Chapter 14

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"That was just a summary. I recommend you all read the novel thoroughly and analyze it from different perspectives for a better understanding. Okay, that's it for today. We'll discuss the novel in more detail in our next class," Professor Anuj said before leaving the room.

As soon as the professor left, Adwita turned her head towards Aarav, who was sitting beside her. "So, what happened? You didn't reply to my good morning and you've been so quiet," Adwita asked, noticing his gloomy demeanor.

"Aarav, is something wrong?" she asked again, but Aarav remained silent.

Noticing the tension, she glanced at Dev sitting behind, her expression mirroring concern. He shrugged helplessly, indicating he was unsure what had happened..

"Aarav..." Adwita persisted gently.

"Do you want me to leave the class?" Aarav interrupted, his tone strained as he shifted in his seat.

"What? No..." Adwita started, taken aback.

"Then please be quiet," Aarav replied tersely, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"But... um, okay," she replied, wanting to say more but deciding against it.

Adwita fell silent, unsure how to proceed. She glanced at Aarav from time to time during the next class, noting his withdrawn state. It was clear something troubled him deeply, but she hesitated to press further, mindful of their budding friendship.

As the class concluded and students began to disperse, Dev stood up and approached Aarav. "Bhai, you're not yourself today. What's going on? We can tell something's up," he said quietly, his concern evident.

"It's nothing, so don't worry," Aarav answered.

"But Aarav, you're so quiet today," Arjun chimed in, joining them.

Aarav's jaw tightened, his frustration seeping through his stoic demeanor. "Whether I'm quiet or not shouldn't concern you. Just leave it," he snapped, his tone sharper than intended.

Adwita winced, feeling the tension rise. She stepped in, her voice gentle but firm. "Aarav, that's not fair to your friends."

"Who said he's my friend?" Aarav shot back, his words stinging.

"Am I not your friend?" Arjun asked, sadness and urgency in his voice.

"Are you? A friend listens to each other, but you know very well what you did," Aarav replied.

"What did I do wrong? Huh?" Arjun paused, looking directly at Aarav. "You want those who left you to come back and those who are here to leave. I just don't understand you, Aarav."  He took a deep breath, his eyes searching Aarav's face.

"Just because I didn't leave like you wanted, you're saying this? How could I leave when you needed your friend the most? How could I leave your side Man ?"  He continues his voice wavering, filled with emotion.

"If my decision to stay makes you think I'm not your friend, then I can't do anything about it. But for me, you're my best friend and always will be. I never regret the decision I made."  Sadness and disappointment were clear in his eyes as he looked at Aarav, who had his head down. Arjun shook his head and left after glancing at Aarav one last time.

Aarav remained silent for a moment, his head down. "This is hard for me, Arjun," he murmured sadly. "I feel like I burden everyone, and I can't give back as much as I take.

"Are you okay, Aarav bhai?" Dev asked.

"I'm okay. Go to him, Dev. He needs someone," Aarav said, and Dev hurried after Arjun.

Adwita was confused about the whole thing, not understanding what had transpired between them. However, she could see that both were struggling, though their actions were not clear to each other.

"I don't think someone sends a friend to check on another if they don't care," she said gently to Aarav. "I may not know exactly what happened between you two, but it's clear you both mean a lot to each other."

Arjun stormed out of the classroom, his frustration and anger palpable with each swift step. Suddenly, Ruhi came sprinting towards him. His expression softened as surprise flickered across his face. Before he could utter a word, Ruhi grabbed his hand, pulling him along in her haste and He followed her without hesitation, a smile playing on his lips as he watched her lead the way . They slipped into an empty classroom, crouching below the window for cover.

"I never expected her to sprint like a cheetah after soaking me," a voice echoed down the corridor.

What's going on?" Arjun asked aloud.

"Shh... keep it down, they might find us," Ruhi whispered, pressing a finger to his lips. Arjun gulped, his gaze fixed on her, as she peeked cautiously through the window. He watched her with a smile akin to that of an enchanted puppy.

"Phew, they're gone," she whispered, peering out one last time. She noticed her finger on his lips and withdrew it hastily.

"So, what was all that about?" Arjun inquired.

