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Draco easily fell asleep that night and quickly drifted into the world of his dream.

Draco's POV(dream)

I was in the dark room again. Surrounded by nothing but darkness until I heard a noise. A shuffle. I turn around to see the two boys again. My heartbeat quickens and I try to get a better look at their faces attempting to remember who they were. The tall tan boy's hair stuck up in all directions. The blond boy was looking dreamily up at the ravenette. The tall Boy stepped closer and wrapped his arms around the blond. Their lips locked together and I stood there stunned. I watched as the blond draped his arms around the tall boy's waist while the tall boy ran his fingers through the blonds hair. The two kissed passionately leaving me with nothing left to do but stare. I could feel butterflies in my stomach and I felt the need to be held just as the blond was. Just then I feel arms wrap around me pulling me down. Terror floods through my body but I can't escape. Soon the ravenette is in front of me. I feel my cheeks redden. Who is he? He leans forward and I feel his lips on mine. I'm overwhelmed with emotions. Then... nothing, darkness. I am alone.

Harry's POV(dream)

I was in the sky. On a broom I think. It was nearly dark. The sun was setting. It was beautiful. I could feel the wind in my hair. I looked around for a bit. I saw someone. They were further away so I couldn't make out their face. They came closer and I could see them grin. They looked so happy. I couldn't help but smile. I don't even know who they are but I was filled with euphoria. I can't explain it. They smiled so big and I laughed. They leaned over and grabbed my hand. Their hand was soft and smooth. It was familiar and soothing. I know I was dream but I craved for the feeling. Never had I felt like this. It was so... nice. I can't even explain it. The rest of the dream melts together in a swirl of beautiful emotions.

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