My anger could always be reduced by using a simple tactic: going for a stroll.
I'd done brain research- I'd written essays about how fresh air and walking alone can clear the mind of harsh emotions and replace them with calm ones.
Of course, barely anyone believed me.
That's beside the point.
I let out a long exhale, emptying my mind of the stress and irritation it held.
I turned at the sound of my best friend's familiar voice.
"Hey, Loki," I responded. The prince appeared nervous and slightly irritated.
"Tell me, Elin," he stated annoyedly, "Do you- do you truly love my brother?"
His question knocked me off-guard. "Er- well... I-I'm not sure yet,"
He nodded, quizzical. "And you haven't told him otherwise?"
"Well... no... no, I haven't," I answered, beginning to get defensive.
"That- little- pardon my language-" Loki cursed quietly.
I cautiously studied him as he stormed to my side, muttering to himself angrily.
"What is it?" I asked, attempting to soothe him.
"Nothing," he mumbled. "Just my dear old brother,"
"Loki... tell me,"
"Oh, I couldn't," he spat. "Not if it would ruin such a loving relationship,"
"Is this my friend I'm hearing... or his jealousy?" I asked calmly.
He grew even more defensive. "I am most certainly not!"
"Loki, I've known you since we were children. I know when you're envious of your brother's success and his earnings. It's alright,"
His mood seemed to swing entirely, from defensive and irritated to calmed and ashamed.
"I'm sorry, I- you're right," he admitted. "Sometimes I am envious..." with an afternote, he added, "Very envious,"
"That seems very normal to me. You'll find a woman soon enough, don't worry," I assured him.
He glanced down at his boots. "I believe I have,"
"Oooh, what's she like?" I prodded, always one for royal gossip.
"She... she's smart and caring..." he stated quietly. "She makes me laugh,"
"All good qualities," I prompted.
"She likes to read and study,"
"Now you're a smart one- get yourself a woman who can read and you're all set,"
Loki snorted in reply.
"I don't suppose you'll give me a name?" I asked hopefully.
"Oh, no," he responded quickly. "No, I'd rather not,"
I grinned. "She doesn't know that you love her, does she?"
Loki shook his head, glancing towards his feet again.
"You should tell her!" I exclaimed.
"It's not that simple," Loki told me softly. "She's engaged and her fiance knows that I love her,"
"Oh," my heart dropped and the finding of his heartbreak. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked,"
"No, no, I get it, you were curious," he gave a small grin.
After a pause, I elbowed him playfully. His grin immediately grew larger and he elbowed me back. I smacked his arm. He smacked my shoulder with the back of his hand. I shoved him, smirking. He shoved me back. I kicked him in the shin. He attempted to kick me back, but I dodged and shoved him again.
He seemed to sense that I wanted to start a playful fistfight and apparently was not in the mood to satisfy me. Instead, he wrapped his arms around my midsection from the side and began to tickle my most vulnerable spot.
"Ah! Stop- stop- hey! Cheater-" I laughed, yanking against his strong hold.
"How is this cheating?" he asked, smugly watching me struggle, thrashing around and bumping into his chest every once in a while.
"You- stop- this- NOW!" I demanded through breathless giggles.
"Mmm, I don't think I will," he replied airily.
"I thought- we- we were- f-friends!"
"Yes, and that is literally the only reason I can do this,"
"Well, if we weren't best friends this would be completely inappropriate," he smirked and attacked a different spot, causing me to nearly double over.
"S-stop!" I exclaimed, unable to put a cap on my maniacal laughter.
"Not until you yield,"
"I y-yield!"
Suddenly, Loki stopped. I let out a huge sigh of relief and gulped down the crisp air.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"I'm f-fine," I answered breathlessly.
We began to walk again. He removed his arms from me and held them at his sides. After a moment, they flew together, his left hand picking at the palm of his right, a nervous tic for him.
"You're... anxious?" I questioned.
His hands immediately flung apart. He scowled and replied roughly, "Yes,"
"Don't tell my brother about that,"
"Why not? And I won't tell, I promise,"
"Because he already isn't particularly happy with me, and he can be quite... possessive,"
"I see,"
"Speaking of Thor..." I stepped out, cutting him off. I examined his face a bit, checking for bruises or cuts that still remained. His face turned a light shade of pink before he smirked.
"I'm fine, Elin," he assured me.
"You sure?" I asked, reaching up and cupping his cheek with my hand, turning his face to the sides to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
"I'm fine, really,"
I sighed and stepped back to his side. "I'll take your word for it,"
We began to walk yet again. His eyes stayed trained on the cobbled pathway.
"Are you sure you're okay?" I asked, concerned. He did look stressed, but I had no clue as to why.
He nodded mutely.
"That isn't convincing," I informed him.
"I'm aware,"
"What's wrong?"
Loki sighed. "Do you love anyone that's... not my brother?"
" but I fear that one day I might, and I won't be able to marry them instead,"
Loki nodded in understanding. "Well, things can always be arranged... a woman can be a polygamist,"
I smiled at him. "Thank you, Loki, for always being so kind to me. I look forward to being your sister-in-law,"
He laughed. "Oh, you'll grow tired of me very quickly,"
"I've lived with you for so long... I think I'm used to it,"
He grinned, his eyes shining. "Oh, trust me, you'll never be used to it,"
"Speaking of that, I can't trust a word you say," I nudged him.
He smirked. "That too,"
A voice barked at my best friend from behind us.
We both turned to find Thor, looking mildly angry.
"Yes, brother?" Loki asked, portraying a calm expression.
"I was just looking for you," Thor said in a harsh sort of tone.
"Whatever for?"
"I need to speak with you,"
Loki let out a sigh, starting for his brother.
"Wait, one sec," I interjected, grabbing Loki's shoulder and yanking him back. He turned his head slightly.
"If he hurts you-" I began in a low voice, but he yanked his shoulder out of my grasp.
"I'll be fine," he hissed, then strode over to his brother and walked away without saying goodbye.
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