"Some guy was harassing a classmate, so I taught him a lesson with my water bottle. Then the jerk brought his friends to brawl. Unfair," she fumed, her expression darkening. Meanwhile, Arjun observed her with amusement.

"What? Why are you smiling?" she asked, irritated.

"You're brave. It's the first time I've seen this side of you," he remarked, gently ruffling her hair.

"Hey, don't mess with my hair," she protested, removing his hand.

"But instead of making me run, you should've let me handle them. They wouldn't bother you again," he lamented, disappointment evident.

"Haha, that's exactly why I dragged you along. If I didn't, you'd have jumped in and ended up with your handsome face all bloodied, like I've seen countless times during undergrad," she teased, offering him a mocking smile.

"Aww, you worry about me. And did you just call me handsome? Come on, Ruhi, you're pretty amazing yourself. How about we go on a date?" he grinned, momentarily forgetting the earlier tension.

Oh, shut up. You never stop joking, do you?" she sighed, shaking her head as she stood up. He looked at her fondly, a hint of sadness lurking in his eyes.

"Let's go," she said, offering him a hand to help him up. He took it, rising to his feet and  stand beside her.

"I think I'll skip classes today and report those guys to the office tomorrow. You should go to your class. Bye," Ruhi declared, starting to walk away. But Arjun halted her by grabbing her backpack from behind.

"What's up?" she asked, turning around.

"Let's skip together. I'm not feeling up to it today," he replied casually.

"Really? Why not?" she inquired.

"Just not in the mood for lectures today," he shrugged again.

"You're always like this. At least you're showing up at college now," she teased.

"Oh, stop teasing," he pouted.

"Fine, fine, let's go. But don't you need to grab your stuff first?" she reminded him.

"Nah, I'll get Dev to handle it," he dismissed, and they walked off together.

"Where should we go?" he asked.

"Shopping?" she suggested.

"Shopping? Seriously? Is that all you girls think about?" he teased.

"Shut up! If you're so smart, then you decide," she retorted.

"Alright then, I'll make our day off worthwhile. Let's go," he said with a smirk, then dashed towards the parking area to fetch his bike.

"Where are we heading? And stop running like that, you goof," she called out, hurrying to catch up.

"You'll find out soon enough. And it seems you can run pretty fast, my dear cheetah," he teased playfully.

"What did you just call me?" she exclaimed, drawing the attention of nearby students.

"It looks like they're dating," someone whispered.

"They seem perfect together," another commented.

"I wish I had someone like that," muttered another student.

As whispers spread around them, Ruhi shook her head in embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Dev continued searching for Arjun. "Where did he disappear to now?" he muttered, growing increasingly exasperated.


"How long are you going to be like this?" Adwita asked the guy beside her, who had his head down, sinking in guilt for behaving rudely to his friend.

"Aah, God, Aarav," she called his name, frustrated, as she slapped his head hard enough to knock off his cap.

"Ouch! What the f—" he stopped mid-sentence, wincing in pain.

"Woah, were you going to say the f-word seriously?" she asked, feigning shock.

"Stop it! Why did you slap my head?" he said,  clearly annoyed, rubbing the spot where she hit him.

"You were all silent, keeping your head down the whole time. I was just checking if you're alive," she teased, a playful smirk on her lips.

"You..." Aarav began to retort but abruptly stood up from his seat.

"Where are you going?" Adwita asked, curious.

"My cap," he replied, reaching out carefully to find it.

"Oh yeah, it fell. Sorry, I'll get it." She got up to pick up the cap, which had fallen in front of their seat.

She stood with the cap in front of him, who was still standing, and This was the first time she noticed the height difference between them, realizing she was just tall enough to reach his shoulder.

"Sit down," she asked gently.

"Huhh." He grunted, unsure.

"Just do it, baba," she insisted, giving him a little push, and he sat down again.

She removed his hoodie cap with a gentle touch.

"What are you doing..." he started, stopping her by holding her hand mid-motion. His touch was warm, and for a moment, their hands lingered.

"I am putting your cap on for you," she explained casually, trying to ignore the sudden flutter in her chest. "God, What was that?" she thought.

"It's fine, I can do that," he refused, his voice softening.

