sans in a happy mood," she said knowingly. "But, you're his wife, and it sounds like you know your feelings, and his feelings." She smiled. "Monsters make enemies to friends in a day. What you think is fast is just the progress your heart is moving."

Undyne came into the room. "Alright. Got him. Was not easy." Undyne looked at Frisk. "Not even dressed yet?"

"Can I tell her?" Alphys asked. Frisk nodded. "Frisk wants to have sex with Sans tonight."

Frisk covered her face.

"Banging," Undyne said, "sure he'll enjoy the night then."

"But she's afraid it's too fast. She just realized her own feelings a couple of days ago," Alphys said to Undyne. "She doesn't want Sans to think badly of her if she attempted to move that fast."

"No, that's it. I mean," Frisk blurted, "it's just that, I don't want him to think it's an ACT, that my feelings are all an ACT because he thinks they are and he thinks I invited him to come with me because of our friendship, and I kinda half did, but I don't-"

"Whoah." Undyne held up her hands in a block. "If your words were spears, they would be crooked and all over the place, Frisk." She sighed. "What do you want? Sex, or just to let him know it's not an ACT? Because a third party is all that's needed to say, hey, it's not an ACT. That's the way it works."

"So, I wouldn't necessarily get to-have to-" Her mouth slipped. "My goodness, what's happening to me?"

"You are craving your husband's touch." Undyne pulled Alphys closer to her. "It's not an untested date. It's not someone you barely know. You love Sans and you want to be with him."

"There's no shame in that, nor is there a deadline," Alphys added. "Just, watch him tonight. Don't force yourself into anything, just enjoy your time and see what happens."

"And with that, I'm out," Undyne said. "I got duty. Alphys will finish you up. I can't stay here much longer. If I hear one more That's What She Said from Sans, I'm hanging your husband on the wall with my spears."

Alphys looked back at Frisk. "Okay. Let's get out your dress."

Sans waited downstairs. He figured a tux wouldn't go today. He had no idea why this even fit the day. "Is this really a Lusting look, Papyrus?"

"I don't know, San. I'm your Brother," Papyrus said. "You look kind of funny to me, but Undyne probably knows what she's doing."

"Sure, a fish dressed a skeleton. This is going to end fantastically."

Wow. Frisk looked downstairs. Sans was wearing a gold chain with a small heart at the bottom of it. He was wearing a dark red vest unbuttoned with a bright red button-up shirt. He wore pants that matched the vest with a pocket chain hanging out of it. He was even wearing a pair of dark red slippers.

Frisk felt herself getting giddy. She didn't know whether she wanted to run back to her room or just secretly stand there and stare at him. Undyne must have remembered how much humans got attached to their colors. Red. She had no idea he looked so good in red.

No, get it together. She adjusted her outfit one final time, tried to put the night out of her mind like Alphys said, and just have a nice time playing around. Whether it lead to just a fun time or other things. Wherever the night took them.

As Frisk came downstairs, Sans spied a lot more of her than yesterday. She was wearing a gold skull necklace like he wore a gold heart, but the rest was a dress. A small dress. Red, bright red like his shirt that hugged her every move as she descended the stairs. The top of her dress hugged her front curves, curving itself outward like the inside of a heart. She was wearing red high heels, somehow pulling her figure more upward. The sleeves didn't even look like sleeves, it looked like the inside of the heart continuing down the side of her, leaving the tops of her arms exposed. Basically, take a naked human and draw a heart on them starting from the inside outward. She was definitely wearing a cherry red lipstick and something else to make her skin radiant too but he had no idea and he didn't really care, just that- "Fuck."

"Sans!" His brother scolded him. Papyrus looked toward Frisk's dress. "You might consider adding a light sweater over that?"

Sans grabbed the much better gift Undyne brought, a little gold broach. He pinned it toward the top on her. "When do I get to fill up your heart tonight?"

