Chapter 4 Cathedral

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Crystal POV

I had the small teenage boy with me while we move throughout the graveyard. I walk in back of Leon and the woman named Helena. I then saw a bloodshot.

I then feel the boy who I found out his name was James tight his body to my waist.

Leon then kicks it. It drops to the floor and that when Leon kick his head killing him fast. I then start to walk again with James not letting go.

We walk throughout the graveyard killing bloodshot and finally we got to an old shack.

"Tell me love who's the boy" Leon said out of nowhere.

"Will he's the boy I told you that I meet with his Dad but the Dad die and he told me to take care of him. So that what am doing. I'm going to take him to a safe place so someone can take care of him" I said.

"Oh. What your name young boy and how old are you" Leon asked James.

"James and am 10 years old" he said but didn't let go of my waist.

Leon smile and then start to play James hair.

We went inside the shack and then I found some ammo on the table. Leon and Helena then open another door and there came a zombie dog with a key on his neck.

Leon tries to shoot it down but it got away.

"Stay here and wait until we get the key" Leon said. I was about to protests but the thought about James and I didn't want him to get hurt so I didn't and waited in the shack with my gun just in case something comes.

Time pass and I was getting worried so I decided to go out the shack and see what was take them so long. When I went out the shack a bloodshot attack me. I was quick and kick it away from me.

"Aaah!" James screams and hug me tight. I raise my gun and shot it in the head killing him.

"There, there, I already kill it so don't worry" I said trying to stop him from crying. I was kneeling down while hugging him like I did to Jake and Emma.

How much I miss hugging my two angels. I then see Leon and Helena come back.

"What's wrong with him" Helena asked.

"Bloodshot" was my reply.

"A what" Leon and Helena said at the same time.

"That what those creatures are call bloodshot. It attacks me and scares James" I said and brought James more close to my body. I then brought him up and carry him.

"Crystal are you sure you will be okay carrying him" Leon asked. I just nod not finding him heavy.

We then went to the locked door to the cathedral. When we open the gate Leon was attack by a bloodshot getting separate from us.

"Leon are you alright" Helena asked before I could.

"Well nothing broke anyway good thing too. I kinda doubt you'd be doubling back for me" Leon said making me smile knowing that he hasn't changed a bit.

"You never know. Meet me at the cathedral" Helena said.

"Leon takes care" I said.

"You to" he replied.

I and Helena then start to walk to the Cathedral. We kill some bloodshots on our way there. I change James from carrying him with bride style to carrying him biggie pack ride.

We then meet up with Leon on the gate to the Cathedral. We got in and then see the Cathedral just in front of us.

Helena then starts to knock on the door.

"Hello. I know someone's in there. Open up" she said. Then someone answers from the other side.

"Are you crazy. Those things will kill us" it said.

"Look itś just us. Hurry up and let us in" Leon said. I then saw bloodshots jumping the fence coming to us.

"Bullshit I will. I can hear them out there" the man said.

"Ok, Ok. We'll get rid of them first" Helena said.

"Crystal stays with James close to the cathedral door" Leon said who I just nod at. I then start to fire at the bloodshots that got close to me.

We then hear a bell ring and it brought more bloodshots.

"Damn it they are too much my ammo will not last long" I told myself. James was on my back holding tight and crying. He starts crying since we start to shoot the bloodshots.

"I'll give you guys a hand. Let's waste these things" I hear someone and then someone starts to shoot from one of the cathedral windows.

James was scare I could feel it from all the crying he has been doing.

"Damn it just open the damn door please we have a young kid with us!" I yell.

"Paul. Open the door-Now!" I hear from the other side.

"I'm putting a lot on the line trusting you. I hope this info of yours is worth it" Leon said to Helena.

"It is. I'll stake my life on it" she said. Then the door was open and we got inside.

Leon and Helena close the door before anything could come inside. I got James off my back and hug him so he could stop his crying.

I then see a lot of people coming our way.

"Are you..." a man said bit stop and look at us.

"Sorry guys. We're not rescue workers" Leon said making all the people inside look sad.

"There's a secret door by the alter that leads underground but we need to find a way to open it" Helena said.

"You wanna tell me what's down there" Leon asked.

"It's better if I show you"

"Will while you two find a way to open that I be talking with my co-worker and find a way to calm down James" I said and start to walk away with James on my side walking with me.

I went to a bench and told James to rest there I made a call. I saw that Leon and Helena left throughout a door to I don' t know were. I went to a far corner where there were no people close to listen.

I then call Blade. At the second ring he answers.

"What's up bae" he asked.

"I need information and I'm not your bae" I said angrily.

"Wow sorry will what could I help with" he said.

"I want information about Simmons and were in the world I am" I said.

"Ok well I could see that you are in the Cathedral of the Tall Okias and if you need information about Simmons we have some" he said.

"Will tell me Blade every moment you keep talking is a moment that my children are with that monster" I said angry and I could hit him in the face if I could.

"Okay, Okay will I found out that he's going to take a plane to China and he's going to spreading some kind of virus there" he said.

"Thanks Blade. Tell me a way to get out of here to somewhere that I could get a helicopter and go to China" I asked.

"Okay wait" he said and I waited for some minutes and then he starts to answer.

"Good new Crystal that Cathedral had a secret pathway that leads to a laboratory that Simmons use you could go through it and get out of there as well and find some information about him and your children" he said.

"Thank you I keep I contact when I can" I said and hang up.

I sigh then went to go and check on James who was still sitting down resting. I smile but then my smile was replaced by a sad smile remembering my kids. I look up when I hear the statue on the front of the cathedral opening.

Everyone stood up and look at it. I was getting a bad feeling so I got James hand and brought him close to me. I then hear like scream and saw a Lepotitsa

The man that was in front of it raises his gun.

"No!" I yell but it was too late he shot it and then the gas of the Lepotitsa got him. That gas turns everyone that breathes it.

"Damn it" I said and got James and start to go up the ladder so it will not get me nor him. I had to kill that thing before it kills us all.

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