"Be quiet, will you?" she said, finally looking at his face, now not hidden by the cap, though his eyes were still hidden behind the black glasses. "So handsome," she thought, then shook her head and placed the cap over his head, pulling his hoodie cap over it as well.

"There. All set," she said, smiling at him, even though she knew he couldn't see it.

"Let's go," she added, grabbing her backpack.

"Where?" he asked, puzzled.

"To eat something. Maa has packed something good today," she said cheerfully, her voice filled with warmth and excitement.

"I'm not going. You go," Aarav replied quietly.

"Oh, come on. You can apologize to him tomorrow. Stop being a drama queen — sorry, drama king — and let's go," she said, playfully teasing him.

She waited for him to get up, but he remained seated. Rolling her eyes fondly, she took his hand, holding his backpack with her other hand, and gently pulled him out of the classroom. Most of the students had already left, and she had sent Dev to be with his girlfriend, saying she would take care of Aarav. Only a few students remained, some watching them curiously while others were focused on their own activities.

Aarav and Adwita arrived at their usual lunch spot, settling under the shade of the tree. Aarav struggled to catch his breath, his chest heaving with exhaustion. "Are you crazy? We could have just walked here. Why did you make me run like that?" he asked, his voice laced with annoyance and frustration, his brow furrowed in disapproval.

Adwita replied casually, a mischievous glint in her eye, "Because running is fun." Her tone was light and playful, her lips curling upward in a smile.

Aarav's face scrunched up in distaste, his lips pursed. "Not everyone is like you," he retorted, his tone gruff.

Adwita teased, her voice sparkling with amusement, "Yeah, yeah, here, take the water," handing him the bottle. Their hands brushed briefly, sending a spark of electricity through Aarav's body. He felt a sudden jolt, his heart racing with excitement.

Aarav drank the water hastily, Aarav's face tilted slightly, his head cocked to one side, as he listened to Adwita's voice. His expression softened, his lips relaxing.

Adwita continued, "You lack stamina, yet you were refusing to eat. One should never turn down food, especially when it's free." She opened her tiffin and shared her food with him, their hands touching again as they exchanged bites. Aarav felt a flutter in his chest, his senses heightened by her proximity.

As they ate, Adwita said between bites, her voice soft and conspiratorial, "Aaru, I have something to tell you." Aarav's eyes narrowed, his expression disapproving, but his heart skipped a beat at the nickname.

"Don't call me Aaru," he mumbled with his mouth full, trying to sound stern but failing miserably.

Adwita pouted, her lips curling downward in a playful scowl. "I said I have something to tell you too." Her tone was laced with mock hurt, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Aarav urged, his curiosity piqued despite himself, "Just say it then." His voice was low and cautious, but his body leaned in, betraying his interest.

Adwita's expression turned serious, her eyes locked on his face. "Actually, yesterday when we were getting our passes, they asked if we were coming with a batchmate, and..." Her voice trailed off, her cheeks flushing slightly.

Aarav's tone turned serious, his brow furrowed in concern. "Wait, you didn't do anything funny, did you?" he interrupted, his voice low and cautious.

Adwita admitted quickly, her voice barely above a whisper, "Um, sorry, but yes, I wrote your name with mine." Her eyes dropped, her lashes fluttering downward.

Aarav's eyes widened in surprise, his expression disbelieving. "What did you just say?" he asked again, his tone incredulous.

Adwita mumbled softly, her eyes still downcast, "I wrote your name with mine." Her voice was barely audible, but Aarav's heightened senses picked up on it.

"So you just wrote our names together? No worries then, since I don't have a pass, there's no way I can go," he said, visibly relieved, his shoulders sagging downward.

"But I bought a pass for you too," she confessed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Aarav's expression turned incredulous, his eyes widening in surprise. "You're crazy, aren't you? I already told you I'm not coming. Why did you..." he began, his voice laced with frustration.

Here's the rewritten text with corrected grammar, added descriptions, and emphasis on the chemistry between Aarav and Adwita:

Adwita muttered under her breath, her voice barely audible, "You weren't coming, that's why. Otherwise, I would have joined Ruhi instead of making her join with Arjun." She looked up at Aarav, her eyes apologetic, and said softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't have anyone else, so I wrote your name."

Aarav's face remained expressionless, his poker face hiding his true emotions. "What about Ruhi?" he asked gruffly, his tone neutral.