"Ugh, and it starts," Papyrus complained. "Be home by eight. I'll have something delicious for us all to eat."

"If we're not ready for beddy," Frisk flirted, "so we can make our own spaghetti."

Sans chuckled. "I don't know, I was thinking about something to do with your oven instead."

"I don't know, the oven's pretty hot already."

"I can handle the heat real well."

"I bet you can, Hot Lips," Frisk teased him.

"Oh yeah? What kind of lips you got, Babe?"

"Why don't you find out?" Frisk challenged him.

Sans easily took that challenge, until he heard his brother's scolding voice behind him.

"That is not ACTing!"

Sans grabbed Frisk's arms. "We'll pucker up soon, Buttercup, once we get out on our date."

"Are we walking or are we riding?" Frisk asked.

"That's what she said."

"It is what I said," Frisk said pulling him closer. "You got a problem with what I said?"

"Yeah. Your mouth keeps getting you into trouble. Gonna have to preoccupy it." Sans didn't care as he heard Papyrus complain again. At this point, he was just going to have to get used to it. Heh. Even if they ended up with just friendship, at least these ACTing days would always be there. At least, until the lessons ended.

"I wouldn't normally do this," Sans said as he knocked on the door of G and M 1. "But I am for two reasons. One, you seem okay up to Grillby's last time and we are just gonna go in and eat. You cool with that?" Frisk nodded. "For two, this place caters to the richest people looking to have the best dining experience. So hearing us in there will just be like frosting on a meatloaf."

Frisk tried not to laugh too hard. They were escorted in and seated.

There was about eight monsters all eating quietly at first.

"Good evening. How would you like to start?"

"From the top," Frisk said.

"Nibbling downward," Sans added. "I don't need a menu, I see what I want already."

"I'll take a menu. So much out there can be done, it's better to be explorative."

The waiter seemed confused. He handed Frisk the menu. "Here you are? Just call for me when you are ready, I am your personal waiter."

"Will you wait on me hand and foot?" Frisk asked.

"Yes," the waiter said.

"Nyeh, hey? That's my wife, so what are you doing with her hand and foot?" Sans warned him.

"Um?" Clueless. "I'll be a short distance away."

"You scared off the waiter," Frisk complained.

"I'm the only one who messes with hands, foots, or anything else of yours."

Frisk was about to smile, but his expression seemed serious. Then, like he just figured out he went overboard, he smiled. "Just kidding? I am getting myself a classic warm and fresh Grillby burger."

Still, Frisk was reminded of the announcement night, when no one even saw a shred of her dress. "Gloria's back."

"Knew that one," Sans said. "Figured you'd find out soon. You are explorative." Sans sat up in his chair a bit. "The monsters who attacked you were the Kudera's. Frank came back today. Got a feeling things are about to change. Hopefully for the better."

The day moved along nicely. A light little snack here and there with beverages. It looked like Sans planned on spending the whole day there, and that was fine for her. They joked and laughed, ACTed but had a fun time doing so too. The day just seemed to pass by in his company, like it did every day. Any day with him was one worth having, even if it went quicker. But then, something started to interrupt their fun time.

When Sans spoke to her he wasn't ACTing as much, and he didn't seem as happy as he kept looking behind her. Oh. Someone's staring at me. Well, it was Lusting Day, what did he expect? Her outfit was bound to attract more than a little attention. Not wanting him to worry about it, she moved her chair from across him, to right beside him.

Yeah, that made him cheerier. She could see that twinkle in his eye socket. "Is my human getting cold in that slinky thing?"

"I've been warmer," Frisk admitted. That part wasn't fake, she was still in the heart of Snowdin and she didn't have a huge amount of power. More than she did, but she still felt the cold.

"Then let Ol' Sansy warm you up." Sans brought the chair even closer by wrapping his arm around her. Not wanting to be outdone, she leaned herself against him. The skull and heart chains clinked together as they both looked

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