Adwita replied, her voice matter-of-fact, "She's going with Arjun." Her eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief, but Aarav's blind gaze didn't catch it.

Aarav's expression turned stubborn, his jaw setting in a firm line. "I'm sorry, you could go with Dev, but I'm not coming," he insisted, his tone firm but his voice betraying a hint of nervousness.

Adwita's voice took on a persuasive, sugary tone, "I think Dev has someone too, so I can't force him, right?" She batted her eyelashes, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

Aarav's face darkened, his expression disapproving. "But you can force me, huh? Well, let me make it clear, there's no way I'm coming," he said, starting to get up, but Adwita grabbed his hand, pulling him back down. Her touch sent a jolt through his body, his heart racing, but his face remained impassive.

Adwita sat in front of him, looking up at his face, her eyes locked on his. Aarav's breath caught at the sudden closeness, his chest tightening, but his expression didn't change. He felt his face heat up, his skin flushing, but he hid his emotions well.

"Don't be a jerk," she said, still holding his hand, her voice playful but persuasive, her fingers intertwining with his. "I spent 500 bucks on a pass for you. We can't waste it, understand?" Her grip on his hand tightened, her eyes sparkling with determination.

Aarav's voice came out nervously, his tone hesitant, "I can give you your money back, okay?" He tried to pull his hand away, but Adwita held tight, her fingers refusing to let go.

Adwita's expression turned pleading, her eyes fixed on his face, her voice sweet and persuasive. "Ah, Mr. Rich, I don't need money. I want you to join me. Please don't say no. I even shared my lunch with you, and I've been so nice to you. Can't you do this much, at least?" Her voice dripped with sincerity, her eyes shining with hope.

"Were you feeding me just for this? Am I your dog?" Aarav asked nervously, his voice laced with a hint of vulnerability, as he felt Adwita's gaze and the warmth of her hand on his.

Adwita teased, her eyes still locked on his face, "I thought of you as a friend, but if only dogs listen to those who feed them, then be one and join me." Her voice was playful, yet her words held a sincerity that made Aarav's heart skip a beat.

Aarav scoffed, trying to hide his true emotions, "So you really think of me as a dog?" His tone was laced with mock offense, but his voice betrayed a hint of curiosity.

Adwita's expression turned playful, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "Is that offensive? Then just be a cute puppy and listen to your cute owner, my friend." She cupped his face with one hand, her touch sending shivers down his spine, without realizing the intimacy of the gesture.

Aarav's heart raced as he felt her hand on his face, her touch igniting a fire within him. He jerked her hand away suddenly, causing Adwita to fall back onto the grass beside him. "Sorry, I'm leaving," he said gruffly, standing up and walking away, trying to escape the emotions she stirred within him.

Adwita yelled after him, her voice laced with desperation, "I don't want anything, just come with me to the fresher's!" She lay back on the grass, slapping her forehead in frustration. "Goodness," she muttered, her eyes closed in exasperation.


Aarav walked out of the lunch spot, his heart still racing from the encounter. He carefully navigated to their next class, his mind reeling with thoughts of Adwita.

As he entered the classroom, he found a seat with a thump, his movements betraying his frustration.

"Goodness," he sighed heavily, trying to calm himself, his voice laced with exasperation. He even mumbled it again under his breath, "Goodness, what's wrong with me?" as if trying to shake off the feeling. As he sat there, He couldn't stop thinking about how she made him feel. Her touch, her voice, and her smell stayed with him. Even though he couldn't see, his other senses felt more alive when she was near. He felt happy and confused at the same time. He didn't know why he felt this way, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. Her smile, her laugh, and her playful voice kept popping into his head. He felt like she was getting closer to him, even when she wasn't around. Aarav's heart beat faster when he thought about her, but he didn't know what it meant. He just knew he couldn't ignore it.

He tried to focus on the upcoming class, but her image kept intruding. She had a way of getting under his skin, and despite his resistance, he couldn't help but feel drawn to her.


It's been a while since my last post. I'm sorry for the delay; there's so much going on in my life right now. My mother hasn't fully recovered yet, so I've been busy with household chores and dealing with academic pressure. I hope you understand.

I had a lot of fun writing this

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